You were right guys. No love from HTC. They are again pointing fingers at each other (this time without a carrier included). No more HTC
We are not updated about the release dates for the software, this depends on windows marketing strategy. Actually for the Cortana compatibility and active listening function I suggest you directly contact Windows phone support since they are the ones who develop the software.
Their Windows phone page is this :
Windows Phone 8.1 and Cortana | Windows Phone (United States)
1:22:11 AM CustomerGeorge Anastasov
Well the developer preview was release for the other phones like the Lumia series and the ATIV series and Microsoft reported that it was a driver issue. HTC said they are working with microsoft on a firmware update. What happened with it
1:25:33 AM AgentKevin C.
At this moment we have not being informed about the status of the process, basically we release the update as soon as Windows create the environment for the phone.
The first device that we released on WP 8.1 is the HTC one M8 windows version and it happen about 1 month ago so we are still testing how was the performance for the customer for the 8.1 OS .
Depending on that windows will be developing new softwares to our phones that may fix the bugs from the previous version.
1:26:23 AM AgentKevin C.
As soon as this become official we will be posting it on this web page where you can check the HTC news:
1:26:38 AM AgentKevin C.
2014 Press Releases | HTC United States
1:27:00 AM CustomerGeorge Anastasov
Ok, thank you
1:27:45 AM AgentKevin C.
You are welcome George, is there any other question or something else that I may help you with today?
1:28:30 AM CustomerGeorge Anastasov
For now no
1:29:21 AM AgentKevin C.
Thank you very much for taking the time to contact us George.