GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+GDR3

Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

Do you have visual C++ 2005 installed in your sysyem? If no, please try uninstalling NCS, installing Visual C++ Redistribute 2005 (link) and then re-install NCS

That actually worked! Thanks so much, I'll get to flashing and see how that works out.
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

Now I'm feeling really stupid, but...I'm getting an error when I try to download my country variant. It keeps saying Access denied. Verify credentials. I followed the steps exactly, replacing the .cfg file, extracting the pre-portico file, then opening NCS and looking for my country variant. I really can't believe I'm running into so many problems.
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

Hey everyone,
I have a quick question. I'm trying to flash my ATT white Lumia 920 to the Rogers white variant. Does anyone know the product code? I checked the list but didn't find it.

Also, I found a list of RM-820 variants here, you should be able to spot the white Rogers variant. I think it's this one, but you can browse yourself:

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Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

Hi again, so I solved a few problems as I was going along, and hopefully this helps with anyone using the guide. Apparently I needed a different version of NCS, which I found here: ...:: Download official Nokia firmware without Navifirm+ ::.. - GSM-Forum

Also, it appears that at step 3, when you install the specific country variants, it is imperative that you flash the pre-portico version before you download the country variant, otherwise the AT&T version won't support anything else. From there, you can proceed with the other steps. I'm still in the process of updating the phone, but I think I'm in the clear right now. Thanks so much for posting this!
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

when i click download after punching my product says verify credentials...please help
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

Flashed my att lumia 920 with rogers firmware..
but it doesnt move forward from 'checking for updates'
what do i do now?
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

Flashed my att lumia 920 with rogers firmware..
but it doesnt move forward from 'checking for updates'
what do i do now?

Try the following:

1. Make sure you are in a place where you have a good wi-fi connection with strong range
2. Set the date and time correctly on the phone
3. Make sure wifi is not cutting out when phone is checking for update by preventing the screen from timing out by touching on the screen every few minutes while the update check is happening
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

So I just ordered 2 920's from at&t...

If i flash the rogers rom will it enable ICS?

i have unlimited data grandfathered in so i wont be switching to a share plan.

has anyone tried this?

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Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber


I have a small question here. I am trying to flash my Lumia 920 RM-821 VAR EURO 1 GB EE SL Black (basically EE phone which I have got unlocked and am using it in India). Since everyone knows that EE is still in approval stage for the Amber and GDR2 updates, I want to flash my phone to Indian version and get the updates. I followed the guide lines and while I was just checking for the download firmware option in the Nokia Care suite, I have entered the product code which you have specified (059R2B8) and got the software version - 1232.5957.1308.0001. Well I am a bit skeptical here as all the GDR2/Amber updates have software versions starting with "30xx.xxxx.xxxx". Also, my default product code shows me something similar to "30xx.xxxx.xxxx".

I want to confirm whether the version which I am getting on the Indian product code is GDR2/Amber or not? (please find attached the screenshots of both the versions)

Amber Indian version.jpgAmber Original version.jpg
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

Can some one please reply, I am stuck and waiting for someone's guidance before updating.

Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

Can some one please reply, I am stuck and waiting for someone's guidance before updating.


The firmware you are getting from Navifirm (1308) is Portico and not GDR2
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

The firmware you are getting from Navifirm (1308) is Portico and not GDR2

I am using NCS, so how to proceed now?

Also one more question, as I am already on RM-821 do I still have to download RM-820 as specified here or is there a different way, which I should follow?
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

the download firmware option in the Nokia Care suite, I have entered the product code which you have specified (059R2B8) and got the software version - 1232.5957.1308.0001. Well I am a bit skeptical here as all the GDR2/Amber updates have software versions starting with "30xx.xxxx.xxxx". Also, my default product code shows me something similar to "30xx.xxxx.xxxx".

I want to confirm whether the version which I am getting on the Indian product code is GDR2/Amber or not? (please find attached the screenshots of both the versions)


Just to recap;

AND it will enable you to get the official GD2+Amber update, IF amber is released for the Country whose rom you are going to flash. You can check if amber is released for a country by going to this page - and select your continent on left pane, then search for the Country whose rom you are going to flash. In the row of Lumia 920, under COUNTRY VARIANT, if Lumia Amber Update is shown as AVAILABLE, then you will end up with GDR2 Amber after following this guide, else you will end up with GDR1 Portico and will have to wait for GDR 2 release in that country.

An example pic below, I checked for India and Amber is listed as AVAILBALE, so after following this tutorial, I would end up with GDR2+Amber

View attachment 41809

At this stage, if the Country Variant ROM you flashed was GDR2 ROM, you will be in stock GDR2. If not you will be in Portico - in my case, I was in portico.

It does not matter if Indian GDR2 rom is not showing up in NCS, GDR2 is available OTA - flash the indian portico rom, after that, check for OTA updates and it will install stock gdr2 without amber -- to install amber use sysapppusher to update all system apps (it's mentioned in the guide)

I am using NCS, so how to proceed now?

Also one more question, as I am already on RM-821 do I still have to download RM-820 as specified here or is there a different way, which I should follow?

If you have an rm-821, no need to download and flash RM-820 rogers pre-portico ROM - you can directly flash the Indian ROM from NCS
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

When I pull down the drop box from the sign in menu in Nokia Suite I don't get the option for CareSuite External. Is there something that has not installed correctly? I've followed the guidelines step by step but this has not shown up.

Any help would be appreciated!
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

I am not able to download the firmware as the product support tool throws an error "access is denied. verify credentials". I have tried multiple .cfg files with no luck. Can someone please help me with this?
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

iam getting same error but doesnt solve by the solution he has writen

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