High res photo does not show on my Nokia Lumia 930

Jul 27, 2013
Help. I have a Nokia Lumia 930. I transferred High Res photo from phone to comp and then transfer those photos back to the phone in another folder. But my phone cannot detect/does not show/find those photos. And yes, I tried the Nokia Camera/option/settings/Find photos and videos shot with Nokia Camera thing as well. Still my phone cannot detect the high res photos. Help.
1) Nope here means you used the camera setting workaround and still your phone does not show the high res photos, am I correct?
2) Where did you get the file manager app?
1) Nope means I tried to retrieve high res. photos using Find photos and videos shot with lumia Camera, yet they are not showing in photos. (Actually it's lumia camera classic)
Update - I don't know if it's possible to retrieve them by doing this, cause photos always preview only the 5mp image.
2) As Eusty said, you can find number of file manager apps in the store. I'm using files by MS.
No, I am talking about seeing High res photo thumbnails in the phone's Photo app. I don't want to use other apps to see the high res photo. Right now, if I copy the high res photos to my comp, and re copy it back to my phone, my phone no longer shows the thumbnails for the high res photos (even though I used the Nokia Camera/option/settings/Find photos and videos shot with Nokia Camera thing as well).
If you are shooting 5MP jpg + 16MP jpg (16;9) or 5MP jpg + 19MP jpg (4:3) then each and every pic has 4 files, not 2.

WP_YYYYMMDD_HH_MM_SS_and one of 4 extensions. This breaks down to WP for Windows Phone/The Year in 4 digits/The Month in 4 digits/The Date in 4 digits (or date and then month under certain Region formats)/The Hour in 2 digits/The Minutes in 2 digits/and The Seconds in 2 digits.

So if I take a picture right now I get WP_20141007_10_30_27, the local date and time I'm writing this...

One pic makes the following files:
  • WP_20141007_10_30_27_Pro.jpg
  • WP_20141007_10_30_27_Pro.mp4.thm
  • WP_20141007_10_30_27_Pro.mp4.tnl
  • WP_20141007_10_30_27_Pro_highres.jpg

​The 5MP is the first file and the 16(19)MP is the fourth, obviously. The second ending .thm is the animated Living Image. The third file is the one I want to ask about. The file that ends in .tnl is the thumbnail data for the package...

Are you stripping out the .tnl file from the Camera Roll???

Maybe you are/Maybe you are not... I'm pretty sure the .tnl points to the .thm file by default and then once the Living Image rolls out it puts up the 5MP by default.

At a guess if you want just the 16(19)MP pic to show you need to edit the .tnl file.

Off Topic: Did you know you can put the .thm files on your computer and edit off the ending in Properties so it says WP_YYYYMMDD_HH_MM_SS_Pro.mp4 and the Living Image now plays in your favorite video player?
Rumor, I did not strip off the tnl file (I don't even know such file exist!). How to make the tnl file appear, edit it by using what programme and edit it INTO what?

Wphashan! I found a workaround but very, very tedious.
1) Use the Files app to locate the high res photos and upload all of them into OneDrive.
2) Use the Photo app (the one you always use to view your photo and already comes with the Nokia phone), go to the OneDrive album, save it to the Saved Pictures folder.
You must have internet connection for this and upload every single high res photo you want. Tedious.
Why can't Nokia make the High res photo appear as soon as I copy and paste the high res photos back to my phone? Gggrrrr..
You see the four formats on each pic when connected to a PC and using File Browser.

I would not suggest editing the .tnl (thumbnail info) unless you are an advanced user and that is not me! I can not answer those questions.

I'm just trying to give some background and explain WHY you can't just go to view of High Res on your Lumia.

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