I broke my SP3 with 10074!

I have had a stable experience as well. to keep 10 years worth of data on 1 device is bonkers. obviously, the SP3 wasn't your 1st machine, so you should have kept that data on your old machine as well, or backed up to an external device. your would be in the same boat if you fried your sp3, if it got stolen, or if the ssd dies. you "should" be able to do a repair install, keeping your data, of which properly booting off of USB is needed. TONS of info to do that is available.

Not to mention having OneDrive built in, most of that could have been stored there instead or, at the very least, backed up onto an external HDD.
I ignored previous builds for fear of them being unstable. After they changed name from technical to insider, I thought to myself that this is a relatively stable build. So I took the plunge after following instructions with regards to USB recovery. I am not complaining about bugginess. I know that incomplete software is buggy. What has happened here is not a bug. It's devastation! My friend is using Ubuntu to recover my files. I am devastated....i had 10 yrs worth of music and family pix.

Ok I tried similar scenario here and have a solution for you.

I got it installed on a macbook with the same issue. Initially, I couldnt install, because it gave me the BSOD each time. After trying this method, I have installed it and working perfectly.

1) You have to download the ISO for a previous build might be 10041 or 10049. Then install that first even if it might be a bit buggy.
2) Go to Settings > Update and Recovery > Updates
3) In advanced change the option for receiving updates to "Fast track"
4) Then check for updates again
5) Download 10074 using the same screen (Click on download updates, if it doesnot automatically download)
6) Then let it download and install
7) From here on just follow the instructions in the installation program.

Also please take note of this
When you install a preview software for the first times on any machine (PC/Tablet or Phone), it is best to install as a new device rather than upgrade from older versions. It reduces most of the issues.
Ok I tried similar scenario here and have a solution for you.

I got it installed on a macbook with the same issue. Initially, I couldnt install, because it gave me the BSOD each time. After trying this method, I have installed it and working perfectly.

1) You have to download the ISO for a previous build might be 10041 or 10049. Then install that first even if it might be a bit buggy.
2) Go to Settings > Update and Recovery > Updates
3) In advanced change the option for receiving updates to "Fast track"
4) Then check for updates again
5) Download 10074 using the same screen (Click on download updates, if it doesnot automatically download)
6) Then let it download and install
7) From here on just follow the instructions in the installation program.

Also please take note of this
When you install a preview software for the first times on any machine (PC/Tablet or Phone), it is best to install as a new device rather than upgrade from older versions. It reduces most of the issues.

The only ISO available is for the 10074 build. Also preview software should only be installed in a VM or spare machine and NEVER on production hardware.
I'm running the preview on an old laptop of mine.....thank God. I'm stuck on build 10061 and nothing will open....no apps, no windows...nothing....it's just stuck on the desktop page and won't budge. If I could at least get onto the app page I might be able to hit the settings tile and tinker around. If anybody can suggest a possible fix I'm all ears :)

But yeah, there's no way on Gods green earth I'd have stuck W10 preview on my SP3, let alone if it was a work machine. That's just common sense
I ignored previous builds for fear of them being unstable. After they changed name from technical to insider, I thought to myself that this is a relatively stable build. So I took the plunge after following instructions with regards to USB recovery. I am not complaining about bugginess. I know that incomplete software is buggy. What has happened here is not a bug. It's devastation! My friend is using Ubuntu to recover my files. I am devastated....i had 10 yrs worth of music and family pix.

THIS absolutely made my day. Thx!
I know what it means because i speak german ;)

And I am not exactly spiteful I just can't stand peoples naivety.
I know what it means because i speak german ;)

And I am not exactly spiteful I just can't stand peoples naivety.

I kinda feel for the guy. Yeah, ignoring a million warnings and loading experimental software on your primary device (a brand new SP3 and a work one at that too!!) is pretty craycray, but hey, he's a Microsoft fan and wanted to be part of the early adopter experience, you gotta give him credit for that
I do and I absolutely understand why he wanted to try - but hey people need to learn to make backups.
Seriously, Even if it's an insider preview and there is tons of warning, people could at least help him out...

I've had the same problem on my primary device, but I was well aware of the risks so I didn't mind and went to look for sollutions. The following worked like a charm:

1. Create a bootable USB, with tech preview 10074 (5 Ways to Make a USB Bootable - wikiHow) --> use winrar to unpack the ISO
2. Put the USB in the Surface and turn the surface on by pressing volume down and the power button (this makes the device boot from any USB in the USB slot)
3. The computer will boot into the installation program.You don't want to loose your stuff so don't do a clean install, instead click on "repair my computer" (it's in a small font underneath the install button)
4. Your surface is now in repair mode and guess what: you can do whatever you want to repair your problems. One of the options (which is the one you'll want to use) is refresh my pc (without losing programs and files). Since the bootable USB has all the nescessary files, the thing will start refreshing, if all else fails you'll still be able to do a clean install. At least your device will work properly again.

Regards and good luck!
If you didn't make a backup and you used your main PC (I used my main laptop but I don't mind having to reformat my HDD and reinstall all 3 operating systems I have). It's an unstable build, things are going to crash, you might get BSOD. Also, need I mention OneDrive. You could of dragged and dropped your stuff in there, I think you get 15 GB free.
Don't know if you have fixed your problem, but I'd like to try to help.

I had a similar issue after installing an older build of Win10 and then wanting to go back to Win 8.1, my surface wouldn't recognize the recovery USB I had created. So I downloaded the Win 8 ISO files (they are available on the insider website) and put them on a USB drive, and installed from that. I then had to go get all the surface drivers, so it was a pain, but in the end it got my surface running again. I feel your pain.

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