HTC 8x won't get Windows 10. [Speculative]

LOL. I came from a Blackberry to Iphone, then to Android, and finally made the bold move to Windows this year. I've gotten the 8X last year, but used it as a spare phone. Only to realize this year that my Note 3 seems extremely sluggish as compared to the 8X despite the fact it performs the same as I remembered the first day. So that's when I went and sold off my Note 3 and stick with the 8X, now the 8X is unusable I've went and gotten the 640 XL instead. Honestly speaking, apart from the App Gap issue I never thought I would actually love using Windows Phone as compared to my previous experience with other phones. :)

Yeah if you look my signature. You can tell my way./ I had one iPhone and one Android. The system is very good but they need to do a better support like Apple does.
Looks like the update didn't do anything much. Still small fonts and 5 mins reboot. Connecting to WPRT still no firmware found. Think this update is to block Windows Insider, tried to sign up but was unable to do so. Oh well, going to reset the phone again.

I dont have fonts problems. The Phone looks good but reboots every 5 minutes.

I'm trying to load the yesterdays W10 update but the phone reboots before it gets completed. lol.
I feel for you my brother in HTC. i have HTC 8s still on portico. loving Microsoft OS but i think our device had been forgotten. :cool: :winktongue:
^ Seriously?! What did you do to provoke that?!

The only email I got regarding the issue was last Friday (18th, Redmond time), titled "Immediate action required for your Windows Insider Preview". That wasn't actually true.. it was just a notification, similar but not identical to the one posted in Post #225, but instead of the 2nd paragraph that was posted, mine just said that due to the upgrade my phone "may not respond or boot correctly", as if I hadn't noticed for 5 days already, and that "Our top priority is investigating how to recover your device".

It's possible that is what Gabe was referring to, although that was almost a week ago now.
HOORAY! (maybe)
I was just heading out the door and thought I'd check the forums, and then check to see if an update was available yet..

Download is 726.85MB and will take about 35mins it says...
Hopefully I will have a working phone when i get back!
I did that but the WPRT downloaded the "russian" rom i used days ago to flash... so, i stood the same :/
Woohoo! HTC 8X is back up and running! (Windows 8.1 Update, same version as before).

The download was complete when I got home, but it had not automatically installed, I had to click "Install" or something in the recovery tool.

I was concerned because it said to make sure your battery was at least 25% charged otherwise flashing might fail and make phone unusable - I didn't think I'd been able to charge the phone sufficiently when it was bricked because either the red charging light wouldn't come on, or if drained sufficiently enough to get to it, it would automatically go into the gears reboot-loop after 20 minutes or so of charging and the light would go off.

As it turns out I was okay. I had previously put it into bootloader mode and connected to my computer via USB (no red light though), then after 24hrs, unplugged and shut the phone off by holding the camera key down for 5 secs (if it was still plugged in it would have rebooted).

When I discovered the update today, obviously I was plugged in. I was out for 1hr20, it took about 15 minutes to install, then about 15 minutes to recover my backup. When it finally rebooted, I saw my phone was at 46% charge.

Because I'd backed up the phone before the W10TP update, I was able to restore the backup and only had to enter some email passwords to get back to how the phone was. Well, actually, it seems all of the apps have to be re-downloaded (many tiles are dark, meaning its app is no longer installed). There's an extremely long list of "Pending" apps in the Downloads section of Store.

Thanks HTC, thanks Gabe. Not happy having had to wait a week and a half with an unusable phone, but I'm thankful the phone was recoverable, better late than never!
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