How many battery pulls have you had?


New member
Dec 30, 2010
How many times have you had to remove the battery or reset your WP7 ?

Me... NONE. NEVER. ZERO. Had both the Focus and now Trophy. Had a buddy riding in my truck with me for a day.. he pulled the battery on his Droid X at least 3 times in one day.. his comment "Damn that pisses me off" I just chuckled... ;)
NoDo had some bugs with apps, Zune, and Marketplace not starting unless you rebooted.

Since NoDo, Mango beta 2, Mango Beta 7712, and now Mango RTM 7720, never had any problems.

WP7 as a mobile software is rock solid.
hey i just did one!!!!

freaking weird, my phone has been close to DEAD for the last couple dayz , so i left it on the charge over night last night...

i woke up this morning pulled it out and i got the ** Battery critically low msg ** I was like SHIIt my Battery is done...

so i did a battery pull for fun , re-booted my phone and my battery was FULL!!!

WTF!! lol???
I had my first fatal error or Mango RTM yesterday. I recieved a phone call while listening to a podcast. Then bam.. It said dumping memory on some wierd ARM developer page like a black screen of death. I just had to restart and it was fine though :)

Besides that I vaguely remember needing to pull out my battery about 6 months ago when it froze.

I heard one credible techie say she had 15 reboots in one day. (Hahahaha, jk, she's NOT credible)
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So far none, but its only been a week :P

Pre- was about ~10 to 15 times in 2 years. Reboots on the other hand...weekly, sometimes daily :(

Needless to say...yay wp7
So far none. But I have had the phone freeze on me thanks to several indie games that weren't very well coded.
I had a drop once that bounced the battery free but pulling it to resolve some issue for anything I happen to be doing? ZERO!!
I can remember doing 3 battery pulls since I've installed Mango RTM. All of them was because the phone froze on me when I used Smart DJ. I think it has something to do with picking the next song and the internet connection dropping off at times. Wifi isn't that great at our gym, which is where all 3 incidents happened.

None when I was on NoDo, but then again there wasn't a Smart DJ option in NoDo either.
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I've had to do about 5 in a 15 min span. But it was dude to the issue where the phone would start beeping as it if was just being plugged into an AC outlet, and wouldn't stop beeping. I plugged it into Zune and did a sync, and that stopped it. It probably would have fixed it after the first battery pull. Haven't seen the beeping issue since I upgraded to Mango.
I've not even had an app crash on me. Of course I do not have an abundance of apps on my phone. Only the things I need or find amusing. No games except for the Xbox Live Texas Hold'em game.
I've had to do about 5 in a 15 min span. But it was dude to the issue where the phone would start beeping as it if was just being plugged into an AC outlet, and wouldn't stop beeping. I plugged it into Zune and did a sync, and that stopped it. It probably would have fixed it after the first battery pull. Haven't seen the beeping issue since I upgraded to Mango.

defective phones dont count ;) lol

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