HD7's Pink Issue


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Feb 21, 2011
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Good day.

I've had my HD7 for a few weeks now and the most annoying part of the whole experience is the pink-hue issue with the camera/pictures. I don't see a mention of it here in the forums and I've cruised TMobile's and HTC's sites and see people discuss it but no mention of a solution.

I'm very, very tempted to get rid of this phone simply because of this single issue. (And please, this isn't a flaming rant on how dare Microsoft/HTC/TMobile not get it perfect the first time and I'm going to run rampant and pillage their homes because my very existence is ruined because of this...lol)

Everything about the WP7 and its social integration is awesome but when it comes to sharing quickly captured, key moments, it seems to come with a pink cast of disappointment.

That all said, anyone hear/know of a coming firmware/software fix??



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Jan 30, 2011
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Good day.

I've had my HD7 for a few weeks now and the most annoying part of the whole experience is the pink-hue issue with the camera/pictures. I don't see a mention of it here in the forums and I've cruised TMobile's and HTC's sites and see people discuss it but no mention of a solution.

I'm very, very tempted to get rid of this phone simply because of this single issue. (And please, this isn't a flaming rant on how dare Microsoft/HTC/TMobile not get it perfect the first time and I'm going to run rampant and pillage their homes because my very existence is ruined because of this...lol)

Everything about the WP7 and its social integration is awesome but when it comes to sharing quickly captured, key moments, it seems to come with a pink cast of disappointment.

That all said, anyone hear/know of a coming firmware/software fix??


You know what? I've gone through elaborate testing with two HD7's and I have found something a bit interesting, taking pictures in plain day of something white (or anything else for that matter) it comes out very good I like the quality. Now, at night or low light situations, where the camera needs to use flash, I found two major issues for picture taking lovers like me (not completely photographer happy as I dont have a dedicated camera, I like 5mp just fine). 1st issue: pictures taken too close with the flash completely overexposes the picture (well not completely but enough to make it look like crap lol) 2nd: is the famous "pink" issue, when taking a picture far enough to not overexpose it, if there are any whites in the shot they will turn out "pink". Now here's the funny part combine a little bit of both issues and it comes out fine lol; what I mean is take the picture close enough to the white object and it comes out fine. Well anyways those are just the observations I made. I believe if HTC and Microsoft work together they can make an HD7 exclusive fix/patch for the camera to adjust for the coloring of the flash, through these observations I've made, it seems to be the flash that causes the "pink hue".


New member
Feb 21, 2011
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I would almost entirely agree with you but I've also taken pictures in very good light conditions without the flash on and it still has a pink/magenta hue.

Appreciate the response. ;)

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