[Guide] De-branding AT&T Nokia Lumia 635/**820**

Thanks for this method! I was able to get WDRT to work using the tmobile firmware, but is there a way using the thor2 commandline tool to flash the AT&T firmware? It looks like it is still failing because it is doing some sort of check.

I'm debranded! Thanks so much for the guide. I'd also like to take part in the Windows 10 Insider Preview and may need the option to restore. I'm trying make the necessary changes so I can use WDRT like I have in the past, but what am I supposed to type for "[name of firmware file previously downloaded].ffu"? Thanks!

Using ATT Lumia 635
The AT&T Lumia 640 GoPhone seems a no-go at this time. I have tried several valid combinations that should have invoked an upgrade, but the phone is always up to date. I even changed the firmware revision and OS revisions to a lower number. They must be checking something else instead of, or in addition to the model name and operator name.

I did at least stumble across the setting that causes the AT&T logo and turned that off. HKLM\SYSTEM\Shell\OEM\BootScreens\WPBootScreenOverride
The main problem with the ATT 640 is that it's so new and for all practical purposes EOL. The only firmware newer than what comes on it are Tmobile and MetroPCS, neither of which are available OTA because they've never been updated since initial release, and probably never will be. Our only hope seems to be if one of the latin American variants ever gets an update at a higher version number.
Well Microsoft has been promoting the 640 as WM10 ready in the US. I don't see a reason why AT&T would not be provisioning the update for its variant. I guess time will tell.
Lets hope your right. AT&T is notorious for pushing updates well after the fact.

I've still got my 3 cheapie 640s from the black friday BBuy sale.

I found a 635 from T-mobile at a store marked down to $29 last august and its running the unbranded NAM firmware now. I'd like to get one of the EMEA ROMs loaded like I do with my dual sim LTE 640.
Hello, I am having a little trouble doing the product code change in my Lumia 635 ATT. I followed all the tutorial, debranded, flashed a new rom, got updates and everything went really fine (Thanks in advance). But in order to be able to use Windoes Recovery again, I was trying to do the procedure to chance the phone product code to match the rom I flashed and at time to try to execute the Thor2, the program windows shows up and inmediatly closes so I have no chance to perform the change code action. Does someone here knows how to fix this?

Thanks a lot for this guide.


Note: My PC is in Windows 10
Hello, I am having a little trouble doing the product code change in my Lumia 635 ATT. I followed all the tutorial, debranded, flashed a new rom, got updates and everything went really fine (Thanks in advance). But in order to be able to use Windoes Recovery again, I was trying to do the procedure to chance the phone product code to match the rom I flashed and at time to try to execute the Thor2, the program windows shows up and inmediatly closes so I have no chance to perform the change code action. Does someone here knows how to fix this?

Thanks a lot for this guide.


Note: My PC is in Windows 10
You're doing this from the command line? (note the [brackets] mean you should substitute the correct values here)
thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "[name of firmware file previously downloaded].ffu" -productcodeupdate [059xxxx] -skip_flash
You're doing this from the command line? (note the [brackets] mean you should substitute the correct values here)
thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "[name of firmware file previously downloaded].ffu" -productcodeupdate [059xxxx] -skip_flash

Hi, you mean I just have to open a comand line without executing Thor2? I mean, in the pc go to the programs, open comand line, paste thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "[name of firmware file previously downloaded].ffu" -productcodeupdate [059xxxx] -skip_flash
and that is? I am not too experienced in Windows .

Thanks a lot
Yes, thor2 is not a gui program, you have to execute from the command line. Be sure to put in the correct values for your ffu file and the 059xxxx product code.
Hello my friend. I did all the process as you describe in order to change the product code and get an error as follows:
unknown argument -skipflash
Argument (s) missing.
Thanks a lot my friend. Now I was able to run the comand but got this error now:
Unable to parse FFU file. File open failed
programming operation failed!
Unable to parse FFU file. File open failed, Error code: 2
Operation took about 19.00 seconds.
THOR2 exited with error code 2228224 (0x220000)

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