I played a round today, noticed a few things.
1. If you are playing with the band on your lead hand, the auto tracking feature seemed to work best with the display screen on the bottom of the wrist. I am a right handed golfer and I had it on my left wrist with the display on the bottom of my wrist when I started and it tracked the auto swing very well. I then moved the display to the top of my left wrist for the next 3 holes and it stopped auto tracking my swings (probably due to the orientation of the accelorometer for tracking purposes). It seems to think I am swinging when the band sees accelorometer movement from the end of the display to the microphone side of the display (which would follow the left bottom wrist during a swing). To test out that therory, I moved the band to the top of my right wrist (chase hand in my swing) and the shot tracking worked like a champ again. Keeping in the spirit of testing, I then turned the band to the bottom of my right wrist after 3 holes and noticed the tracking stopped. For me I like to see the display like a normal watch, so I finished my round with the band on the top of my right wrist and had no issues.
2. GPS. When I started the round I locked in the GPS and stated playing. Took me a little bit to figure out to press the action button when I got to my ball to get the yardage to the green to show up. I did notice (and this may be course specific) that I only got yardage for Center and Back of the green, Front of the green yardage was always 0 (zero). While I was receiving GPS data, it was able to identify that I moved on to the next hole and changed holes for me automatically. After the 3rd hole, I seemed to have lost the GPS data, as I no longer was getting yardage to the green anytime I pressed the action button. I had to move to manual hole tracking as the band could not tell I was moving to the next hole since it was no longer receiving GPS data. It still tracked my swings without issue, just that I had to make sure I advanced the hole otherwise it would add that swing to the last holes score. My only gripe is that I could not find out why the band stopped receiving GPS data. There was no screen or options that I could look at to see how many satellites the band was receiving from. I assume it got caught in a loop of trying to validate GPS satellites and therefore drained my battery while I was playing the remaining holes. Before I reached the 16th Tee, I received the "Plug Me In" message as the batter had drained to 10% (I started with a fully charged band just before the round started).
3. I did want to try and get to the band's settings while I was in the round (for debugging purposes) and did notice that once you start the game, there is no way to get to the main screen to access other tiles without ending the round (if you can do it, I don't know how and that could be a user error issue).
I am waiting for Taylormade to get the website working so I can see what data I did get and how it will be displayed for game analysis.