How long is MS going to make us wait for Lumia Camera?

I tried the trick and worked but from time to time it tells me I'm not on Demin when I am. Guess gotta wait for the Canadian one. But other than that it works fine.
I found out that the video is better than Nokia Camera, Lumia Classic etc because Video added a exposure compensation dial. I also found out if I don't use another camera after using the "new" Lumia Camera the trick stays. Sometimes that doesn't even effect new Lumia but that the only thing I found that does when the phone is on. I have a feeling turning it off will need the trick to open it but not if I don't use another camera and not always.
I noticed that reframing in Lumia Camera is very inconsistent it worked
for 1/2 dozen fotos but now only allows edit, share or delete.
Nokia Camera not a problem
Monday, december 22 and again no Lumia camera for 830. What a surprise. :D

Microsoft is based out of Redmond washington. They are just barely getting into their offices right now. I think its too early to say at the moment
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Microsoft is based out of California. They are just barely getting into their offices right now. I think its too early to say at the moment
Ok, it's 16:30 in the middle of Europe. I thought the team from Microsoft mobile from Finland is behind Lumia camera.
To tell you the truth, I'm not sure of who is in charge of what with Microsoft anymore. The big heads are all based out of redmond washington As far as I know, and they would be the ones to give the nod. It is 8:37 am where I am, so that puts Redmond at 7:37 am. The typical American work day starts around 8:00 am
To be honest, I think the phone is going to require some type of software update for Lumia Camera to work correctly. Since I was able to download Lumia Camera on my 830 using the trick, it works but it's missing features. It keeps complaining I don't have Denim when I DO have denim (on my 830). Makes me think there's a small updated needed to get the full functionality.

Or I could be wrong and Lumia Camera needs an update... we'll see...
From twitter. I asked about availability of Lumia camera.
@martin_cimbura We have consulted this w/ the relevant team. Once we have info to share, we'll keep you posted. ^AD
I think now it's clear that 830 gets another update because the OS number is lower than the one in devices that got Denim now.
But Microsoft doesn't give a s**t about us 830 users, so I don't think we'll get this update this year.
But Microsoft doesn't give a s**t about us 830 users, so I don't think we'll get this update this year.

Its not up to Microsoft now, they have released the firmware to the carriers, its up to them to get it out to us.
I am asking about the update constantly thrice a week @Lumia, @LumiaHelp and @LumiaIndia on twitter, from the past 2 months. But those bastards are behaving like deaf and dumb. Either they reply with their copy-paste job 'SoooooN' or won't reply at all...��
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Its not up to Microsoft now, they have released the firmware to the carriers, its up to them to get it out to us.

WTF... But some countries (like India etc.,) doesn't have career restrictions at all. So why they are not releasing update for those atleast?
I am asking about the update constantly thrice a week @Lumia, @LumiaHelp and @LumiaIndia on twitter, from the past 2 months. But those bastards are behaving like death and dumb. Either they reply with their copy-paste job 'SoooooN' or didn't rely at all...��

They truly might not know the release schedule, nor if the firmware is totally ready yet.

WTF... But some countries (like India etc.,) doesn't have career restrictions at all. So why they are not releasing update for those atleast?

The firmware must still be tested on the networks to ensure it works. Each device also has its own unique firmware that also needs to be tested on the device. Who knows what other testing that must be done.

Best course of action is to relax, sit back and wait. We know its coming. Its just a matter of time.

I don't know why they started with the low end two year old models first. You would think they would start with the newest devices first to drive more sales but whatever. I know I will get it soon.

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