I ignored previous builds for fear of them being unstable. After they changed name from technical to insider, I thought to myself that this is a relatively stable build. So I took the plunge after following instructions with regards to USB recovery. I am not complaining about bugginess. I know that incomplete software is buggy. What has happened here is not a bug. It's devastation! My friend is using Ubuntu to recover my files. I am devastated....i had 10 yrs worth of music and family pix.
Ok I tried similar scenario here and have a solution for you.
I got it installed on a macbook with the same issue. Initially, I couldnt install, because it gave me the BSOD each time. After trying this method, I have installed it and working perfectly.
1) You have to download the ISO for a previous build might be 10041 or 10049. Then install that first even if it might be a bit buggy.
2) Go to Settings > Update and Recovery > Updates
3) In advanced change the option for receiving updates to "Fast track"
4) Then check for updates again
5) Download 10074 using the same screen (Click on download updates, if it doesnot automatically download)
6) Then let it download and install
7) From here on just follow the instructions in the installation program.
Also please take note of this
When you install a preview software for the first times on any machine (PC/Tablet or Phone), it is best to install as a new device rather than upgrade from older versions. It reduces most of the issues.