Have you ever wished you could go back to using a dumbphone?

If it had cellular then maybe. I gave up on my SP3 because I rarely got a good WiFi outside work or home. Kind of became a redundant device.

Sent from mTalk

True. WiFi, depending on where you live, can be great OS spotty.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Disagree and think I'm nuts? That's OK, maybe you can recommend a good therapist. ??????

I don't think you are nuts at all. While it was technically a smart phone, I would love to have a 4G capable version of my BB Bold 9930. Keyboard, Weather, Excellent Phone, Minimal Apps (yes, I'd still want BBOS 7.x), and long battery life. It can even be had without a camera (Gov't Agency Edition). I loved my bold and it is still the best phone I have had. If it had been capable of using SD cards larger than 32GB, I would have never upgraded (my music collection grew too large).

Sign me up!

Battery life is the big thing I miss from the old days of mobiles, and honestly even these supposedly "dumb" phones now still have access to the internet and the like so you're not really missing out on that much anyway.
That would be great, dumb guy (me), on a dumb phone! I'd never find home again ":^)
I know, you think I've lost my mind. Hear me out - just for fun!

I'm tired of Google and the likes interfering with my life.
I'm tired of needing an app for everything.
I'm tired of having to charge my phone every night.
I'm tired of feeling I have to check my email every 5 minutes.
I'm tired of phones getting bigger and bigger!

With the move away from desktops, and mobile devices that can do most everything a desktop can (think SP4 which isn't difficult to carry where you need it), wouldn't it be nice to have the device you carry 24/7 just be for calls, texting, maybe weather, etc.? Just think how more enjoyable life could be.

Need to do banking? How about doing it on your laptop when you get home.
Want to surf the web? Your SP4 is the perfect choice (its in your backpack)
Need to make an important phone call? Guess what? Your battery isn't nearly dead!

Though I love this hobby, trying new features, arguing whether WM is dead, I long for a simpler way.

Agree with me? Lets hear your thoughts.

Disagree and think I'm nuts? That's OK, maybe you can recommend a good therapist. ??????

I agree 100%. I actually manage the wireless department for a fortune 10 company and i say it probably once a day "I wish I could just go back to a flip phone" The first cell phone i ever loved was the Motorola Startec and then the Motorola Razor. It was a great phone.

I have 4 kids and i am constantly telling myself to put my smartphone away so that i can play with them or help them with their homework.

I do yearn for a basic future
I tried that some months ago, then I had to carry a backpack with a Laptop, a Camera, a Map, a yellow-pages directory, a flashlight, a Nintendo 3DS, etc etc. So, no practical at all.
However, I do know that the big problems we're facing today are the Social Networks. Remove Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram.. bla bla bla.. from you Smartphone, and you'll find yourself using it only for the necessary stuff.
I know, you think I've lost my mind. Hear me out - just for fun!

I'm tired of Google and the likes interfering with my life.
I'm tired of needing an app for everything.
I'm tired of having to charge my phone every night.
I'm tired of feeling I have to check my email every 5 minutes.
I'm tired of phones getting bigger and bigger!

With the move away from desktops, and mobile devices that can do most everything a desktop can (think SP4 which isn't difficult to carry where you need it), wouldn't it be nice to have the device you carry 24/7 just be for calls, texting, maybe weather, etc.? Just think how more enjoyable life could be.

Need to do banking? How about doing it on your laptop when you get home.
Want to surf the web? Your SP4 is the perfect choice (its in your backpack)
Need to make an important phone call? Guess what? Your battery isn't nearly dead!

Though I love this hobby, trying new features, arguing whether WM is dead, I long for a simpler way.

Agree with me? Lets hear your thoughts.

Disagree and think I'm nuts? That's OK, maybe you can recommend a good therapist. ??????

I totally understand the sentiment and I don't think you need a therapist at all. I have seen numerous threads like this online and in many the OP will often be confronted for even suggesting the very idea of using a dumbphone etc. The reacton suggests it's almost as if they assume the OP has decided to become a complete Luddite and is about to call for a ban on Smartphones. There are quite a lot of people who are getting technology fatigue and it's always good to have a friendly discussion even if it's just to vent.

