I COULD Get an Xbox One, but I Have Some Concerns.

I have to say if you are naive enough to be like "EA has published a game, I wont buy it no matter how good it is", then it's your own damn loss. Titanfall is easily the most polished and finished new title I've played in the last decade

Stopped reading.
Having read your posts throughout the months/years, you 100% should not get an xbone. I'm honestly surprised you even are considering it. I've yet to see you post a positive thing about it.

I for one am glad i have one, but seriously bro you will go crazy.
Having read your posts throughout the months/years, you 100% should not get an xbone. I'm honestly surprised you even are considering it. I've yet to see you post a positive thing about it.

I for one am glad i have one, but seriously bro you will go crazy.

You must not have read what I typed much then. Everything I said was under the umbrella of "I won't get it as-is," but it's changed a lot. They dumped the online requirement and the required Kinect plug-in and a lot more. The only thing still present that I really hate is that I HAVE to buy the Kinect, but I can live with that. My real concern now is having games to play, but that wouldn't be terribly hard to alleviate over the next 6-12 months, especially since I'm also building a Steam library to supplement my console library.
Stopped reading.
As said, that's only your loss :P

I would understand boycotting BF4 for example, but Titanfall wasnt actually pushed out there half assed.

Even then I wonder if devs are to blame too. A studio makes a crap game, its EAs fault, but if an EA game is good, hooray best devs ever.
That's basically how it is, yeah. Why was BF4 a mess? EA pushed DICE to get it out before CoD, so it got launched with a bunch of bugs. Obviously there is blame to be put on DICE for not getting the game done in-time, but EA is the one who pushes for the asinine things that exist. They're probably the reason PvZ 2 apparently got monetized to hell, they likely demanded the always-online SimCity, and their execs are the ones who bought the NFL license and basically had that screw up advancements in both third-party football AND baseball games (because 2K bought the MLB license in response to EA's purchase of the NFL one).

But I stopped reading because you decided to call names and spout hyperbole about Titanfall, because I refuse to believe it is both bug-free AND the only game in the last 10 years to release bug-free.
TC, when people are nice enough to answer your questions in detail, a simple "thanks" is the appropriate reply whether you personally agree with it or not. As for Titanfall vs BF4, EA servers host BF4 and MS servers host Titanfall -- that alone explains a major difference between the two. PvZ:GW is an awesome game published by EA with no monetization, probably to a fault as there are a lot of people who would happily pay to add more features/modes.
No, I don't thank people who come in and call names and insult me, it doesn't work that way.

As for the FPS comparison, you're wrong there. It's not about the servers, and I'm pretty sure that both uses Microsoft's Azure servers on the One. Regardless, the problem is not about Battlefield's servers, the game's code is bad.

That's basically how it is, yeah. Why was BF4 a mess? EA pushed DICE to get it out before CoD, so it got launched with a bunch of bugs. Obviously there is blame to be put on DICE for not getting the game done in-time, but EA is the one who pushes for the asinine things that exist. They're probably the reason PvZ 2 apparently got monetized to hell, they likely demanded the always-online SimCity, and their execs are the ones who bought the NFL license and basically had that screw up advancements in both third-party football AND baseball games (because 2K bought the MLB license in response to EA's purchase of the NFL one).

But I stopped reading because you decided to call names and spout hyperbole about Titanfall, because I refuse to believe it is both bug-free AND the only game in the last 10 years to release bug-free.

I don't think any game is ever bug free, but it's state at release is honestly something I havn't seen easily in a decade. And not just about being bug-free but how solid the game mechanics and maps etc are. I honestly have very, very hard time coming up with negative things about the game and the ones I can come up with are mostly preference things, like some people don't like the AI, some people want more than 6v6, some people would want to be flooded with weapons BF-style, whereas TF is more about "one generic weapon per niche" instead of 200 guns. And then the e-sports people are a bit bummed about lack of some features like private lobbies that are incoming too.

And yes, I don't deny that EA is likely at fault at least for BF4s bad state, however I don't see a problem with SimCity apart from the launch rush that meant many had hard time actually playing the game.

Your problem largely is that you make conclusions that are too strong considering you've never even played or tried half the things you automatically judge.

For me it remains that there are far more titles from EA that I enjoyed that left a bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps I'm a more forgiving type, then again I never had issues with BF4. But had I decided to skip on Titanfall and Peggle just cos BF4 was rushed and SimCity was always online, I wish the future me would invent a time machine and come slap me so hard across the face that it would have a handprint on it for a month.

