Does the surface pro 2 look like it is user upgradeable? Can users add memory or a higher capacity solid state drive to the device after they purchase it?
I forgot to check, sorry. I'll call if you want, bur I'm sure the answer is no.
Does the surface pro 2 look like it is user upgradeable? Can users add memory or a higher capacity solid state drive to the device after they purchase it?
One of my common ways of holding the RT is sticking my hand between the kickstand and the back of the tablet. I'm worried the adjustable kickstand will mess it up. See if this is still doable for me please. I hope both positions have a way of locking in place.
see if they know about further, more productive touch covers coming our way...
I was able to test the kickstands on both devices, and they seemed fine. I liked both positions. They wouldn't let me try to put it on my lap, as there was only one pro and one rt and they were wired up. And they had no music covers, just the type cover 2 and touch cover 2, in black. I liked them a lot. The tactile response was a little less than last years, which I don't like, but it became thinner and backlit, so I'm fine.
So I answered the first peoples questions.
It seems a bit sturdy if you don't apply too much pressure. If you do, it will probably go in the other position. But it doesn't go from one position to another easily, like if you tap it, it won't go, you need a bit of pressure.
Did you happen to test out the new speakers?
I wanted to see Panos, but I couldn't go the day he went to century city.
How unfortunate, shame you had to miss him.
Also, off topic, but I really love your profile pic, very nice and it's how I've come to recognize you on these here forums.
For the lap thing, I think that they might let me do it at my store, they are VERY lax about people moving around the surfaces. I'll add the info when I return.
They didn't want me to because it had a password on it, so if I turned it off, they didn't want to retype in the password.
battery life of the pro2 please.
Check out the 3d printers. Our store in SLC got one....just cool to see IRL.
Check out the 3d printers. Our store in SLC got one....just cool to see IRL.