Get the Nokia 900 or wait for Apollo Nokia phone?

I've recently been having this argument with myself. I am a Radar 4G user and im very happy wth it, but I have really been thinking a lot lately about getting the 900. I am mainly interested in the larger screen and better ffc,

I decided that I would rather hold off on the slight upgrade now and get an Apollo device that is a larger upgrade. Hopefully with multi-core CPU, NFC, and higher rez screen around 4.5. If I didn't already have a great WP7.5 device though it would be a much harder choice.

If I didn't, I would just get whatever felt right for a good price, then just enjoy it and flip it for a new device if need be later. However if you already have a good WP7.5 device, I would just hold out for a bit and see what happens.

Sent from my Radar 4G using Board Express

Yeah if I had a Titan I probably might wait on the 900. Well I doubt that but it'd at least be a harder decision. Right now though I'm on an arrive, and I'm sufficiently convinced that I can finally ditch a hardware keyboard and I need a larger screen. The other day I had to actually edit an Excel spreadshet and the 3.7 screen was killing me.
I don't think I can honestly wait will Apollo for a new phone. I saw the Galaxy Nexus in person and the screen didn't blow my mind so I can deal with 480 X 800.
I would get it if its 99$ and upgradable to Apollo sure why not. The only thing you will be missing out on is NFC.

For 99$ you will be getting a incredible phone with a front facing camera and a 4.3 inch screen so I say sure go for it. If you keep it in good condition the re-sell value will still be pretty high.
Something at MWC about Apollo will honestly be a surprise, but I'm hoping for some kind of confirmation that current devices will get an Apollo update. If the Lumia 900 doesn't, it's dead in the water. Don't even bother.

It's true that Mango was shown off last year, and I believe Windows Phone 7.0 was first unveiled at MWC 2010. However, Windows Phone was launched in October with information about NoDo. We still have no information about Tango, so I think MWC will be focusing on that.

Oh that soon? :P The date has been set? Guess what will be out 8 months after that? I've played the waiting game too many times and been disappointed. What never disappoints though is knowing that no matter what, new stuff is coming. So just enjoy stuff now.
I think it would be lame if Apollo was not released this year, as it should arrive alongside Windows 8 for the holiday season. It's bigger than Mango, so I guess I could be wrong.

Guess what was out 12 months after the launch of Windows Phone? Mango devices - still single-core, still 480x800.

Fact of the matter is, Mango was a major iteration but brought no huge leap in hardware. Don't downplay the hardware leap in Apollo, it's unlikely to be this massive for Windows Phone 9 - if not from a pure GHz / core perspective, then from a usage perspective.

Current hardware is clearly behind the frontrunners of the Android and iOS pack, and leaves us with second-rate games (among other uses of more raw power). Once you move to a heavy-hitting dual-core Snapdragon, you're safe for a while.

Sure, you can always say quad-core will be next. But do you think quad-core will be utilised anywhere near its maximum potential within the next three years? I'm fairly certain Microsoft is hitting the ceiling in terms of optimisation with a single, outdated core. Let's wait and see what magic is performed with two.

Dude, October is so freaking far away. Using that logic one might never upgrade. Come October, we'll be hearing about the next generation of Windows Phones set to come out in Spring 2013.
My contract will be ending August this year, and I'll likely be switching to a prepaid carrier until the middle of next year, when I hope that Apollo devices will reach a reasonable price point for myself. Yes, I'll be in 2013 with an Omnia 7.

I know what it means to wait, I was using a HTC Touch until August last year. I'm not foolish enough to wait and wait and wait - but I'm wise enough to see that the Apollo specs are enough to blow the socks off the 900. The Mango specs don't blow the socks off my Omnia 7. Just because there will be another upgrade in 2013 does not mean it will be equally impacting.
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Nokia World will be in October, and just like they did in 2011 with the announcement of the Lumia 710 and 800, they will probably announce the latest iteration of Windows Phone, whatever monicker it ends up with. They were able to ship out a ton of devices in two months that was the remainder of 2011. Now Nokia has launched its North America marketing campaign, and device production for WP is now gaining momentum, you could probably expect the next iteration of WP from Nokia to be around November. Not everyone who has interest in WP will jump on the 900, and if the Apollo update has enough oomph to persuade those with some interest in WP to jump on the new phone. If your interest in the 900 isn't overly excited and giddy like me, then you could probably stand to wait another 9-10 months.
With all the people jumping out of Windows Phone (the ones that worked on it ), I'll be surprised if the 900 even comes out...

Why are all of them abandoning ship? :'(

I wouldn't read too much into that. This is very normal in the industry that people move around. Some of those guys are moving to other internal teams within Microsoft. The company is big and does a lot of stuff other than phones. Personal interest, chance for promotion, etc drive such decisions.

