The only problem with Xbox One's TV feature is it needs you to connect a cable box or sat box to it via HDMi. When they showed it in the preview(at the press statement) channel changes were instant with no lag. In the real world with using your DVR/Cable box or sat box, it will be nothing like this. The Xbox one will not have any internal TV tuners, so you would need to add them if they even supported that.
Go to your current DVR/Cable box, Type in a 3-4 number channel and count the time that it takes to change the channel before the channel is on and viewable. Normally this takes at at least 2 seconds on a cable box and on a sat dish, closer to 3-4 seconds (longer when a DVR is involved). Then you have the overlays (where your cable box shows the channel your on and the info about the show when you put on a channel) that you will see on the Xbox One.
This is almost like people using a cable box with Windows Media Center and IR blasters with a cablebox. It works and for the most part, it works good but, you still deal with the cable box overlays, it makes it ugly and can be really slow. This is how YOUR cable box or sat will work on the xbox one and with a little more lag (channel changes can be slower to make sure it gets the commands).
Microsoft needs to support or use Windows Media Center tuners or networkable cable card/Clear QAM/OTA devices. A few companies make a network/USB 3-4 tuner cablecard tuners, this would work great for cable tv and most cable companies will give 1 cable card for free for people. This could make the delay a lot less and no overlays !
Personally, I dream that Microsoft BRINGS back Media Center but, updates it above the xbox one's TV section with DVR and every other web based dream someone could think of. It could be pretty epic, If Microsoft would only take on the project. I would also pay like $200 for a product like that extra over windows...