You can refuse to believe what you want, but it all just comes around to you not having a damn clue what you're talking about, cos you've never tried half the things you judge so harshly.

For the most parts I like you, Keith, but I wish I would've done what you did instead of wasting my time and stopped reading a long time ago. But for the sake of your own future in real life as well, I'd seriously reconsider if it's worth it to prejudge everything and so hard before you've given things a fair chance.
as far as i know, the only games that use Azure servers are Titanfall and Forza. Thats why when the azure servers were down last week for a period of time, both games didnt work, but all other games did.
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You can refuse to believe what you want, but it all just comes around to you not having a damn clue what you're talking about, cos you've never tried half the things you judge so harshly.

For the most parts I like you, Keith, but I wish I would've done what you did instead of wasting my time and stopped reading a long time ago. But for the sake of your own future in real life as well, I'd seriously reconsider if it's worth it to prejudge everything and so hard before you've given things a fair chance.

And therein lies where you're wrong. You assume I just look at anything that says "EA," then immediately pass it over. In actuality, I've likely watched a lot of game footage of the majority of the games I talk about. I've watched a BUNCH of Titanfall footage. I've seen Battlefield footage. I've even played many of EA's franchises (NBA LIVE, Need for Speed, Madden), and I've watched them go downhill to the point of being total garbage (EA had FOUR YEARS to make NBA LIVE a decent game, and they couldn't do it).

But part of it is just having standards and ideals and sticking to them. I consider EA to be the pinnacle of what is wrong with the gaming industry, so I hate to give them money. Yeah, the money I'd give them is nothing for them to worry about, but I'd just prefer to say I'm not part of the problem, even if it means missing out on a decent game every 5 years (which is basically the rate at which I see EA release a decent game anymore). I legitimately just went back and looked at the entire release list of EA from 2009-2014, and there really isn't anything I'd say I missed out on, just some stuff I might have bought, played for an hour, then tossed aside. Dead Space might have been good, but I'm not the biggest horror genre fan. Crysis intrigued me at one point, but I didn't have a PC when it launched, and I no longer cared by the time it made it to consoles...4 years later. Need for Speed has maybe two installments (out of about 6) that I'd have cared for Hot Pursuit and Rivals (which I actually could get, but I'd rather wait for The Crew, which sounds like a similar title with a better setup).

I mean, you'd have a point if I didn't research games, but I do. I've either read about, watch gameplay of (online or in-person), or played most of the games I comment on. The only instance in which I might be skipping out on a game I like because of this is Titanfall and that's if I don't get the Titanfall console bundle. There's also Forza, but I don't feel like I'm missing out on that too badly because I skipped 3 just because i was bored and I only touched Forza 4 for one stretch of time in the 2+ years it's been out (got it Christmas 2011).

Yeah, I admit I probably missed a game here or there over my stance, but none stand out when I look at what EA's put out over the past 5 years. There really isn't anything that I pre-judge, but I do form initial opinions (as does everyone, don't even pretend otherwise). If you'd like, throw out the EA games put out since 2009 (sortable list here) that you think I missed out on, and I'll give an honest response (not that I expect you to, since this accomplishes nothing in the grand scheme of things). I played music games to death, and Rock Band 3's setlist was bad. I'm not an RPG person, so Dragon Age didn't interest me. I tried the first Mass Effect and didn't like it. Only Hot Pursuit from the NFS series looked semi-interesting. Battlefield seemed OK, but I've also heard many horror stories (and seen the result) about it, and I don't care for large-scaled games (why I hate playing Big Team Battle in Halo 4 or Ground War in CoD).

For all my posturing about boycotting EA, it's not all that hard because they've released junk for most of the past 5 years. Dead Space is really the only in-house franchise they've made that looked at-all interesting to me over that time, but I don't think that I even knew about it until I saw commercials for the second game. I mean, I've not had trouble finding games to play and enjoy while not buying from EA. I've got about 50 between Xbox and PC that I haven't finished, with probably 40 of them (all on PC) being games I never even STARTED. I've got a library of about 40 360 games and 50 PC games, so as I said, I've got plenty to enjoy.
as far as i know, the only games that use Azure servers are Titanfall and Forza. Thats why when the azure servers were down last week for a period of time, both games didnt work, but all other games did.

I think those are the only using Xbox LIVE Compute. However, Microsoft's supposedly using their servers to host every game on LIVE, though I can't say I'd be surprised if that ended up not being the case early in the generation, since folks like Activision and EA probably had networks ready for Ghosts and BF4 respectively.
1. How's the OS right now?

