How many iPhone to WP7 Converts?


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Aug 14, 2011
I made the trek, and I'd like to know who else has too. Why'd you make it? What's the best part? Favorite apps?

I got tired of iPhone 5 release dates, bored of their grid of apps, wanted to try something new, don't like the 'cant bat them sue em' nature apple has taken on, and just wanted to see what life was like outside of Steve's ecosystem.

So far so good, especially with D5 and Reflexx's help!
I've left both Android and iOS and ended up here with WP7. I left Android because I found the OS to be too laggy and buggy. Despite all of the high end specs of the phones I owned (Droid, Droid Incredible, Droid X, Droid Pro, and Droid X2), simple things like pulling up the installed application list in settings always caused the phone to freeze for a few seconds. I grew tired of applications force closing, needing an app from the market to replace the shoddy stock Android app, and the mediocre battery life.

iOS, while a very sound overall experience, I found was too boring. The "grid of apps" as you call it just isn't appealing to me. I also didn't like the fact that I had to jailbreak my phone to get the functionality that I had with Android (iOS 5 will address most of those issues though). I also wanted to get away from the ****** culture of Apple where they feel that anything that isn't an Apple product deserves to be looked down upon.

While I admit that WP7 is lacking some basic functionality, I like the way that it just WORKS. I don't have to tinker with my phone for it to get the job done. I was running the Mango update for a couple days and I feel as though it will address the issues that I currently have.
I'm going to make the switch most likely. I've had my iPhone for over 2 years now, and the OS is boring me to death. Wp7 offers a nice, clean, visually pleasing OS, and a nice breath of fresh air. I love the live tiles and the transitions, and the metro UI reminds me of my beloved zune.

I'm just waiting on Mango hardware to drop before I switch platforms to either WP7, or Blackberry OS7.
YES! The iFanboys drove me nuts too! If it wasn't apple it was crrrrrrrrrrrrrap. One of the biggest draws of WP7, its just cool and different.
YES! The iFanboys drove me nuts too! If it wasn't apple it was crrrrrrrrrrrrrap. One of the biggest draws of WP7, its just cool and different.

The ****** community is definitely a huge force driving me away from iOS. I don't like being lumped in with those who blindly follow Apple, and refuse to say anything positive about other platforms.
I'm going to make the switch most likely. I've had my iPhone for over 2 years now, and the OS is boring me to death. Wp7 offers a nice, clean, visually pleasing OS, and a nice breath of fresh air. I love the live tiles and the transitions, and the metro UI reminds me of my beloved zune.

I'm just waiting on Mango hardware to drop before I switch platforms to either WP7, or Blackberry OS7.

That must mean you're on AT&T. It looks like they're getting the HTC Eternity, and I am very jealous. That could be the first WP7 superphone. . . 4.7 inch screen and 1.5 GHz processor!

We'll know more September 1st :)
I am on AT&T, only thing that keeps me with them is the fact that they continually get nice handsets.

The HTC Eternity is tempting from what I've seen so far, but that 4.7 inch screen sure sounds like one **** of a battery drainer...
While I didn't switch to WP7 from an iPhone, I did switch to WP7 from using iOS. I was too cheap to buy into the smart phone market for years, so I used my cheap-o free generic Verizon phone and carried my iPod Touch with me everywhere for 3 years. I always thought when I finally took the plunge for a data contract that I'd go with iPhone because I knew the OS, I didn't care for Android after using it several times, was tired of Blackberry (work-issued phones in the past).

But when WP7 came, it just fit me perfectly.

With iOS, the biggest draw is the apps. But I had my Touch loaded with 6 pages of apps and I hardly used ANY of them once the novelty of them wore off. Sure the app store is loaded with apps, but come on, so many of them are useless.

I need an OS that does a few things, internet, phone calls, maps. That's it. If I can download an app for a little bit of extra fun or fuction, okay. But they aren't going to make me choose one OS over the other.

To me WP7 is different, simple, easy, smooth. Just about perfect.
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While I didn't switch to WP7 from an iPhone, I did switch to WP7 from using iOS. I was too cheap to buy into the smart phone market for years, so I used my cheap-o free generic Verizon phone and carried my iPod Touch with me everywhere for 3 years. I always thought when I finally took the plunge for a data contract that I'd go with iPhone because I knew the OS, I didn't care for Android after using it several times, was tired of Blackberry (work-issued phones in the past).

But when WP7 came, it just fit me perfectly.

With iOS, the biggest draw is the apps. But I had my Touch loaded with 6 pages of apps and I hardly used ANY of them once the novelty of them wore off. Sure the app store is loaded with apps, but come on, so many of them are useless.

I need an OS that does a few things, internet, phone calls, maps. That's it. If I can download an app for a little bit of extra fun or fuction, okay. But they aren't going to make me choose one OS over the other.

To me WP7 is different, simple, easy, smooth. Just about perfect.

