How do you use these keys?


New member
Apr 6, 2007
Just curious... how do you use the Ctrl, Fn, Alt keys? The top row buttons do not require the Fn key press to function.

So far, I have found Alt-tab for jumping between open apps and Fn key to operate the numeric keys but strangely the num-lock key achieves the same result.

Read the user manual but failed to find anything.
CTRL's always useful for copy/cut/paste. ;)

I rarely use function, and use ALT for ALT-TAB. That's mostly it...
ditto to the first two responses.. plenty of copy and paste (especially when typing a txt message.. it's faster to type in word, notepad, or onenote.. copy the entire message with ctrl+a and ctrl+c/x and paste it into the txt msg with ctrl+v than it is to type it into the txt msg box itself.. it's a pain.. but it works).

I take a lot of notes in outline form and find that fn+page up/page dn is useful for scrolling throu the notes and even long lists of emails, contacts, etc.
I take a lot of notes in outline form and find that fn+page up/page dn is useful for scrolling throu the notes and even long lists of emails, contacts, etc.

Oooh, I forgot about page up/down. I use that all the time, as well as home/end.

I guess I do use the function button for something. :D
Besides the uses of the Fn key that have already been mentioned, another good use is to hit Fn + RF (the red stylized R logo key) which will bring up a dialog showing you the firmware version on your REDFLY as well as MAC address, etc.

Another option that is not well known is that you can simultaneously hit both the buttons on the bottom of the Touch Pad and that will change your cursor into the 5-way navigation mechanism that is present on many phones. Unfortunately some users found that if they closed the cover on the REDFLY just so, they activated this functionality without meaning to, and it was confusing when they then saw this different cursor. So in our next release we have changed the keyboard mappings so that you get this functionality by selecting Fn + 5 (not the FN5 button-the actual number 5 key) so that this can only be explicitly enabled.

There are other super secret things you can do with the function key, but of course they wouldn't be secret if I told you about them.

Okay, mostly kidding about that last part, but there are features that we plan to provide in future releases that will take more advantage of this key.


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY
There are other super secret things you can do with the function key, but of course they wouldn't be secret if I told you about them.

Okay, mostly kidding about that last part, but there are features that we plan to provide in future releases that will take more advantage of this key.


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY

OH!! An Easter egg hunt! I think this deserves a thread of it's own! ;)
Besides the uses of the Fn key that have already been mentioned, another good use is to hit Fn + RF (the red stylized R logo key) which will bring up a dialog showing you the firmware version on your REDFLY as well as MAC address, etc.

Another option that is not well known is that you can simultaneously hit both the buttons on the bottom of the Touch Pad and that will change your cursor into the 5-way navigation mechanism that is present on many phones. Unfortunately some users found that if they closed the cover on the REDFLY just so, they activated this functionality without meaning to, and it was confusing when they then saw this different cursor. So in our next release we have changed the keyboard mappings so that you get this functionality by selecting Fn + 5 (not the FN5 button-the actual number 5 key) so that this can only be explicitly enabled.

There are other super secret things you can do with the function key, but of course they wouldn't be secret if I told you about them.

Okay, mostly kidding about that last part, but there are features that we plan to provide in future releases that will take more advantage of this key.


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY

Thanks Laurie. Your participation in this forum definately has brought lots more insight into Redfly and make the product more exciting.

Re keyboard usage, it would be great if there are more flexibilities to allow users to map their own keys or make it work with other key mapping tools like AEbuttons. :)

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