For me the OS is fine after the few latest additions, pretty easy to navigate with a controller, I only use the Kinect for snapping something while in a game or recording a game clip. Also if you use the Xbox to watch movies is nice to be able to pause/resume/change volume with voice commands. As a bonus, using smart glass on any device you might have makes it super easy to use the browser or write messages etc.

2. Where's party chat at now?

Haven't used it since the update so can't comment but is supposed to work :-)

3. What is there to play?

Forza 5 is actually a great game, sure you have a bit too few tracks for my taste but the game is probably one of the best games on the Xbox One right now. Feeling the wheels slip through vibrations in the buttons/sticks is done very well. Other than that you always have the Assassin's creed, Tomb Raider if you have not played them on the 360/PS3 yet. And Ryse is worth playing especially if you find a used copy (by now there should be some available), is not as bad as most reviewers make it. I also like BF4 but it still has some problems. Played Titanfall only in the beta and while it seems like a good game it's not really my thing.

Upcoming (soon): Watch dogs, new Wolfenstein

4. What's the headset market like?

I'm not sure why you're not considering the adaptor. I mean the Turtle Beach XO Four that are sold for the Xbox One have a normal headset plug and the adaptor in the box. I think the more expensive ones are the same. If you already have a good headset you should go for the adaptor.

5. How's pass-through work?

This I don't know.
I don't care to buy the adapter because it's a scam. $25 for it is ridiculous. Microsoft's been terrible with the nickel-and-dime tactics this generation, like upping the Play & Charge's price and not selling the rechargeable batteries without the chargers, then upping the controllers by $10 (I get new tech costs more, but they also won't drop the prices of the controllers as the tech gets cheaper).

My thing with Forza is that Forza 4 got really redundant, and it had twice as many tracks. I just don't think I'll enjoy it for more than a week, but it's still a tempting game. I never even started Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, so I'm 3 games behind before Black Flag is even an option. Tomb Raider, I can get it on Steam for, like, $6-10 during a sale (depending on if I get the base game or the GotY version). The game situation doesn't bother me AS much the more I think about it, because I've managed to survive the last 18 months while only having gotten Black Ops II, Halo 4, and Borderlands 2 during that time. There are 4 or 5 games out I want in 2014/early-2015, so there should be plenty to do.

The real thing I have to wonder is what to do with my current Halo 4 edition 360. I was taking a peek on eBay, and they seem to sell for $200+. One listing actually has a bid for $300 with 20 games and 3 controllres, so I figure I coudl get something similar for my console, 2 controllers, 35-40 games, and my headset...

The more I think about it, the more I want to get a One, especially since my cousin lives here and has his own 360, meaning I could keep/play games I actually cared to on his console.
Strider is a good game (though its available for the 360 as well).

Zoo Tycoon is pretty deep and looks great.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is very fun (albeit, still an EA game - but an EA game without any microtransactions at all)

Titanfall - to me - is a game you can only gather so much through watching someone play. It's another thing to actually play it. Lots of fun.

Ryse is a wonderful game too that looks great. Sure, its short, but its fun. If you can pick that up used - even better.

To play ACIV you don't really need to play Brotherhood, Revelations, or ACIII first. If you like pirates and sailing big ships into battle - pick it up.

I still think Dead Rising 3 is worth looking at (there's a pretty good demo in the store if/when you get a XBOX One).

If you like fighting games, Killer Instinct is really good - and Fulgore becomes available next week!

I'd also recommend at least trying the Kinect once you get a XBOX One, don't just throw it in the closet and forget about it. Being able to say, "XBOX record that" 'snap part' 'volume down' 'turn off' is great. it also makes it really easy to jump around the system. You're playing Killer Instinct, you get 'bored' and want to watch Netflix. Instead of hitting 'guide button,' going to the pins, selecting Netflix, you just say, "XBOX go to Netflix" from within Killer Instinct. Boom, you're there. And, if you want to play KI again you just say, "XBOX go to Killer Instinct" and it'll put you right back to where you were...

The Fantasia game (which isnt' out yet, but coming soon) has received quite a bit of praise, especially now that it doesn't have JUST Disney songs...
If I get it, the Kinect will get used for Kinect Sports Rivals, because I want that (yeah, because David Tennant's the announcer, and he's awesome). However, I'll unplug it when I'm playing something else, most likely. I'm not big on showing things off, though I have taken maybe a dozen clips in a year-plus on Halo 4, IDK. I've been trying to tell my friend to set up Twitch on his Xbox so I can check out Forza, but he has yet to do that.

