GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+GDR3

Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

I got the same error when trying to install the unbranded RM-821 to my Lumia 920 RM-820.


What ROM is your 920 currently running on? If it is on AT&T rom, you will have to flash it with rogers pre-portico first before flashing an rm-821 rom. If you are on the rogers rom, you will need to have dev preview on the phone before flashing an rm-821 rom
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Not true, hold volume up at the Retry screen when plugging phone in to force it into flash mode.
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Hey guys and girls...
I flash my L920 on november/2013...
(ok.. I'm writing this 03/09/2014)

I just want to give a feedback of what happen...
At the first time I really enjoy to flash my device, cause I didn't need to wait AT&T updates, no logo boot, no AT&T apps, get data sense and have a "clean reset"
I live in Brazil, so 4G is different from the world, so I really wanted to know if 4G is going to work.
I tested some month on 3G plans, and everything was OK, but 2 month ago, I switch to 4G plan, and then I see the problem:
  • GPS - My GPS is ok. working fine, but it doesn't update when I'm moving (on foot, by car, etc.) I have to exit the app and open again so it can update. (before flashing it wasn't like that);
  • Side buttons (power, c?mera, vol+/-) - I don't know what happen, but ONLY power and c?mera buttons stopping working. So, I can't reboot my phone, or have quick access to c?mera. I opened and tested. I think it is flex cable, so I already bought new one.. I'll fix it!; :smile:
  • flash, I have no ideia whats is going on too. I download 2 apps (one to lock my phone, and another one to reboot), so when it happen, I reboot and it Works fine again;
  • 4G, I change my plan to 4G, and it is not working 4G on my phone... that's sucks!; :unhappy:

Well.. that's all guys, if one of you also have those problem, let me know...
I don't think those problem are because flashing, but when WP8.1 release, I will backup my entire phone and reset it.
I want to know if all get working back.
If don't, I'll switch my phone to L1020 or L929(Not Lumia Icon, but a global variant of it)
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Hi Games Goblin,

Thanks for creating this great thread, and sorry for the necro of it :)

Was looking for some advise please; I have a red AT&T unlocked 920 and was wondering if there is an English non-carrier USA/North American firmware I could use to flash it? Or would I have to go for the Rogers firmware as being the closest I can find? And if the Rogers firmware is the best option, can I get their latest version to flash with instead of the pre-Portica ROM you listed in your thread?

Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Hi Games Goblin,

Thanks for creating this great thread, and sorry for the necro of it :)

Was looking for some advise please; I have a red AT&T unlocked 920 and was wondering if there is an English non-carrier USA/North American firmware I could use to flash it? Or would I have to go for the Rogers firmware as being the closest I can find? And if the Rogers firmware is the best option, can I get their latest version to flash with instead of the pre-Portica ROM you listed in your thread?



If my memory serves me correctly, there is no unbranded firmware for the lumia 920 in North America as it was an AT&T phone in the US and a rogers one in Canada.

I think you should go for the Rogers ROM if you want to switch over from the AT&T ROM.

You will have to flash the pre-portico ROM first as described in the guide as it's an exploit to flash a non ATT rom. After flashing per portico, update the phone through settings menu all the way to gdr3+black and then do a factory reset and after the phone first boots up, connect to WiFi and do a full restore

Other country ROMs may work on ATT LTE, but the Rogers ROM is guarenteed to work with ATT and T-Mobile

Posted via the WPC App for Android!
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

I got my 920 today and was able to flash it from ATT to Rogers without issue. I'm installing updates now but I can seem to download other ROM's off of Nokia servers using navifirm. Anyone else having access issues?
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official GDR2+Amber

hello, i am Nasim Ahmed from Bangladesh . first, thank you for your nice tech ideas. i have a black Nokia lumia 920 at&t and i want to use that in Bangladesh. with the above process, can i use it any network in Bangladesh.
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Hi Games,

Im not sure if the same has been answered by you earlier, but if so please just share the link instead of repeating yourself.

i flashed from at&t to india some months back and have all the latest updates. but as it was mentioned it doesnt support 4g as of now.

I am from karnataka and here vodafone will be most probably going directly from 2g to 4g as that is the bandwith they have bought. i wanted to know is there any way to enable 4g? or will some automatic update or changes take place once vodafone launches and i use a 4g sim once its launched? or flashing it all over again to Rodgers ROM is the only option?

please advice. thanks again!
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

hello, i am Nasim Ahmed from Bangladesh . first, thank you for your nice tech ideas. i have a black Nokia lumia 920 at&t and i want to use that in Bangladesh. with the above process, can i use it any network in Bangladesh.

First, your 920 must be SIM unlocked to use in Bangladesh. If it is unlocked, you can use it in Bangladesh with the stock AT&T rom itself. If you fancy flashing a country variant ROM, you would get the benefits I have mentioned at the start of the guide.

i flashed from at&t to india some months back and have all the latest updates. but as it was mentioned it doesnt support 4g as of now.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the 920 will not support 4G/LTE in India, even if it is running on a ROM which has 4G option. This is because India has TDD-LTE on 2300mHz band - the 920 does not support this band (refer gsmarena) - if you want to have a 4G ROM, you could try flashing it to a country variant rom which has 4G. I'm not sure if it's possible to flash back the rm-820 rogers rom; you could try flashing a country variant rm-821 rom which has LTE support (UK country variant perhaps?)
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Thanks Games.

