Windows Central Question
As i am the user of Lumia 640 XL Lte and i am unable to find any jio app in windows store. So guys if you are using Reliance jio 4g sim in windows phone, so please guide me.
First convert android apps to windows phone with the help of APK tools then Jio join apps run in your phone then rebort your phone after start phone again your phone is Volte support. now enjoy jio.
how it is possible i m trying to use but no network or any signal show in nokia 1020 i tried many times pls can anyone help me?
how you does this can u tell me pls i had tried many times but not succeed..
how you does this can u tell me pls i had tried many times but not succeed..
Using any andriod smart phone & pc we can get the sim
But the main problem is that we can use the 4g data but can't use the calling feature
Microsoft need to upgrade the voLTE feature and need to provide myjio app & it's features.
I trust Microsoft's but Microsoft need to upgrade & need to walk with the generation. No need to change ur priority don't change the windows design & software but please provide the apps we want
Please do this needfully