Otherwise, I'd just be getting the Titanfall bundle, seeing about putting my 360 and its games on eBay, then picking up Rivals and Watch Dogs (which is out the day after my birthday) at some point.
If I get it, the Kinect will get used for Kinect Sports Rivals, because I want that (yeah, because David Tennant's the announcer, and he's awesome). However, I'll unplug it when I'm playing something else, most likely. I'm not big on showing things off, though I have taken maybe a dozen clips in a year-plus on Halo 4, IDK. I've been trying to tell my friend to set up Twitch on his Xbox so I can check out Forza, but he has yet to do that.

Otherwise, I'd just be getting the Titanfall bundle, seeing about putting my 360 and its games on eBay, then picking up Rivals and Watch Dogs (which is out the day after my birthday) at some point.

If it's not necessary budget wise, I'd hold off from selling your 360 for now. It sorta depends how you use it, but a lot of people regret that decision when many features of the 360 still arnt available to One. Or most friends not having moved to the next gen yet. Or not enough games for next gen just yet. You catch the drift.

I never had a 360 so I have no first hand experience doing that, but just something I've picked up when reading these and other forums.
Well, my cousin lives here, and he has a 360. In fact, he has two. There's an unused fat model that's been sitting in my room gathering dust for probably more than a year now. If I REALLY wanted, I could probably just fire it up. The only game I've played on 360 in the past couple of months is Halo 4, I think, and my cousin has it.

I'd rather not hold off. If I sell it, I want to do it now, before the market falls out and they're flooding eBay with cheap consoles. Right now, there's a lot with the same Halo 4 console and 20 games for $300, but it has a third controller and one of the Nyko dual-controller chargers. I figure if I was to put my console with the 2 controllers, 1 Play & Charge, 35-40 games, and my Turtle Beach X11 headset, I could get $300-400 for it easily. Basically, I'd be trading my 360 and its collection (which I never play) for the One. I'd have cash to purchase an Xbox One Turtle Beach, and Kinect Sports Rivals, then probably some Eneloops and a second controller as well, without feeling like I was throwing away TOO much money.
My dad said that if I wanted a One as a graduation gift (his suggestion, not mine), I could get it. However, it's something that I still have a lot of concerns about. Rather than listen to likely-uninformed journalists make silly statements, I figured I'd ask the community here for input. The things that I'd like some information on:

1. How's the OS right now? I keep hearing complaints about things that are missing, like a battery monitor, storage information, a recent players list, and generally-unfriendly UI setup. It sounded like the Kinect is almost a must for navigation, and I want no part of doing that (I like controller-based navigation).

2. Where's party chat at now? I'd heard that it was something of a mess, but I don't know what it's like right now.

3. What is there to play? The biggest concern I have (after not getting a Halo 5 edition console) is a general lack of games. All that I would maybe play as of now is Kinect Sports: Rivals. Ghosts is terrible (tried it on PC during a free weekend on Steam). PvZ: GW, BF4, NFS: Rivals, Titanfall, Madden, and NBA LIVE are all EA, meaning I won't give them my money. Turn 10 butchered Forza 5, between the content and graphics cutting, so I won't buy from them. I'm not really into zombies, so I probably wouldn't bother with Dead Rising 3 and while the visuals of Ryse are awesome, most have said that the gameplay is really bland. I mean, if I got a One, I'd MAYBE get the Titanfall bundle, since it's such a good deal, but $500 on a console for one game is nearly-impossible to justify. What else is out, and is any of it good? What's on the horizon?

4. What's the headset market like? I really like the Turtle Beach headset I use now on the PC and 360, but apparently the turds at Microsoft don't enjoy backwards-compatibility. I'm not spending $30-40 on that dumb adapter, so I'd be looking into a new headset. Is there one that works on the PC and the One, preferably simultaneously (I like to play music from my PC to my headset while playing Halo 4 online)?

5. How's pass-through work? I know this is a likely "no" response, but is there a way to have it run ONLY audio? Like I said, I like listening to music form my PC while I play, so if I could, I'd like to use the pass-through to have music in the background, without having the screen split between the console and the PC desktop. Also, how bad is the input lag on that now? Is it even remotely feasible to use a PC through the pass-through port?

So like I said, I'm really hesitant on getting a console. I keeping wanting to ask for it, but then I remember all of the complaints I hear. However, I want to know that the complaints are justified. Any input's appreciated.

1) The OS in my opinion is great, works all the time and I'm a heavy user. Slow at times but Phil Spencer said they're going to continue the Monthly updates EVERY month.

