Getting on my network

x I'm tc

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Hello All,

As of yesterday, I am the proud owner of an Arrive. So far, I am pretty happy with the device.

One question I haven't answered yet is how to get on my network at work. I have searched these forums and not found a thread that is applicable.

My issue is this. My work uses a PEAP-protected network with MSCHAP-v2 authentication. When I tap on the network in the wireless screen it prompts me only for my password. On any other device, I need to feed it my username and domain as well. Any ideas how I do this? I have heard tell of needing to export my certificate, we use Equifax Secure Certificate Authority.

I really don't know how to proceed. Any advice would be much appreciated.

I would try and post your question there ... I did not know I could get on to my work network or I would have tried mine ?
let me know what you find out ..

Hello All,

As of yesterday, I am the proud owner of an Arrive. So far, I am pretty happy with the device.

One question I haven't answered yet is how to get on my network at work. I have searched these forums and not found a thread that is applicable.

My issue is this. My work uses a PEAP-protected network with MSCHAP-v2 authentication. When I tap on the network in the wireless screen it prompts me only for my password. On any other device, I need to feed it my username and domain as well. Any ideas how I do this? I have heard tell of needing to export my certificate, we use Equifax Secure Certificate Authority.

I really don't know how to proceed. Any advice would be much appreciated.

I would try and post your question there ... I did not know I could get on to my work network or I would have tried mine ?
let me know what you find out ..

I posted my question there. We shall see. A lot of people seem to have the same issue, and it seems to be resolved by exporting and emailing the certificate to the Windows Phone. I *think* I did that, but nothing has changed.

I will report back if solves anything, in the meantime, if anyone here has gotten a similar situation resolved, I would love to hear what the resolution is.
Well, that didn't take long. Here's the report:


Greetings x I'm tc, welcome to the Windows Phone forums!

WP7 only supports encryption that requires only a PSK (pre-shared key) password, not a username+password together. So unfortunately you will not be able to access your work network at this time.

This phone was designed to be a consumer device. The support for business systems will come at a later time per Microsoft.

I hope this helps!


Since one of the main reasons I left Palm was to be able to get on my work network (the Pre couldn't do it, either), this is a significant setback!
yea I know they are pushing the consumers with apple and google killing them but its coming, I wounder if you they would answer if it will be in the Mango Release coming in the fall ..
yea I know they are pushing the consumers with apple and google killing them but its coming, I wounder if you they would answer if it will be in the Mango Release coming in the fall ..

Given the state of updates, I would assume there ain't no "Mango" this year...
A followup: I have found a network where I am prompted for a username and password, so this is *not* a WP7 limitation. Still can't get on my primary work network in the office, but it turns out that in some places there is an alternative network and for some reason it prompts me. So, in certain places in the office I can get online now.

No idea what the difference is.

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