how about a community built keyboard dictionary app??


New member
Sep 3, 2013
So the windows phone keyboard has a nice option of letting us add new words to it(using the + symbol in the word suggestion) which is great.. but i was wondering if we could take it further?? Sort of like a wikipedia of custom words

So could we have the ability that the keyboard receives daily updates to its word database from a portal (like say india portal for indian language words, chinese one for chinese words and so on). This portal will be built and maintained & moderated by words submitted by windows phone users. Every time we use a new word, we could have the option of uploading the same to the portal so others could use it as well. This way we could come up with a very useful and up to date database for use by all. Would make using the keyboard much more intuitive. what say?

the app could also add trending words from current news to be even more intuitive.
i'm not sure whether such a thing already exists or is available in other platforms... just an idea so sharing it...
Hmm. I don't think this is currently possible on Windows Phone, considering that we can't even have custom keyboards.

However, your concept is quite nice. I was hoping for an even better keyboard - and what better way than to crowdsource it!
Arunabh, where you've seen the possibility to add new words to dictionary? Can you offer a more detailed walk-through?.
Wandering Traveler i think if we make enough noise about it, someone(either MS themselves or a developer) wil surely hear about it :) , Ktysai i was refering to the autocorrect option that is there in the keyboard. if u type a word that it doesn't recognize it underlines it in Red, if u click on it, a few suggestions pop up including one which has a + sign ahead of it. if u click on it, the word is stored in the dictionary for future.. attaching a screenshot.wp_ss_20130915_0001[1].png
Thanks, Arunabh! I haven't seen the possibility until you've mention it.

I would love the possibility to put some words first in the queue or even to remove some words.
no problem Ktysai.. though i'm not sure if you can remove words from the keyboard suggestion pane... i think if you use a word often enough, it will automatically pop up first among the list of suggestions.. this feature has been since the Nokia non-querty feature phone days..there it will auto-fill the words that u use the most out of a combination of possible words..

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