How Many of You Use Bluetooth Sharing on Windows Phone 8.1?

Bluetooth sharing in windows phone is better than that of iPhone. But it is not complete. There is no dedicated folder for Bluetooth file sharing. The pictures and videos are saved in "saved picture" gallery, pdf files are saved in the local storage of installed pdf reader app and like that. The problem is, if the app is installed in phone memory, it consumes lot of phone memory-which is not much comfortable for a low memory device(520/620). Next is, the sent file is not appearing in action centre. So, after receiving file, you should have to click the banner notification before it disappears-otherwise the file gets lost. Another one is, if a non recognised file(say-.pdb file) are sent, it can't be saved in the phone.
The app-"easy transfer" is very much helpful for transferring big memory files as it uses Wi-Fi direct method for file sharing-although it is not much users friendly..
I've never had a file missing when I receive over Bluetooth, and I don't tap the banner.

Doesn't it make sense that files go to the respective libraries? If I'm looking for a picture, I don't want to remember whether I received it over Bluetooth or email etc. The picture should be in the pictures hub, with the rest of the pictures. Similarly with music files.

As for unsupported file types, they are useless on your phone, so why would the phone save them.

Just my 2 cents.
^for sharing to work on full Windows 8.1, before you initiate a file transfer on your WP, you have to go to the desktop, then right click the Bluetooth icon in the notification area of the taskbar, select "receive file" then you can start sharing on your phone. this of course assumes that you've already paired your phone and tablet with Bluetooth first.
I'm not sure about RT.

What James said. I've been doing this for a very long time and can confirm it works with RT tablets as well.

Finally figured it out with you guyziz help and another thread I found here at WPC!
The RT is now a sharing monster.

There was thread around here a while back from a WP user that was trying to BT share files to his Macbook.
Wonder if he ever got his sharing problem worked out?
Bluetooth sharing in windows phone is better than that of iPhone. But it is not complete. There is no dedicated folder for Bluetooth file sharing. The pictures and videos are saved in "saved picture" gallery, pdf files are saved in the local storage of installed pdf reader app and like that. The problem is, if the app is installed in phone memory, it consumes lot of phone memory-which is not much comfortable for a low memory device(520/620). Next is, the sent file is not appearing in action centre. So, after receiving file, you should have to click the banner notification before it disappears-otherwise the file gets lost. Another one is, if a non recognised file(say-.pdb file) are sent, it can't be saved in the phone.
The app-"easy transfer" is very much helpful for transferring big memory files as it uses Wi-Fi direct method for file sharing-although it is not much users friendly..

You should scroll a little bit above and read my post on saving new downloads to SD Card.

In short Windows Phone 8.1 by default saves new downloads to the phone, but you can change that by going to storage sense in settings.

Even if you believe Bluetooh sharing is not complete, at least it is there, unlike iOS.
Use it all the time with my laptop... Sometimes its easier not to email to save on data usage. Or avoid plugging in via USB....
BT sharing works well in WP 8.1. Known file types go into respective hubs. The unknowns stay in the Downloads folder, I guess (haven't tried an unknown yet). People using Windows 8/8.1 (or for that matter any Windows version) can go to Start --> Run and enter fsquirt.exe. This opens the BT sharing wizard. Don't worry if both the phone or computer shows either as not connected. The connection would automatically initiate once you start sharing using the wizard.
I've never had a file missing when I receive over Bluetooth, and I don't tap the banner.

Doesn't it make sense that files go to the respective libraries? If I'm looking for a picture, I don't want to remember whether I received it over Bluetooth or email etc. The picture should be in the pictures hub, with the rest of the pictures. Similarly with music files.

As for unsupported file types, they are useless on your phone, so why would the phone save them.

Just my 2 cents.

Suppose, you have installed Adobe reader in your phone... You have sent a pdf file to your phone... It is stored in Adobe reader... And, you want to send that file to another phone by Bluetooth... What to do..?
Suppose, you have installed Adobe reader in your phone... You have sent a pdf file to your phone... It is stored in Adobe reader... And, you want to send that file to another phone by Bluetooth... What to do..?

the last I knew, adobe reader didn't have this function. I use a pdf reader by pompolutz. It sends pdf files by email and Bluetooth.

If the file was saved in a "received on Bluetooth" folder, how would that help? You would need an app to share the file, and so the pdf reader app which can access the files is what is needed. Having it in a separate Bluetooth folder won't help. For example, you receive an image or a mp3 file, it goes to the respective library/hub. You can share it from there via Bluetooth or email. The problem is with the adobe app, not with the way WP handles files received on Bluetooth.
the last I knew, adobe reader didn't have this function. I use a pdf reader by pompolutz. It sends pdf files by email and Bluetooth.

