Grass isn't greener on the other side

There are some claiming to be former iPhone users who posted positive reviews of the S6 Edge plus. I don't find that hard to believe, Samsung sold the most units worldwide as of Q3 last year.

I don't think numbers matter. McDonald's is the world's largest restaurant, but I doubt anyone would call it a quality one.

Clown poo..... LOL!!!!

Colourful with silly sounds, that's what it is. Truth be told, there are ways to remedy that, but you can't get it to be as elegant and sleek as Windows Mobile.
NONE of all the bullets are actual problems with android, or things that windows phone does better.
For example:
-On your windows phone lumia, did the youtube app play when you locked the screen? No, there is no such app. Also I would like to inform you that the bug that a video on the edge browser kept on playing after you locked the screen, this bug has been fixed.
-There is a windows phone launcer for android, you could try it
-You found the settings on the wp convenient?
Stop using the official youtube app and compare them! Who on earth is using them? really, except for Android users?? Third party apps very often work much better. On both my L950 and my ipad I use a 3rd party app because it works better and has background play and audio only play for videos. Who on earth would really need to use the official youtube app?? for what?
Funny and honest thread :)) I have also used a S6 Edge a few months ago and I have some points I'd like to share:
The Edge screen was useless to me, really I have not found any use for it. Contacts? what for, a swipe less for accessing a
The design of the phone is very nice.
The camera takes good photos in both lightning conditions, the photos look great until you zoom in :) or as long as you don't shoot moving objects.
The OS looks like a child's cartoon and sometimes lags.
Too much bloatware installed by Samsung.
Serious memory management problem. From the total of 3GBs of RAM 99% of the time only 700-800MB were free even though nothing was running in the background.
Battery life. Oh boy was it terrible. I mean I was used to medium battery life on my previous iphone 5S and 6, but both the S6 and S6 Edge have horrible battery life! Maybe the Edge+ having a much bigger battery is better, but these other two are simply mediocre.
Camera glass on the back is simple glass, no gorilla, no saphire and it can get scratched verrryyy easily!
Quick Charge can brick your accelerometer :))) many have had this issue when using the adaptive quick charge adapter that came with the phone. Luckily I bough a non quick charge one to prevent this.

So, I was not impressed by the S6 Edge. Besides the shiny new design, there is nothing "outstanding" at it. Nothing.
Now I am happy using my L950 with a still beta OS, with no issues at all, good battery life over a day, good RAM management, much better camera with the lens protected by GG, removable battery and SDcard support. And while is not all shiny metal and glass, it's slim and still takes enough looks from people. And about the apps, the ones I need are present in the store and work.
I agree that TouchWiz is a horrible UI. I used a Note 4 for about a month and just couldn't wrap my head around it. Android in general is about 2 steps too many for the simplest tasks compared to Windows or iOS. Even though it's still in Beta, WM10 doesn't crash as much as the "mature" Android does. To me, that's unacceptable. Don't get me started on battery life.
Actually it is. Your fault for getting a Samsung. My 6P works perfectly

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android on my Lumia 950 XL
I agree that I might have picked the worst possible Android option. How is the battery life on the 6P? The Edge+ has a battery and that is it. Take a few pictures and a couple of phone calls and it's recharge time. I can't accept that I have to charge my phone in the evening and then again during the day, which has been the case so far with the one I got.
"I don't think numbers matter. McDonald's is the world's largest restaurant, but I doubt anyone would call it a quality one."

The numbers show that more people chose Samsung-for whatever reasons-than the other OEMs.

