GRRRRR!!!... W10 Fall Update

3pcs with ZERO issues. Calm..... Dont post literally hours from an official release saying its a failure or you have problems, thus its a failure. 24hrs after any update release is my rule, hasnt failed me in years.

Since I'm basing my experiences mostly off the install(s) and not the access to the file(s) not sure where time would have made any difference, highly doubtful MS tweaked the OS in 2+ days. As for the OTA method, that too has never really been an issue (access wise), the lack of its successful installation has, that just might be about to change though as my Acer tablet appears to be headed for positive upgrade :winktongue:... Gonna feel like Walmart with their price cuts LOL.

Sadly first go was a fail for my Acer tablet (OTA), gonna have to babysit it now as couldn't reference anything indicating why the install was unsuccessful:unhappy:

Second time the charm, only took approx. 4.5 hours to successfully upgrade (OTA) compared to several weeks last time :amaze:, guess things aren't quite as bad as before LOL but we're not finished yet.
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Um, previous versions of Windows provided drivers w/some components also having standard, “generic” drivers, allowed for a successful install, enough so that the user once up and running could A: use Windows update to update their drivers or, B: go to manufactures site and download latest drivers, from what I am experiencing in some cases MS failed to include any or anything that worked... You knew that right?
YES ...

the information you crave is @ the Windows10 update page. Not every pc / laptop / tablet is setup the same, perhaps some proprietary peripherals are causing the issue. Apps / processes running in the background (or foreground) won't be upgradeable, ...

There could be a hundred reasons WHY your upgrades are failing - I'd imagine you have some special circumstances.

... and 9 PCs does seem a tad excessive
Since I'm basing my experiences mostly off the install(s) and not the access to the file(s) not sure where time would have made any difference, highly doubtful MS tweaked the OS in 2+ days. As for the OTA method, that too has never really been an issue (access wise), the lack of its successful installation has, that just might be about to change though as my Acer tablet appears to be headed for positive upgrade :winktongue:... Gonna feel like Walmart with their price cuts LOL.

Sigh... it was in regards to waiting to download it for 24hrs due to server congestion. NO, they wouldnt have changed anything in 24hrs.
YES ...

the information you crave is @ the Windows10 update page. Not every pc / laptop / tablet is setup the same, perhaps some proprietary peripherals are causing the issue. Apps / processes running in the background (or foreground) won't be upgradeable, ...

There could be a hundred reasons WHY your upgrades are failing - I'd imagine you have some special circumstances.

... and 9 PCs does seem a tad excessive

Totally aware not every PC is the same yet it still begs the questions… “Why were previous OSs so forgiving compared to W10?”. The last time I can remember having major upgrade/install issues was with Vista (on one PC only), and rarely have I waited more than a couple of days before upgrading to the latest OS either.

The majority of my hardware is from varying manufactures (Acer/Asus/HP/Lenovo/Samsung/Toshiba) so we are not talking one brand here, i5 or better, 6 gigs ram or better, AMD or Nvidia dedicated graphics with the odd Intel onboard, SSDs, nothing I’d consider having special circumstances, you'd think there'd be no issues with the majority in that one try is all it takes.

It’s more than 9 but do agree with the excessive part LOL. The thing is, they do not all get used that much and none are left on continuously (lights out when not in use), and every one is kept fully up-to-date in every aspect, as a matter of fact, on most the OS would be considered freshly updated or installed to a degree since W10 first became RTM. I am very meticulous about keeping my devices in tip top running order and one would be hard-pressed to hard to find any better maintained systems… Maybe my nemesis?

Having so many devices, for me anyways, just solidifies my thinking that MS kind of missed the boat somewhat with W10, maybe they chose to forgo supporting anything (out of the box) 1.5 years and older... My 8+ year old Toshiba (A200-TJ9) though was the only lappy in round one to be error and trouble free, strange but true, haven’t bothered to introduced it to the Fall Update yet.

Have to throw this in as it seem pretty prevalent when scouting forums for solutions... Many attribute installation problems with 3rd party software, manly firewalls/antivirus (have not encounter an occurrence where that was the case but understand it), for many years now I've only relied on MSs offerings and have no complaints so far.
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I can't even upgrade my 32 GB tablet. I only have 3 GB of free space and an SD card. When I select the SD card for the upgrade. It still tells me that I need 3.66 GB on the C. drive.

This is beyond aggravating. Why ask for an SD card if you're only going to tell me you still need the C: drive. This has to be a bug.
I can't even upgrade my 32 GB tablet. I only have 3 GB of free space and an SD card. When I select the SD card for the upgrade. It still tells me that I need 3.66 GB on the C. drive.

This is beyond aggravating. Why ask for an SD card if you're only going to tell me you still need the C: drive. This has to be a bug.