If the file was saved in a "received on Bluetooth" folder, how would that help? You would need an app to share the file, and so the pdf reader app which can access the files is what is needed. Having it in a separate Bluetooth folder won't help. For example, you receive an image or a mp3 file, it goes to the respective library/hub. You can share it from there via Bluetooth or email. The problem is with the adobe app, not with the way WP handles files received on Bluetooth.
If the file is saved in a dedicated folder, we can access that file by ' files' app from Microsoft. We can rename, send, delete-everything is possible. One more thing- if you want to send multiple pdf files at a time from your PC/smart phone to your windows phone, you have send each files one by one, receive one by one and save to the desired app. If we send by marking all of them, you will get only the last one(I think so- I don't see any other option).
And, dedicated folder is not at all a bad idea... That's why it is present in the android and even Symbian phones.
And,I respect your thoughts... If you don't need a Bluetooth folder, Microsoft's present implementation is correct. I need a Bluetooth folder- so ....
The app I mentioned does everything you said- rename, share by Bluetooth, delete. Android and Symbian doing something in a particular way doesn't make it right, same with WP. I haven't been crippled by the way WP handles Bluetooth transfer or pdfs. The app is free and worth checking out.
You should scroll a little bit above and read my post on saving new downloads to SD Card.

In short Windows Phone 8.1 by default saves new downloads to the phone, but you can change that by going to storage sense in settings.

Even if you believe Bluetooh sharing is not complete, at least it is there, unlike iOS.
I think you are not correct... As far as I know, no files sent via "BLUETOOTH" goes to "download" folder. They go to their dedicated apps(pdf to pdf reader, epub to epub reader etc).
The app I mentioned does everything you said- rename, share by Bluetooth, delete. Android and Symbian doing something in a particular way doesn't make it right, same with WP. I haven't been crippled by the way WP handles Bluetooth transfer or pdfs. The app is free and worth checking out.
OK... I'll check it.. Thanks
but your advert doesn't split on the secret of HOW u get the app

blu toof without it is useless on the poxy hopeless power-hungry phone.

I use the sharing feature on my Files app a lot to get pictures 'n stuff to OneDrive without having to connect a microUSB to my Surface Pro. I've never heard of (until now) or seen a Bluetooth sharing feature on Files before. What phone is used in the op? I've got the 1520, which really surprises me that I don't have that option.
I always had a problem while receiving mp3 files, rarely I can see them in the Music hub. After the 8.1Dev update, Im using "files" app as file manager, when I tap to see the mp3 files in the music folder, a sub folder with the name "dldj;fhdaskfhsfhaslkfjalsjfhajhsa351653213" [Something like that] is created and the received files went over there!! Hmm, that's not nice.

One more thing, in order to set ringtones everytime I connect my Lumia to a PC!! Now, I move/copy mp3 files to the ringtone folder in the Internal memory, Unfortunately that never works:( I never saw that mp3 file listed in the Ringtones...
I always had a problem while receiving mp3 files, rarely I can see them in the Music hub. After the 8.1Dev update, Im using "files" app as file manager, when I tap to see the mp3 files in the music folder, a sub folder with the name "dldj;fhdaskfhsfhaslkfjalsjfhajhsa351653213" [Something like that] is created and the received files went over there!! Hmm, that's not nice.

One more thing, in order to set ringtones everytime I connect my Lumia to a PC!! Now, I move/copy mp3 files to the ringtone folder in the Internal memory, Unfortunately that never works:( I never saw that mp3 file listed in the Ringtones...

if you are trying to use mp3 files on your phone as a ringtone, use the Ringtone Maker app by Microsoft Mobile
I think office hub shows pdf files.. I know office hub not open pdf files itself but when you click on pdf document it opens adobe reader..
good thing is office hub has bluetooth sharing option so you can share your pdfs from office hub..
try it.. hope it will help you..
You should scroll a little bit above and read my post on saving new downloads to SD Card.

In short Windows Phone 8.1 by default saves new downloads to the phone, but you can change that by going to storage sense in settings.

Even if you believe Bluetooh sharing is not complete, at least it is there, unlike iOS.

Maybe you don't realize that when a file received by the phone is not "supported" like PDF, it won't appear in any visible folder and it is stored in the app's "local storage."

PDF is not going to the Downloads folder in the SD card, which is what @kvrbrijith is pointing out.

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