As I mentioned earlier in this thread, we are enthusiasts and as such, we prefer the leading edge of performance in our devices. Your statement is the very justification of how Android became the world leader it is. Budget Androids flooded the market and they never looked back. Thank you for reminding us of how purchasing power in the hands of many can dominate a global market. I can't speak for the rest of the world but in the US, anybody can walk out of a carrier store with a top of the line phone with zero or little upfront cost. I guess cheap credit is back in vogue.
How does this tie into the current thread? Think about it, how do you convince someone to buy an HP Elite x3 for $800 (right now) with the current app gap, when they can go to AT&T, T-Mobile or Verizon and walk away with an iPhone 7 or Galaxy S7 and not have to drop a nickel?