The PC apps are lacking, but it hasn't been anything too major. The one app I have problems finding is a Bible app with the features I want. It's difficult on the phone too, but nearly impossible on the PC store to find one that works offline, allows copying, etc. I found one that works for me though (only one). I haven't really come across any other apps that have been a real annoyance yet. I know there have been several things that I couldn't find, but I can't remember what they were, so I figure they weren't super important to me. But then again, I also don't use all the social networking type of apps, so I don't know how things are with those.
I use the Kindle and internet explorer most of all. I like the IE app. I use it for browsing a lot. I do a bit in the desktop though. I really like that that is available. I'm in school and I find it very handy to do schoolwork using the desktop internet explorer so I can have my notes open in OneNote at the same time, side by side. Sometimes I just use the apps for those, depending on what kind of work I'm doing. I also installed Foxit reader and use that in the desktop to edit PDFs. I've considered installing the software we use for homework, but there is a limit to how detailed your work can be on the desktop as far as teensy things. I have found a stylus is so helpful for desktop stuff. I got the two pack of rubber-tipped ones from Bargain Depot on Amazon because they are narrower than a regular one and gave replaceable tips. I see they have metallic tips as well; I don't know if those are any better. These work pretty well, especially for the price.
I've also listened to some music. The sound is nice. Now that my case has arrived I will take the tablet with me more places and probably use it for movies/shows. I also plan on using it for OneNote, since right now I just use my phone when I need to take notes at church, meetings, shopping, etc. I also got a 10 inch Bluetooth keyboard that will be nice to use with it. Also, now that I have the case, I'll use it like my last tablet to prop up when I need a reference, like when I am knitting I use it for the pattern, or if I'm doing homework and need to refer to something particular, I can use this and keep the screen space on my laptop. Oh, and I have tapatalk so I can post here easily.