So i guess the only way i can use anything faster than a 2g in Bangalore will be to shift to Airtel as Vodafone doesnt have 3g in bangalore.. Painful decision.
Thanks anyways!
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Hi, I would like to turn my phone to international variant because en-us lang is blocked and I can't get cortana on wp8.1
It seems Nokia blocked the capability of the phone to apply en-us (i can get en-uk or Canada but no US).
The thing is I am already on wp8.1, am I still able to install a RM821 rom and then get wp8.1
I mean, even if I am able to install a wp8 versi?n since I'm on wp8.1
will I be able to install wp8.1 again? because they stoped the dev preview, but maybe since I installed it before I'll be able to do it again, idk.
Going from WP8.1 to WP8 is possible ? can it brick my device ?
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

can i flashed my phone directly from at&t custom rom RM 820 to BD RM821.
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Thanks Games.So i guess the only way i can use anything faster than a 2g in Bangalore will be to shift to Airtel as Vodafone doesnt have 3g in bangalore.. Painful decision.Thanks anyways!

You could buy a portable 4G router which support the TDD-LTE 2300mHz band and then put voodafone sim in it and use.

I would like to turn my phone to international variant because en-us lang is blocked and I can't get cortana on wp8.1
It seems Nokia blocked the capability of the phone to apply en-us (i can get en-uk or Canada but no US).
The thing is I am already on wp8.1, am I still able to install a RM821 rom and then get wp8.1
I mean, even if I am able to install a wp8 versi?n since I'm on wp8.1
will I be able to install wp8.1 again? because they stoped the dev preview, but maybe since I installed it before I'll be able to do it again, idk.
Going from WP8.1 to WP8 is possible ? can it brick my device ?

If you are on an rm-821 rom, you can flash another 821 rom straight away - already having 8.1 should not be a problem. I didn't know that they stopped dev preview - if this is the case, then you might not be able to install dev preview once you go back to windows phone 8

can i flashed my phone directly from at&t custom rom RM 820 to BD RM821.

as far as I know, you will have to flash the rm-820 rogers rom first (as per the guide)
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

The instructions say: "(in top right of product support tool for store, the drop down list should show “USB - RM-820” or something similar)"

When I plug the phone into my computer, it shows up as a Windows Phone in the File Explorer. However, I do not see the "USB- RM-820" showing anywhere. Are you sure you mean top right?

What have I done wrong?
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

The instructions say: "(in top right of product support tool for store, the drop down list should show “USB - RM-820” or something similar)"

When I plug the phone into my computer, it shows up as a Windows Phone in the File Explorer. However, I do not see the "USB- RM-820" showing anywhere. Are you sure you mean top right?

What have I done wrong?

If your phone shows up in File explorer, nothing to worry about, you are doing it right and can continue following the guide
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Ok, I got it work. It's a timing thing, it's kinda like doing the plug/unplug trick with WP7 and Zune to force the update.

I think the guide should read top LEFT though, as you mean it will show up in the field that usually says "no connection", Correct?
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

I think the guide should read top LEFT though, as you mean it will show up in the field that usually says "no connection", Correct?

Oops, yup you are right about that. Corrected! Thanks for spotting it.
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

Hi Games,

I am in India and 'am using an UNLOCKED AT&T Lumia 920 with Black update. I wish to flash to RM-821 for India. Two questions:
1. Can I still use your guide as it is to flash Indian RM-821 (the guide says AT&T pre GDR3 update Lumia 920)?
2. Will flashing Indian RM-821 still enable me to automatically receive the Windows 8.1 update as and when it's rolled out in India?

I have a more basic question. Since my Lumia 920 is already unlocked, data tethering etc. is already working, however, data sense is not there. Since mine is unlocked AT&T Lumia 920 on which I can install and run India specific apps as well, should I still update the RM-821 or wait for AT&T to roll out Windows 8.1 update? I am confused, your direction will be of real help.

Thanks a ton in advance.
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Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

1. Can I still use your guide as it is to flash Indian RM-821 (the guide says AT&T pre GDR3 update Lumia 920)?

Even though I have not tried it - yes, this guide should work for you even if you are on Lumia Black - follow the guide step by step

2. Will flashing Indian RM-821 still enable me to automatically receive the Windows 8.1 update as and when it's rolled out in India?

Yes, once you flash an Indian rm-821 rom, you will receive the 8.1 update when it is released in India (just like an Indian 920 would)

should I still update the RM-821 or wait for AT&T to roll out Windows 8.1 update? I am confused, your direction will be of real help.

I recommend you go ahead and flash the Indian RM-821 ROM, mainly because country variant lumias (like Indian 920s) are usually among the first to receive updates - plus you will have all the features like data sense etc and no fear of AT&T removing features in future updates.
Re: GUIDE: Flash and Convert AT&T Lumia 920 to Indian (or other Country) 920 w/official Lumia Black+

hi games
first I have to thanks for your tutorial.
in the next, I have to say my device is lumia 820 for at&t and RM-824, and the way you mentioned above is not available for me.
but I have found this link that show all ROM for my device.
my current product number is : 059M0F3
and I've tried to flash to product code No : 059S0N1 VAR MX CV which is country variant and it's for Mexic.
but the flash procedure goes wrong by the following error :
"0xFA001304: Platform ID check fails. Reason(s): The FFU file is not meant for this product. The platform ID of image does not match with platform ID of the device."
Already my device is unlocked and I'm using it on non-at&t operator service.
can you advice me a way to find a country variant ROM for flash this device?
I have to add this problems to what you've mention in first post :
1- there is no option for message delivery in message setting
2- there is no option for changing map save location to SD card
with regards
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