Yes I do. Deleted everything from it, turned off virtual memory, and could scrap about 5.3 GBs of space. The MCT worked that way, with my SD card being the additional storage space for the upgrde.
Have you cleared all your temp folders as well manually?
Disc cleanup isn't goung to do that properly. You have to go to users/app data/local folder to locate your temp folder, and empy it. Lots of leftovers are still in the app date folder, you have to delete everything, that seems redundant.
Hearing you loud and clear, I'm still reeling having to go through a repeat affair just as when we upgraded to W10 initially, you'd think with build 10240 already installed and bios/drivers/etc. previously updated for W10 compatibility, this Fall Update would be breeze, guess that was too much to ask for. I too have noticed instances were devices or drivers are being thrown to the curb even though they were fine in previous build, not sure what's the deal with that, not going to be smiling if this trend continues with other builds.
As for Apple and going by my personal experience, no, got some older hardware in that category (older than most of my PCs), so far peachy keen and a much more satisfying process... Just updated my MacBook Pro to Yosemite, took only a third of the time to upgrade compared to may fastest PC, there wasn't an ounce of digging afterwards to bring it back to it's previous functioning state.
Quit spreading the Apple FUD. Yosemite has had all kinds of problems. A quick check of the internet shows that there have been problems with every OSX upgrade. You seem to think if you have a problem, everyone ahs a problem. And, if you have no problems with an upgrade, no one does.
as some of you had said i downloaded the ISO. But when i ran the ISO it asks me for WIndows Key (No Skip option) and neither of the keys (windows 8.1 and WIndows 10 keys) are accepted. if there is anyway you could help please help.
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Thanks for linking your thread, however in that thread you are specifically referring to the launch and this particular thread is about the fall update.
You clearly implied that no one would have problems upgrading OSX, when clearly many people do and always have. I have dealt with far more Apple products than you ever will. I run a high school Mac lab and we have had many problems with WiFi, freezes, upgrades, etc. And the big selling point to Macs is that they make the hardware and the software so there will be no problems. Rubbish. Once again, stop the FUD.Sorry if I hurt your feelings but I?m basing everything off ?my? REAL world experiences and not solely on what "I" read, these are ?my? opinions and "mine" only.
Furthermore, we own enough of both that we are not basing ?my" opinions off one instance or outcome, not sure what you expect me to say if in ?my" experiences one fairs better than the other, ?one? in saying MS or Apple.
I'm assuming you are trying to a fresh install here, wiping files, programs etc.?
Did you "upgrade" to W10 at some point previously as that is the prerequisite, otherwise it's unlikely you will be able to successfully activate after a fresh install?
My understanding is that upon upgrading the info pertaining to your PC is uploaded to the cloud, after that it should recognise said PC via online after doing a complete refresh.
1. I had upgraded windows 8.1 to windows 10 before everything was fine and I retrieved the keys of both version (its SIngle language edition).
2. When i try to update (to fall update) the windows update reaches 94% (not sure) and says error. So i downloaded the ISO version of the update through the Media Creation Tool (i didnt click the upgrade button).
3. I extracted the ISO and started installing when the screen i had posted above asked me for the windows key. both the cases the keys of either 8.1 or 10 is not accepted and there is no option for skipping the dialogue box. (tried many times all same result)
4. So i create a bootable USb and boot from there when I tried to upgrade from the bootup version it says something like... the media installation has started please restart your computer normally after pulling out the USb drive and continue the installation... (which does not lead me anywhere or am i missing something in this regard)
5. i then now fresh installed the windows 10 threshold2. on the process i found that the 'pro' and 'home' versions were there. SO i chose the Home version as my computer was home single language version. now when it asked me for the windows key the keys i have did not work... so i said i do not have product key and continued with the installation by formatting the C drive fully.
6. Now It does not want to be activated in everyway possible i tried. online, phone... and the curious thing is that. when i entered my windows key (w10 key) for activation at this time.. it gives me error code = 0xc004f014
7. I talked to Microsoft rep. who said he could not help me. So i am back to square 1