Sounds like you are definitely on the edge as far as storage space goes, sadly what it says and what it wants are usually two different things, anyway for you to free up some space by backing up files to another device?.

My Acer tablet is of the 64GB variety w/32+ gigs available so space isn't my issue, went with the OTA update, still waiting to see what ensues on the second attempt but at this point and time it is not looking too promising (SUCCESS).
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It is what I was thinking about here.

Thanks for linking your thread, however in that thread you are specifically referring to the launch and this particular thread is about the fall update.

In regards to which, I have updated via Windows Update (on Saturday) and the only issues I have noticed was that while it was updating I was connected to the internet and it had downloaded buggy display & touch pad drivers. So I had to delete these drivers and install the ones I already had (I keep all my drivers in a separate flash drive).

So far so so good.
10586 has been fine for me on -

HP Stream 7
HP 8440p Elitebook
HP Envy X2 hybrid
Acer Revo R3600 nettop
Self-assembled PC (Intel Quad Q6600 era)

When I get time, I'll do my HP N54L micro-server

Before doing the HP kit, I used HP Support Assistant to make sure BIOS etc. were up-to-date.
Hi guys. I read all of your posts and I saw that tablets has problems with storage and the update. The update downloaded well on my laptop (Acer Aspire 5732Z) but my Surftab wintron 8.0 can't update due to storage limitations. The tablet itself has 13 gigabyte of storage and i have free only the 3 of em. I have also an SD card of 32 gigabyte to help the device. I delete every app photo etc from drive C:/ also i disable one drive from my device, i delete the update history, i delete the backup files and i still can't update the tablet cause of storage limitations. My question is:
Is there any possibilities to upload? If no, is there a way to re-install windows on the tablet and take the update? Any response is appreciated. Thank you
The tablet itself has 13 gigabyte of storage and i have free only the 3 of em

When you run Disk Clean-up, also click the 'Clean up system files' button to give the option of removing old windows installs which take Gb
I already did that. But it didn't release much space. Do you think that is good to clean install them with USB?
Same here. I could upgrade from Windows 8 to 10 with little problem, and cannot install a freaking update. Why the does it offer the opportunity to use a different drive, when it's not going to use it?
Same here. I could upgrade from Windows 8 to 10 with little problem, and cannot install a freaking update. Why the does it offer the opportunity to use a different drive, when it's not going to use it?

Well i guess it gives the drive for download the file but surely needs the C:/ drive for install it. The problem is that the OS of Windows 10 is big enough. almost 10 gigabytes with the built in programs. That's nuts. I hope for a fix for that.
ISOs, clean install, file clean up driver updates etc. are all well an good for those that are willing to tinker to be on the cutting edge (?) latest and greatest (?). Microsoft wants Windows 10 to be on a billion machines in the near future. This kind of dickering around won't appeal to the masses. MS initiated this Windows as a service and it should just work. Widespread adoption will not occur if users need to spend half a day resetting, researching and reconfiguring their computers to work. This is not to say that minor bugs will not occur, that is to be expected with almost any software particularly new software. once the glitches are apparent though the fixes should be swift and easy. A caveat to this is at some point backward compatibility cannot be expected with all older hardware.
Updated my gaming laptop on Friday and the process was smooth as butter. Took a long time, but still, no hiccups.
ISOs, clean install, file clean up driver updates etc. are all well an good for those that are willing to tinker to be on the cutting edge (?) latest and greatest (?). Microsoft wants Windows 10 to be on a billion machines in the near future. This kind of dickering around won't appeal to the masses. MS initiated this Windows as a service and it should just work. Widespread adoption will not occur if users need to spend half a day resetting, researching and reconfiguring their computers to work. This is not to say that minor bugs will not occur, that is to be expected with almost any software particularly new software. once the glitches are apparent though the fixes should be swift and easy. A caveat to this is at some point backward compatibility cannot be expected with all older hardware.

I've had no issues with the installing the fall update on my Surface and laptop via Windows update or my desktop via the media creation tool... None of them are clean installs.
I ended up using the ISO to update my desktop PC. I got anxious as Windows Update wasn't finding the update yet. By using this method, everything went nice and smooth here.
I updated my 8.1 laptop to 10 using ISO earlier. But now when I am doing the fall update with ISO, it asked for product key. I have tried using my 8.1 key without luck and there is no skip option. Did you face similar issues?
After scrapping literally everything I've could from tablet, the update finally installed, but my version is 10586.0, and not 10586.3, like on my PC. Is there a difference?
Did take for ever, had to manually boot desktop. Happy to report all seems well and WMI is running properly which it did not on 10240.

I do think though that many consumers will be frustrated doing what many of us had to do to get it up and running right.

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