How do I add downloaded music to phone Zune?


New member
Feb 2, 2015
How to add downloaded music to phone zune

So my phone is an old piece of crap but i can't afford to replace it. The charging port is completely broken. I have a wall charger and a spare battery that i switch between to keep it going, but i haven't been able to add new music to it and it has been driving me nuts.

So i found a loophole: I emailed myself the files and downloaded them on my phone. It worked. i can tap any single song from the email and it will play on loop, that one song.

I can't figure out how to add them to zune or make them add-able to the playlists.

How do i do this?
Re: How to add downloaded music to phone zune

If you are on Windows Phone 7.x then there is a wireless sync feature in Zune which would sync your phone media to Zune on the network. If you are on Windows Phone 8.x then you can always use bluetooth to transfer songs over
I'm using Mango, so 7, and the problem with that is, i have to be able to connect it to the computer to set up the wireless sync on this network. Since i can't do that, i'm at a loss for what to do.

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