Help me choosing colour for lumia 720

Ronak Vegda

New member
May 21, 2013

i m gonna buy new lumia 720 as this is one of the best looking smartphone around the our world.can u please help me to choose a colour .
red or yellow or white .. i liked yellow .:love:
Ya yellow is fine....
I guess ronak , you are an indian....
If so then i would like to tell you that the colours can be even changed afterwards i.e the back cover can be changed and only for 300 ₹ u can go for yellow....and even if u don't like it afterwards ,you can get another colour back cover and that too for just 300 bucks....
Peace on you
Well, white is matte, so it's a pain to clean...but it suits a lot of accent colors on Windows Phone.

Yellow will clash with a lot of accent colors unless you put a case on it, but where's the fun in that?

Take a leaf out of my book and pick what your heart desires. From my experience, 90% of your decisions will be right if you do that. The other 10% is love :)
Ya yellow is fine....
I guess ronak , you are an indian....
If so then i would like to tell you that the colours can be even changed afterwards i.e the back cover can be changed and only for 300 ₹ u can go for yellow....and even if u don't like it afterwards ,you can get another colour back cover and that too for just 300 bucks....
Peace on you
in case of 720 back covers cant be changed
Go for yellow, i also have white lumia 720 but the problem is it is glossy and it attracts scratches on its back. You have to use case to prevent it from scratches and it adds bulk to phone. So, i suggest you yellow and also you like this colour. My friend also has red lumia 720 but everybody teases him about what colour he has chosen.

And it is a unibody that means you cannot change or remove back case as in other lumia.
Since I had a few Lumia 720's as I had to return a few due to dead on arrival, I've had the chance to play with the red, cyan and yellow. Only the cyan I really liked. The red is too soft and comes across as cheap for me, the yellow is too bright and was fun the first 10 minutes, after that it became annoying. White is pretty though. Still I wouldn't trade in the cyan for anything. It just has so much more character to it.
To the OP, what's your favorite color of all the colors available for the Lumia 720? Personally, I really love the yellow Lumias (although I have a black 920).
I have a black one (call me conservative) and a cyan and red Nokia CC - 1057 case. Phone came with black wireless shell and charger but personally I find the wireless shell rather too smooth and slippery.
Sir, I own Lumia 720 (white) and i want to customize it like covers, cases. Either i want to change my phone color. kindly suggest me one of the best option.

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