Quality has to be defined. Many discussions about quality tend to be based upon individual preference and experience-I once worked with automotive warranty disputes and there wasn't a make out there about which someone hadn't said "I'll never buy one of those again!" I think many who eat there would consider McDonalds quality for what it is. I would also imagine they vary by location and franchise ownership.
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Here's my take.
Using an android. Very cheap one used as a backup device for any unfortunate mishaps to our main devices.
All Google apps deleted. ALL!
ClockWorkMod installed. Custom ROM installed.
Still a bit of lag. (But better than the stock fw that came with the device)
Constant crashing of eBay and apps.
Must clear cache twice a day to get device moving proper.
Installing on SD card doesn't allow all apps to move over. (Even with mobile uncle tools forced install on SD)
Chrome is slow and lags. (Using Boat browser which came installed with the custom fw. So far so good.)
How does it compare to w10m?
Being honest, its OK. Still miss live tiles and the smoothness of w10m. Cortana is better on Android. Yes. On my lumia I can hardly get local content. (I'm in the Caribbean) on the android I get all my local content. Really peeves me!
All in all w10m has a few bugs that need to be sorted. Especially the core MS apps which seem better on Android. (Cough... Cortana)
But in terms of smoothness and integration w10m all the way.
Android is simply way too buggy slow and confusing.

If I helped you, please hit the THANKS button!
Does your Cortana work on 3G/4G also? For me, it only works on WiFi and when on a cellular network, the app says that 'proxies are not supported at this time'.
I got it working, my mobile operator's automatic Internet settings had a proxy turned on by default. I removed it and now Cortana works on 3G/4G too, yay :)

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
NONE of all the bullets are actual problems with android, or things that windows phone does better.
For example:
-On your windows phone lumia, did the youtube app play when you locked the screen? No, there is no such app. Also I would like to inform you that the bug that a video on the edge browser kept on playing after you locked the screen, this bug has been fixed.

Metrotube is a much better app than youtube on Galaxy s6, and yes metrotube plays under locked screen.
I jumped ship to android from beeing a windows phone user since 7, i have a galaxy s6 its laggy and i hate the UI, static icons is baaaaad! i miss my Lumia 830 only had a galaxy for 6 days!!!!
For the first time, I am seriously considering giving Android a try. If I do, I'll be aiming for a phone with stock or nearly-stock Android. All of the skins (touchwiz, sense, etc) sound horrendous. My wife has an S5. She hates it and I hate it.

I'm looking at the Moto X 2nd Gen and Nexus 5x mostly. Does anyone have experience with the Sony Xperia line? What's the UI like? Lag? Bloatware? The Xperia Z5 Compact is set for release soon and it looks pretty slick.
For the first time, I am seriously considering giving Android a try. If I do, I'll be aiming for a phone with stock or nearly-stock Android. All of the skins (touchwiz, sense, etc) sound horrendous. My wife has an S5. She hates it and I hate it.

I'm looking at the Moto X 2nd Gen and Nexus 5x mostly. Does anyone have experience with the Sony Xperia line? What's the UI like? Lag? Bloatware? The Xperia Z5 Compact is set for release soon and it looks pretty slick.

I have heard people say that the Xperia is very close to stock Android, just Sony has some of their own add ons like their music stuff, Stamina mode (similar to battery saver). I was considering it myself, or at least the z3 compact anyway. Can I ask why the Moto X 2nd gen and not the 3rd gen?
I have ordered a 5x since that price drop is great ($299 for the 16gb model right now), and it seems like it would be good.
Is the 3rd Gen Moto X the same as the Moto X pure? If so, the 5.5" screen size is what drives me away. Too big for my taste. 5.2" is as big as I'm willing to go.
Is the 3rd Gen Moto X the same as the Moto X pure?

Yes, same device. One of my colleagues just got one, and he is over-the-moon pleased with it. But if the screen size is an issue for you, then unfortunately there's not much to do about it.

But yet, have you tried it? I've found that some Android OEMs are very good at getting more screen on smaller devices. Both Lumia and iPhones are poor in the screen-to-device size ratio. My Nexus 6, made by Motorola, has one of the highest screen-to-device size ratios of any smartphone, and it even has front facing speakers.
I may just have to see it in person. I just like that Sony is one of the only companies making a sub-5" flagship, which is why I'm drawn to the Compact.

FYI- It looks like B&H Photo is giving a $25 gift card with purchase of a Nexus 5x.

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