How to: Stop annoying Facebook birthday email notifications.


New member
Jul 2, 2014
Hi. I don't know which category this thread should belong to so I am posting it here.

Some of us receive at least one or two or three emails regularly, reminding us of the birthdays of our each and every Facebook friend whether or not we personally know him/her. This is happening even after disconnecting our Facebook account with our Microsoft account. We get bothered by them almost daily. Once, my mother came across a birthday notification of a girl whom I don't know personally and she angrily asked who the girl was and why did I set up a reminder of "her" birthday. And I was like O_O Since then, I developed a grave anger towards the notifications. I tried searching all over the internet for a solution but found none. At Microsoft Answers, the repliers simply scam us and send to many different threads which have no connection to our query or they simply say there's no way to do that. Same happened with me. So, I tried various methods myself and finally figured out how to do that. I have posted the same method on Microsoft Answers also. It is veryyy simple. As simple as a few clicks.

If you are one of such people then follow these steps:-

1.) Go to: OR go to --> Top-left grid menu --> Calendar.
2.) Click the Settings () icon in the top-right corner next to your Profile Picture and Username.
3.) Click Options.
4.) Under "Edit your reminder and calendar settings" click on the "Birthday calendar" link.
5.) On the then loaded page, in the top black bar you'll clearly see "Delete" button next to the grid menu.
6.) Click it. This is the button you need. After clicking it, it'll ask for your confirmation.
7.) Click OK.
You're done!! Birthday calendar is gone for ever, for good :smile:

#If you still don't want to delete the entire calendar then on the Birthday calendar page, scroll down the page and disable the notifications under "Notifications".

Don't know how many people would find this thread helpful. I am posting it for those who need it :smile:

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