Microsoft is so committed to Windows Phone it's not even funny :) don't worry about it. This is not the first time they tried to enter (or recapture) a market they are not dominant in. Back in the day, people laughed at them when they tried to enter server market, now look at them. Then they laughed when they tried to enter the enterprise market, now look at them. Then they ROFL'ed at them when they entered the game console market, now look at them. Now people are laughing at them for re-entering the phone market...

Nothing fuels people in Microsoft as much as being laughed at :)
I wouldn't read too much into that. This is very normal in the industry that people move around. Some of those guys are moving to other internal teams within Microsoft. The company is big and does a lot of stuff other than phones. Personal interest, chance for promotion, etc drive such decisions.

Microsoft is so committed to Windows Phone it's not even funny :) don't worry about it. This is not the first time they tried to enter (or recapture) a market they are not dominant in. Back in the day, people laughed at them when they tried to enter server market, now look at them. Then they laughed when they tried to enter the enterprise market, now look at them. Then they ROFL'ed at them when they entered the game console market, now look at them. Now people are laughing at them for re-entering the phone market...

Nothing fuels people in Microsoft as much as being laughed at :)

Even if you buy it full price, which should be no more than $550, same as the Titan and Focus S, I bet you'll easily get half that at the end of the year which can go towards the price of a newer phone. Even the Dell Venue Pro still goes for around $200 on ebay now after 2 years, so the 900 should definitely get a good price. And there's no guarantee exactly when Apollo devices will come out, or be available on your carrier. So the wait could be even longer.

If it came to T-Mobile, I'd be on it in a flash. I say buy it, enjoy it, then sell it if something better comes along whenever.
People are making this decision a lot harder than it is.

Are you happy with what you have right now? If yes, wait until there is more info before you jump on a WP. If no, jump on a WP and do not worry. No one on these posts dislikes their WP. You won't either.
buy now, worry later. I'm getting the lumia 900 as soon as I can. When the next version of the lumia(hardware) comes out I'll get it. Yup! I'll just save a few bucks a month till
I was waiting for the first Nokia Windows Phone before jumping in. My carrier got the Optimus 7 unannounced with zero hype and I felt in love. I jumped into Windows Phone, I liked my phone enough that I knew I wasn't going to the the Nokia if it came the same year.

Then the Lumia came out and all those rumors of the ace, had me salivating. I decided to wait for the ace.

I will not wait anymore. I'm getting the 900.
Here's another small reason to get the 900. If you're on the fence about it, then do it to help Nokia knock it out of the park on opening day sales. :P Show all the naysayers.
"Two phones is absolutely not enough in the market; it's a good start, but there are new markets we need to conquer, and this [the Nokia Lumia 800 and 710] is the beginning of our portfolio."
No one on these posts dislikes their WP. You won't either.
Say what you want, but you have to think ahead with these purchases. The industry moves too fast for the two year contract system, but we're stuck with it. Hence, increased pressure to make a good decision, since you don't want to be stuck on a horribly outdated / unsupported device.

My Omnia 7 purchase was a no brainer - one year contract, dirt cheap. That's a purchase where I have no regrets, especially since Mango didn't bring anything amazing hardware-wise. Lumia 900 on launch? Not the same situation.
I'm leaning towards waiting for Apollo, there's nothing _wrong_ with my current phone (which many will laugh at, since it's a Pre 2) :)

but come windows 8, I'm all in. I love metro and use rainmeter and ominmo on my win7 machine to get "the look". I use a wp7 skin on my rooted nookcolor. can't wait for the phone. but it makes sense to me to wait for the fall.
I'm Not Waiting

I would get it if its 99$ and upgradable to Apollo sure why not. The only thing you will be missing out on is NFC.

Most feel that the Lumia 900 will have the hardware for NFC, even if the OS doesn't support it until Tango (if it is even destined for the 'States) or Apollo.

The 900 is an amazingly attractive device, for many reasons. One of which is that people in the stock-trading business are expecting Nokia to start it's rebound when it is released.

Personally, I am already seriously jonesing for Apollo, but will definitely be in line outside my local AT&T when the 900 is released.

Plus, I'm already buying Nokia shares. :cool:
I'm sitting on two iPhone 4S' (16gb & 32gb) and I plan on selling one of them when 900 comes out so I can get it to see how well I like it.

The question is with Apollo supposedly coming out next summer, is it worth picking up an unlocked Lumia 800 on ebay (preferably in white!) and waiting it out to see what Nokia releases later in the summer?

I don't want to get a phone that cant be upgraded to a new OS.
That is a good question, I mean when it is ever a good time to upgrade in tech.. The minute you buy something, something new comes out. It is just the way the game is played. I plan on buying the 900 but I also plan on upgrading again when the newer models come out but obviously that is not a very financially smart thing to do.

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