Hey Cortana! English only?


New member
Dec 20, 2012
Hi I've running the latest dev buildings including denim. Cortana works for my country in an Alpha version (German). But under setting's the Hey Cortana say's to me not available in your language and region. I think it's US only?
Yes, currently it's limited to English only. Hopefully it gets other languages soon.

I think there was an article about it a couple days ago? I don't fully recall, but sorry to be a bearer of bad news.
Thanks for the info. I just flashed my 930 to CV DK because I can't wait for Denim. Too bad this is not available for Germany yet, but again Cortana is also still Alpha for Germany so hope it gets added later!
Hmm that's bad. I don't understand why this is US only you can say "hey Cortana" in every language.
Hmm that's bad. I don't understand why this is US only you can say "hey Cortana" in every language.

This kind of stuff is starting to get under my skin. So many features are locked to countries rather than to the device's language setting, as it should be. If I ever leave WP, MS heavily restricting features based on political borders will be one of the reasons.

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