Surface Products, A message for Microsoft investors

john clove

New member
Mar 29, 2017
I got my surface pro 4 in 2015, I love it and still use it, though I wish they would improve the accuracy of its onscreen keyboard.

What I want is for more people to be able to afford the surface pro line.
So why can't microsoft , Satya, blackrock or vanguard, whoever it is that makes vital decisions, drop their prices, This could easily be done by simplifying the surface line say to 2 models in the pro line and 2 in the surface go line. I.e make just i7 surfaces and 1 additional model with 5g .Surely by simplifying the range it can reduce overheads significantly, then bring the prices down to average laptop prices, this would then allow Microsoft to dominate the market much as apple did, but with a far superior product that the surface is. Do not preach to me about manufacturing costs as after being in retail all my life I have seen buying prices of computer products and am fully aware of the massive profits that can be made. Maybe Microsoft could bring all its manufacturing under one roof,under the Microsoft name I'm sure the investors have enough resources to do this. I really think it's time to stop dithering and go in there with all guns blazing,
The surface pro is an amazing Quality product, they should bite the bullet, invest and conquer !
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Nice Suggestion... You are absolutely right that most of the surface series have onscreen keyboard problems. Hoping that Microsoft take notice and fix this issue.

I suggest Microsoft to lower their prices on surface series with windows 10 because now Windows 11 is launched...

Hoping that Microsoft will notice our suggestion and take some positive action...
You're missing the point of Surface. They're primarily intended to be premium "aspirational" devices to showcase new form factors. The goal is for OEM partners to buy into the ideas and then to mass-produce their own spin on the devices. MS does not want to, and they aren't positioned to, directly compete with Lenovo, HP, Dell, and all the other PC manufacturers MS relies upon to sell MS software and licenses.
I got my surface pro 4 in 2015, I love it and still use it, though I wish they would improve the accuracy of its onscreen keyboard.

What I want is for more people to be able to afford the surface pro line.
So why can't microsoft , Satya, blackrock or vanguard, whoever it is that makes vital decisions, drop their prices, This could easily be done by simplifying the surface line say to 2 models in the pro line and 2 in the surface go line. I.e make just i7 surfaces and 1 additional model with 5g .Surely by simplifying the range it can reduce overheads significantly, then bring the prices down to average laptop prices, this would then allow Microsoft to dominate the market much as apple did, but with a far superior product that the surface is. Do not preach to me about manufacturing costs as after being in retail all my life I have seen buying prices of computer products and am fully aware of the massive profits that can be made. Maybe Microsoft could bring all its manufacturing under one roof,under the Microsoft name I'm sure the investors have enough resources to do this. I really think it's time to stop dithering and go in there with all guns blazing,
The surface pro is an amazing Quality product, they should bite the bullet, invest and conquer !
I suggest Microsoft to lower their prices on surface series with windows 10 because now Windows 11 is launched...

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