HP Elite X3 Lap Dock isn't displayed in HP Device Hub


New member
Dec 22, 2012
Hi, all.

Just received my HP Elite X3 bundle, and the X3 Lap Dock. I've connected the X3 to the Lap Dock, and am attempting to update firmware for the Lap Dock, however, it is not displayed in the HP Device Hub. Any suggestions?

I am running OS build 10.0.14393.693, and have tried connecting wired and wirelessly to the Lap Dock, with the Lap Dock connected to power as well. Continuum is running successfully, I just can't see the Lap Dock within HP Device Hub when connected.

Thanks in advance!
Hi, all.

Just received my HP Elite X3 bundle, and the X3 Lap Dock. I've connected the X3 to the Lap Dock, and am attempting to update firmware for the Lap Dock, however, it is not displayed in the HP Device Hub. Any suggestions?

I am running OS build 10.0.14393.693, and have tried connecting wired and wirelessly to the Lap Dock, with the Lap Dock connected to power as well. Continuum is running successfully, I just can't see the Lap Dock within HP Device Hub when connected.

Thanks in advance!

That's weird. It should show itself in the device hub once you start it up. It does take awhile to refresh itself like a few seconds. Thats how it is on the deskdock. Maybe try a soft reset before connecting again and launching device hub perhaps.


Putting this link here just incase you missed anything.

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Thank you for the reply.

It appears I'm good to go now. Last night, I noticed a number of my apps had an update available, including HP Device Hub. So, after updating the app and connecting via USB to the Lap Dock it now shows in Device Hub and I was able to perform the fw upgrade.

Thanks again! Looking forward to being back in Windows Mobile after enduring a couple years of Android being Android.
Thank you for the reply.

It appears I'm good to go now. Last night, I noticed a number of my apps had an update available, including HP Device Hub. So, after updating the app and connecting via USB to the Lap Dock it now shows in Device Hub and I was able to perform the fw upgrade.

Thanks again! Looking forward to being back in Windows Mobile after enduring a couple years of Android being Android.

Thats great news. Welcome back and enjoy using your Elite x3

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Last edited:
By changing the OEM parameters of my Lumia 950, I managed to install HP Device Hub on my phone. Unfortunately, the app will not recognize Lapdock. Anyone managed to get this working?

If not, there is some proud X3 owner living either in the Milan/Turin area or in Bonn, Darmstadt, or Berlin..? :-)

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