GRRRRR!!!... W10 Fall Update

John, I updated my desktop PC last night and experienced the same exact problem. Desktop image and start screen image was a black screen. A "critical error" message popped up about the start screen not working. If you find a solution for this problem, please let me know. Thanks!

Same here! Difference is I never got a "critical error" message, just the black screen. I ended up reverting to Windows 8.1 after every other fix failed and I am really nervous about even attempting to install 10 again.
after fall update the speakers don't work. When I try to restart it went into a boot loop and finally got it to load wind0ws but still no sound.
Not just any PC, I'm comparing "multiple " Windows devices (10+), right now I'm fairing a tad better than the initial install of W10 months back, down to a 65-70% failure rate w/Fall Update compared to my previous 90%. Pretty disappointed we are going through a similar routine considering 10 was already installed and each had their bios/drivers/etc. supposedly updated to be W10 compatible, in some case the upgrade turfs certain drivers and makes one research/reinstall to rectify, not quite getting that mentality? Yeah and some say not MS fault, sure.

I think one of my main beefs is the fact, in my case, W10 has been a friggin pain getting it to install and to top that off, little if any info is relayed as to why, you can usually work with something if it is there but when it is not, highly unlikely.

Windows device means any old pc running windows 10. A more fair comparison would be seeing how it goes on surface pro tablets or surface book, the only hardware ms actually makes.
Guys I made it with update. A tip for those who have small storage tablets: Reset your device to factory settings. It will help you a lot. Then download the update to a USB and along with your SD card help you will make it. And of course after the update delete the old version of Windows and you will have about 6 gigabyte of storage.

P.S) I notice that after the update the tablet doesn't rotate the screen. I search for the icon of lock screen in action center and it wasn't there. Also the drivers were on device manager. I uninstall them and install them again and still no rotation. Any of you have this problem? If yes does anyone solve it?
You can simply skip where it asks you for a key (It asks for it twice). Once you log in on your MS account. It will automatically activate. (If it is the same machine and was activated before.)

As I had mentioned it does not have the skip button... Anyway I reinstalled 1240 from my cm activated it and updated it through windows update all fine now. But it just means I used up around 5-gb for this update alone and at least two days of tension
I'm just about to give up on W 10. while I am able to download Upgrade to Windows 10 Home, version 1511, 10586, it will not install. I have asked 5 friends with old and new machines, they all say 10586 fails to install. I had issues when I bought office 365 both times installing and installing the update. I needed support to take over my machine to do whatever they had to do to to make it happen. I'm sorry when a software company creates software that even their own software has no idea what to to with it. I had high hopes this 10586 update would fix a whole lot of glitches, however 10586 is just another glitch.
I'm a avid fan of MS, with a lumia icon, surface2, and of course my PC. Sad to see MS destroying my enthusiasm for their product.

Very frustrated
Sorry Emi, I would think that being a computer wizard would be a prerequisite to use MSFT software and OS. I would not think that downloading an update needs a degree on computer science. Sorry for the snark, however your experience seems to be in the minority.

Bottom line MSFT product, MSFT's responsibility. Poor record, poor sales.
For PC with plenty of RAM and space, upgrades usually go smooth.

My experience with the Intel Compute Stick which is clamoured to be compatible with 10586 is an utter disgrace, so count your blessings.

All my other devices did indeed upgrade uneventfully (Acer W500, W700, Macbook Air, Dell Dimension 9600...)

I would suggest those who experience intractable problems to revert to 10240 th1 or Win 8.1 until MS and Intel get their act together.
Well there you go...

The Windows 10 Media Creation Tool no longer has the November build 10586 files

Microsoft has now confirmed they have removed the files in a statement sent to Windows Central from a spokesperson:

"The November update was originally available via the MCT tool, but we've decided that future installs should be through Windows Update. People can still download Windows 10 using the MCT tool if they wish. The November update will be delivered via Windows Update."

Not impressed with MSs "we giveth, we taketh" approach as of the past few months, just tells me they are having a tough time “getting it right” in regards to W10 including the mobile version, and as I’ve stated previously, a stark contrast compared to previous OSs.
It is because the 10586 th2 install wizard is a monumental flop, so they fell back on providing offline installs to 10240 th1 instead, this is an admission of guilt, if any.

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