HTC 8x won't get Windows 10. [Speculative]

Notice Gabriel said images with a "s". I wonder if that means they need a Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, etc. image to make the recovery work? If that is the case there is not much incentive for the carriers to help them out of this mess.
^ They don't need the carriers. HTC manages all the images for all carriers/countries where the 8x was sold. Carriers are only involved when an OEM intends to release a new carrier image, because OEMs may not update carrier devices without the carrier's consent. Carriers never manage/release/distribute OS updates or firmware themselves.
^ They don't need the carriers. HTC manages all the images for all carriers/countries where the 8x was sold. Carriers are only involved when an OEM intends to release a new carrier image, because OEMs may not update carrier devices without the carrier's consent. Carriers never manage/release/distribute OS updates or firmware themselves.

That is good to know and hopefully HTC will be interested in helping Microsoft recover the 8Xs.
Time to tweet @htc asking to send restore images for the 8X to MS.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I think it means no more than what always appeared on the "supported phones" page: (sorry can't link as my post count isn't high enough)
If your phone isn't listed, and no preview builds appear under Enroll in the Windows Insider app, then your phone isn't supported and it may or may not be supported in the future.
In other words, just because WP10TP got pushed out to unsupported phones by accident, it doesn't change their plans, they're not suddenly now going to start supporting WP10TP on those phones.

That said, we were told previously the main reason the HTC 8X wasn't supported at that time was because Microsoft did not have the recovery file from HTC. If they get it as a result of last week's screwup it can only help our situation.

Aside, I reviewed the Insider Program Terms & Conditions (sorry again, can't link) and after saying:
Microsoft Windows Insider Program terms & condition said:
the Program Services, if installed on a mobile device, may inadvertently damage your device rendering it inoperable. goes on and on at great length to spell out that Microsoft is not liable for any issues that might arise from the use of the previews, and says users can't sue Microsoft or take part in any class action litigation, only individual arbitration. Interestingly though, it only applies if you live in the USA (or if that's your principle place of business). I live in Canada! Ha!

If my phone is not working by Friday, I will request a replacement phone from Microsoft.
Aside, I reviewed the Insider Program Terms & Conditions (sorry again, can't link) and after saying: goes on and on at great length to spell out that Microsoft is not liable for any issues that might arise from the use of the previews, and says users can't sue Microsoft or take part in any class action litigation, only individual arbitration. Interestingly though, it only applies if you live in the USA (or if that's your principle place of business). I live in Canada! Ha!

If my phone is not working by Friday, I will request a replacement phone from Microsoft.

You know. It could be a conspiracy theory to indirectly force users to purchase new phones rather than keep their previous phones and upgrade it instead. Lol.
Many android phone suffered same fate.

And ppl keep buy it

Pretty old stuff I bet your battery discharge rate less tolerable now

Time to do upgrade maybe?
Notice Gabriel said images with a "s". I wonder if that means they need a Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, etc. image to make the recovery work? If that is the case there is not much incentive for the carriers to help them out of this mess.

Multiple images because eventhough it is HTC 8X, some of the sub models support LTE , NFC etc. and some don't its dependent on the processor. You can see the difference between mine and Daniel's phone specs. Mine was the initial generation HTC 8x that microsoft gave to its employees back during the launch of WP 8. Where as Daniels one, he might have bought at a later time, when it was upgraded and supported LTE.
if this happens an Android or Iphone upgrade in on the way

Android is one of the worst offenders when it comes to pushing new phones.The OS is so fragmented that often times the only way to get software upgrades is to upgrade the hardware as well. I will say though that Apple is pretty good about letting their older devices get updates for a while. I used a first generation iPod Touch for quite a while before I could no longer get OS updates or new apps from the app store.
Android is one of the worst offenders when it comes to pushing new phones.The OS is so fragmented that often times the only way to get software upgrades is to upgrade the hardware as well. I will say though that Apple is pretty good about letting their older devices get updates for a while. I used a first generation iPod Touch for quite a while before I could no longer get OS updates or new apps from the app store.

I agree but they need to fix the 8X. It is was an Android phone I could flash the room back very easy and iPhone go to apple store and have it swapped
if this happens an Android or Iphone upgrade in on the way

LOL. I came from a Blackberry to Iphone, then to Android, and finally made the bold move to Windows this year. I've gotten the 8X last year, but used it as a spare phone. Only to realize this year that my Note 3 seems extremely sluggish as compared to the 8X despite the fact it performs the same as I remembered the first day. So that's when I went and sold off my Note 3 and stick with the 8X, now the 8X is unusable I've went and gotten the 640 XL instead. Honestly speaking, apart from the App Gap issue I never thought I would actually love using Windows Phone as compared to my previous experience with other phones. :)
Guys, I woke up this morning and it stated there was a new update on my 8X. I totally forgotten to charge my phone last night, and I can't update it till it's 40%. Will keep you guys posted to see what the latest update do.
Looks like the update didn't do anything much. Still small fonts and 5 mins reboot. Connecting to WPRT still no firmware found. Think this update is to block Windows Insider, tried to sign up but was unable to do so. Oh well, going to reset the phone again.