HTC HD7S Announced At AT&T


New member
Dec 20, 2010
Well finally we have great phone with AT&T for Windows Phone 7 fans. The HTC HD7S is also similar to its older cousin, the HD7. That one went to T-Mobile, but the screen stayed the same. Looking at most of HTC smartphones, you find that the majority of them are comrades with Google Android. Not this one. Microsoft is running the programs for this smartphone.

HTC HD7S Announced At AT&T
Great news for att users. I just wish verizon got more smartphones like this running Winphone7. I envy you guys. Its not the same as the upcoming htc trophy.
I have heard the screen to be much improved over it's sibling, the HD7 on T-mobile.

Also, I believe the Focus has the best screen on the market (U.S.) for wp7.

The more the merrier... I just like the form factor of the Focus more than the HD7/HD7S. However, I am looking at getting the HTC Mozart wp7 phone. That phone just looks sexii! I hate how Europe gets all the hotness first. I just want that form factor from HTC to hit AT&T and I'll be happy.
Returned Inspire

I was wanting to get a WP7 handset, but was very disappointed with the quality of current handsets. I had purchased an HTC Inspire 4G(ish) and had resigned myself to Android for awhile longer when this was announced. I returned the Inspire a few days ago and am waiting for this awesome looking phone to come out.
You'll hear about the release on WP Central days before ATT announces it.

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Unlikely, wpcentral will probably get the same e-mail everyone else will get and then pass it off as exclusive news, just like all the other websites do. That is what news has come down to nowadays.
I would but there is still no definite announcement from either party as to what the partnership actually means. And we probably wont see a handset from Nokia until sometime next year. I don't think I want to wait that long to get my hands on some WP7 goodness.

Anyone know any new info about the release date? Have a week left with this Atrix and would rather go back to WP7 with this device. Thanks in advance
Anyone know any new info about the release date? Have a week left with this Atrix and would rather go back to WP7 with this device. Thanks in advance

Nothing more concrete than "a few weeks". Just take back the Atrix, which from what I hear is kinda crappy, and wait for what you really want.

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