2) Party system did a complete 360, it sucks, horribly. Slow and doesn't work half the damn time.

3) Titanfall really is amazing. I haven't played anything else since. I was never a fan of twitch shooter and Halo was the only FPS I used to play. Between Battlefield and CoD I only had 4 hours logged. Titanfall alone I have 61 hours logged.

4) The headset market is slim pickings right now. Stop being negative and get a chat adapter. EVERY headset you can buy for the Xbox One comes with it added into the cost, so just buy one. If not I can recommend the XO4, XO7, and the Turtlebeach Atlas.

5) No, video and audio. No work around. Use Xbox music if you have a subscription, if not sorry no way.

In the end your a tough customer, stop think about the negatives, they'll improve. If you thought like that for everything you would never buy anything!
I'm really not a tough customer, it's just that I'm asking about the negatives because they are the deciding factor. There's no reason to ask about the things I already like, because I like them. As the title suggests, I just want to see how the things I am concerned about go over. For example, the responses have me no longer worrying about the OS, it sounds like it'll do the things I want just fine (all I want the console for is gaming; I have no interest in Netflix or whatever).

Again, the adapter thing's just garbage. Yeah, the new headsets will charge me for it, but I'll at least get a higher-quality headset out of it, I guess. I'd rather spend $100 on an improved headset than $30 on an add-on to get the SAME experience I've got right now. Regardless, what do you have for a headset? I saw the XO4 at Target tonight, and figured I'd get it, if I pick up a third-party headset. Does it work on the PC like the 360 ones do, and how's the audio quality? Mostly, since you said they include the adapter, does that means that you don't benefit from the HD chat audio?

The last part was just what I expected. Xbox Music offers no value to me. There's likely too much of a gap in their library for my music, as most of what I've gotten lately is smaller bands. I can work around it by using my phone (my previous method) or pushing music from my PC through my headset (if the XO4 is PC-compatible like my X11 headset is).

But thanks for the comments, they answered most everything. I'm leaning towards asking my dad to get me the Titanfall bundle and either the Titanfall controller or Kinect Sports Rivals, just to see what he says. However, I also want to see about having him put my 360 on eBay first (not really interested in setting up my own account and PayPal for a one-time sale), so I'll probably talk to him about it when I see him Sunday. The upside is that he's not one for surprises, so he might not make me wait until my graduation to give me the console, so I could end up getting it within the next couple of weeks.
I'm really not a tough customer, it's just that I'm asking about the negatives because they are the deciding factor. There's no reason to ask about the things I already like, because I like them. As the title suggests, I just want to see how the things I am concerned about go over. For example, the responses have me no longer worrying about the OS, it sounds like it'll do the things I want just fine (all I want the console for is gaming; I have no interest in Netflix or whatever).

Again, the adapter thing's just garbage. Yeah, the new headsets will charge me for it, but I'll at least get a higher-quality headset out of it, I guess. I'd rather spend $100 on an improved headset than $30 on an add-on to get the SAME experience I've got right now. Regardless, what do you have for a headset? I saw the XO4 at Target tonight, and figured I'd get it, if I pick up a third-party headset. Does it work on the PC like the 360 ones do, and how's the audio quality? Mostly, since you said they include the adapter, does that means that you don't benefit from the HD chat audio?

The last part was just what I expected. Xbox Music offers no value to me. There's likely too much of a gap in their library for my music, as most of what I've gotten lately is smaller bands. I can work around it by using my phone (my previous method) or pushing music from my PC through my headset (if the XO4 is PC-compatible like my X11 headset is).

But thanks for the comments, they answered most everything. I'm leaning towards asking my dad to get me the Titanfall bundle and either the Titanfall controller or Kinect Sports Rivals, just to see what he says. However, I also want to see about having him put my 360 on eBay first (not really interested in setting up my own account and PayPal for a one-time sale), so I'll probably talk to him about it when I see him Sunday. The upside is that he's not one for surprises, so he might not make me wait until my graduation to give me the console, so I could end up getting it within the next couple of weeks.
The chat adapter runs the same way the included MIC. Not to sure ifs its HD Chat audio but the chat sounds the same as the include MIC which they boasted had HD Chat, light years and night/day compare to the Xbox 360. The reason why I dint say the adapter is CRAP is because it does allow use of MOST third party headset which is only as good as your current headset. My old Trittons weren't compatible, but if they were I'd use them as they cost about $350. The only problem with adapter is it doesn't support SVM (voice monitoring).

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