[HOW TO] Make Traffic/Departure Notifications work in Cortana

I thought you had findings otherwise :wink:

At any rate, I just tried setting an appointment both by clicking on the drop down and then another one by not clicking on the drop down options for the location. Only the appointment with the location set by not tapping on the drop down options gave me departure/traffic reminders. Looks like nothing has changed since the date of the first post.
my work is geolocalised into Cortana and saved there like my home, but sometimes i start my work at 7h00 to 15h ; 6h to 14 or 12h pm to 20h.
Even if all my work planing is saved into my calendar, Cortana never noticed me to go to work or back to home...
So I tool my 1520 to TP and then back to 8.1. When I went down to 8.1 it works perfectly. No favorite necessary..., just the address. Now I'm back on TP and gonna see what happened.
Nope this doesn't work for me.

I've got a 930 and I'm in the UK.

I've moaned about Cortana on here before, because she doesn't do most of what she is touted as doing.

This traffic one annoys most though. If I set a timed appointment in Cortana, there is no provision to input a location. So how can she say "leave now" if I can't tell her where I'm going?

What am I doing wrong, please?


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