- Dec 18, 2014
- 4
- 0
- 0
Please Help me
I am trying (Restart my phone, remove battery and sim card and sd card, also soft rest by press "Down Volume + Power", rest from settings, hard rest by press "Down Volume + Power then press with hold on Down Volume then After see big mark press in this order Up Volume, Down Volume, power, and Down Volume", and Last use (Lumia Recovery Software Tools) but after download 1.5 GB show me a messeage "Your Devices not support!!")
Please help me, I can't open any application, because it is restart when I am trying open any thing, and I can't send or Receive calls and SMS
Note: My device is Nokia Lumia 520 with Windows Phone 8.1

Please help me, I can't open any application, because it is restart when I am trying open any thing, and I can't send or Receive calls and SMS
Note: My device is Nokia Lumia 520 with Windows Phone 8.1