I feel exactly the same way. most of what i do on my smartphone is integrated into the phone so i do not feel like i need to have a million apps on my phone.

i have a friend who is a diehard android ****** and he's constantly trying to get me to switch over to android from my htc arrive. in addition to insulting everything about wp7 (which he knows nothing about), he's constantly showing me his phone filled with 8 pages of apps. He then asks me to show him all of the apps i have on my phone and i show him the few apps that i use and explain to him that a lot of the day to day things i do on my phone are integrated into the phone so i don't need separate apps for them. he of course doesn't understand this and just goes on to insult the lack of app availability in the WP7 ecosystem.
I wouldn't say I was a convert as such - I swapped mainly for financial reasons, and if money was no object I may not have switched at all. But what I would say is how hugely impressed I am with WP7. It's elegant, cleanly designed and refreshingly different without being compromised by that. It's not perfect, but compared to where Android is after much longer in the market is amazing. And if money was no object now, I'd probably not switch back.
I owned a Droid for some time and then got the iPhone from Verizon when my contract was up. I had always wanted an iPhone and was extremely happy with it.

Then, Verizon came out with the Trophy. I picked one up within a few days of it being out. The idea was for me to play Xbox Live games on it for a few months and then hand it over to my daughter for her birthday (which was about a week ago).

As her birthday drew closer and closer, I found myself using the Trophy more and more. All I heard from my daughter was iPhone this and iPhone that.

I decided to give her my iPhone and I kept the Trophy! Now that it's my day-to-day phone, I have had to make some adjustments, but I find myself missing the iPhone less each day. I think it gets better with every achievement I unlock!!
I switched from a iPhone 4 to a Samsung Focus.

Main reasons for switching:
-Typing on the iPhone was stroke-inducing. The lack of an editable autocorrect dictionary rendered the phone almost useless for me for texting. Quit switching "bud" to "bid," iPhone
-Boring set of static icons. Seeing WP7 in motion for the first time was a sight to behold
-Literally everyone else had an iPhone

Main thing I miss is gapless playback. They really need to incorporate it into the WP7 Zune player, especially since my Zune HD has it.
iPhone switcher & webOS refugee

Got bored of my iPhone 3GS, too many fanbois, too dull, too complicated to get anything done (ie, check up on a facebook status before ringing them, what a palava). Also have a Pre2 that im leaving behind now.... I will be very sad to see that go.

Zune PC software made me switch. Got a taste of Metro and, like others above, hooked.

Congrats on the community feel here, seems just as homely as PreCentral :)

Anyway, Samsung Omnia 7 on the way :D See you guys around no doubt :D
This is cool to see why other people made the leap. Glad im not the only "crazy in the head" person as my friends call me.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
I made the trek, and I'd like to know who else has too. Why'd you make it? What's the best part? Favorite apps?

I got tired of iPhone 5 release dates, bored of their grid of apps, wanted to try something new, don't like the 'cant bat them sue em' nature apple has taken on, and just wanted to see what life was like outside of Steve's ecosystem.

So far so good, especially with D5 and Reflexx's help!

I did. I sold my iPhone on Ebay and bought a Focus for full price when they first came out. I feel sorry for the ****** that paid $600 for my jailbroken unlocked iPhone. Either they're still stuck on some old update or they've lost the jailbreak. I called At&t months ago and got the unlock code for my Focus.

Now when I unlock my wife's iPhone to use the phone, camera, sms, etc.. I'm lost looking for the app I need for that one task. I hate it, and I could ever go back.
I switched from an iPhone 4 simply because I was just tired of the same ole thing. I had two 3Gs and a 3GS. It was time for something new. Apple better hurry up and come up with a different form or else they will be left behind. I think they've reached a saturation point. It's a great phone, but for those who have been with them for a long time, are getting tired of the same thing, just rehashed with minor improvements.
I switched from an iPhone 4 simply because I was just tired of the same ole thing. I had two 3Gs and a 3GS. It was time for something new. Apple better hurry up and come up with a different form or else they will be left behind. I think they've reached a saturation point. It's a great phone, but for those who have been with them for a long time, are getting tired of the same thing, just rehashed with minor improvements.

Did you see the leaked iPhone 4S faceplate. Same design. Hahahahaha. Hopefully the upcoming iPhones are all that lame.

iPhone N94 prototype's front assembly leaked, set to be an iPhone 4S? - Engadget
I switched from an iPhone 4 simply because I was just tired of the same ole thing. I had two 3Gs and a 3GS. It was time for something new. Apple better hurry up and come up with a different form or else they will be left behind. I think they've reached a saturation point. It's a great phone, but for those who have been with them for a long time, are getting tired of the same thing, just rehashed with minor improvements.
Exactly. It's a great device, but only for so long. It's the same thing over and over, and right now I just can't stand unlocking my device just to see the same old grid.

This is cool to see why other people made the leap. Glad im not the only "crazy in the head" person as my friends call me.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
I had someone tell me "I would lose so much respect for you if you switched."
I'm keeping my iOS device but looking at getting a Samsung Focus. I have a 3GS but I'm a phone hoar lol. I just got back on GSM (prepaid) so I plan on using it to it's fullest extent (i.e. switching to a lot of phones LOL)

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