This is why I'm glad I'm not into games. It's bad enough as it is with a smartphone, with games I'd probably end up with the thing glued to my head permanently :grin: I try to keep everything to a minimum on mine ie no email for instance and stuff that there is no need to be done right away, I keep strictly to my desktop. I mean do I really need an insurance app for something I do once every six months/year etc. Of course with a smartphone, just like the Borg, it's hard not to get sucked along and "assimilated" in general.
Give me a 3310 (2017) with 3G (4G would be nice though) and I'll switch back to a dumbphone.
You know this phone interested me as a backup phone until the moment I read it was 2G only. This suggests to me that this is really just more of a PR device to create hype in the hope it will get their Android devices noticed.
I would just really love an updated Nokia N79. Put the newest camera in it, put a beefier processor, and maybe just throw in Android on it with a touchless interface (I want to use buttons again!), and I'd be good to go. Maybe throw some of that Supernova series flare on it. Oh man, that would be awesome.
I've already planned that as my "exit strategy". If Windows 10 phones keep getting worse (or disappear altogether) I've already decided I'll just switch to a feature phone that has tethering capability. I almost always have my Surface Pro 3 with me, so if I need anything above texting/email I could just whip out the SP3 and get things done. Right now, I still rely on my Lumia 1020 because Windows Phone 8 is, for me, infinitely better and faster. As long is it still holds a charge, I'll continue using it. I continue testing the latest W10M builds on my waste-of-money Lumia 950, but it just continues to depress me.
i rarely use apps, and dont use the internet, or gps features on my windows 7.8 phone anyways.
maybe i take 50 pictures in a year.

basically, i text and make phone calls, and use the Zune music player.

that what a phone is to me.

so, yes, it would be easy to switch. i'm practically there.

[ dad still uses a flip phone, brother uses a feature phone, and mom
uses a 2 year old android phone... so everyone in the family uses a
phone that just works for them ... no point in upgrading to anything
current, or expensive]..

i've spent $80 on 2 windows phone in the last 4 years.. 1 replacement
LG optimus windows 7 phone off amazon for $40, and my previous
phone of the same type which i still use as a music player

I have been using a Nokia 216 for the last week to evaluates whether I need a smart phone all the time. So my Lumia 950 is on "tablet" duties on WiFi all the time. My Sim card is in the Nokia. I can do Facebook and Twitter through the very basic Opera browser. I can subscribe to the rss feeds from sites like this. The phone has had no glitches what so ever. I am going to use it for at least a month. Even though 2g the web pages download quite quick as they are heavily compressed. I have dropped my tariff to 100MB as well. The wife is happy as I don't stay on my phone all evening. In replying to this I did use my "tablet" 😀
Used a dumb phone when on a business trip (that was the device I rented so my colleagues could call me). The only thing I really missed from that was a better camera, and that's about all.
If there was a compelling enough "dumb" smartphone out there I guess I could get by on it. Don't think I'd miss much else aside from telegram maybe.
Oh and the old phones had stellar battery lives compared to what we have now. For all the advances smartphones and constant internet have brought us, I still miss the simple days.
Oh my goodness - I had to laugh so hard reading through this thread! I sometimes would like to go back to my old "dumb" flip phone from 10 years ago.
I've actually tried going back to using a dumbphone on more than one occasion, most recently, a Samsung Gravity TXT with slide-out QWERTY keyboard.

You may be shocked to learn that the world didn't end and it was actually a refreshing, enlightening experience. I was forced to actually observe and connect with the world around me and the people in it.

The challenge I ran into was that, at a bare minimum, I wanted to be able to make phone calls and send texts. And unfortunately, most (if not all) dumbphones do not support group SMS, only broadcast SMS. Meaning you cannot have a conversation via text with more than one person at a time. Lack of group SMS capability is, unfortunately, is the one deal-breaker for me when it comes to dumbphones, because there are times when it is absolutely essential that I have a text conversation with 2+ people at the same time.

But everything else I can absolutely accomplish on a tablet, laptop, or desktop.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs never left his dumb phone (NCIS reference).
I could easily go back to a dumb phone and I find flip-phones appealing because there was never any butt-dialing. I don't care about apps and I mainly use my phone for calls and SMS. I rarely check Facebook when I'm out and about so I could go back to doing that on a tablet (less eye strain, too) while I watch TV.
I have been using a Nokia 216 for the last week to evaluates whether I need a smart phone all the time. So my Lumia 950 is on "tablet" duties on WiFi all the time. My Sim card is in the Nokia. I can do Facebook and Twitter through the very basic Opera browser. I can subscribe to the rss feeds from sites like this. The phone has had no glitches what so ever. I am going to use it for at least a month. Even though 2g the web pages download quite quick as they are heavily compressed. I have dropped my tariff to 100MB as well. The wife is happy as I don't stay on my phone all evening. In replying to this I did use my "tablet" 😀

Are you outside the U.S. because I thought all the U.S. carriers dropped 2g?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

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