This may be an odd question, but when will there be a Windows 10 Consumer Preview? Windows 8 had a technical preview and then a consumer preview. We are still in technical Previews and Windows 10 is going to be released soon in late July, or maybe mid August. For the OP, well at least you got the start menu back, don't forget a new browser 'ms edge', under the hood improvements, continuum, direct x 12, cortona integration, and pretty soon an option to switch on aero/transparency from windows 7. You should voice your opinion in MS Suggestion/Feedback website. Also, how much OS footprint does MS 10 use? I heard Windows 8.1 uses less than 256MB of RAM for basic functions while Windows 7 used 512MB or more.
Also if you guys don't mind, please go to MS Suggestion Website and ask for the following suggestions:
-DIGITAL PEN to be standard in Windows 10 tablets, Windows 10 Mobile, All in one touch screen desktop PCs, touch laptops with 2048 levels of pressure and 1:1 touch with NO lag.
-Blu-Ray R/RW ultraslim disk drives in desktops, laptops. I am still baffled in OEMs still putting in these useless DVD R/RW drives. Yes I know most people do streaming like Xbox Video, Netflix, HuluPlus, but most people have really low connections and at best can get 720p. 1080p Blu-Ray is simply gorgeous.
-USB 3.0 Type C for Mobile Phones/Tablets for power source and connectivity instead of Micro-USB.
-A mini Kinect technology implemented in Desktops/Laptops/Tablets/Mobile Phone. Kinect technology working with the built in camera in some way shape or form. Its like combining xbox one Kinect with playstation camera/eye
-USB 2.0 or 3.0 port for mini windows tablets that are competing with IPAD and Android tablets. IPAD and Android Tablets do not have that except for miniusb for power usage. Current windows tablets do no have that either except the winbook brand. Seriously? No USB? Come on, make it a standard!