I COULD Get an Xbox One, but I Have Some Concerns.

Yeah, that's what I'm asking about with the XO4, what's the audio quality on it, versus what you might get from an X11 or X12 headset? The One's supposedly offers this super-clear audio, but did they say which headset(s) will actually support that level of audio quality? I guess I don't really care, I can hear on my X11s just fine, just wondering if the XO4s will offer significantly-better audio quality or not.
Yeah, that's what I'm asking about with the XO4, what's the audio quality on it, versus what you might get from an X11 or X12 headset? The One's supposedly offers this super-clear audio, but did they say which headset(s) will actually support that level of audio quality? I guess I don't really care, I can hear on my X11s just fine, just wondering if the XO4s will offer significantly-better audio quality or not.
Gameplay audio is great (never had the X11 but remember the XO4 is the entry level stereo headset. No headset really takes full advantage right now. Sounds great though, and the HD Voice I believe is universal being a codec maybe? Idk. Sounds the same on every headset.
The downside is that I went ot Turtle Beach's site, and the only headset they have listed as One- and PC-compatible is the Titanfall version of the XO7 (I think it's the XO7), and people are saying that the audio on that headset's pretty inconsistent and poor, so throwing $150 at it doesn't interest me. Polk says that theirs work with the PC, but I don't trust it because they say iy's a single plug, so IDK how it'd handle the input and output when a PC handles them over separate connections. It didn't seem like Microsoft's stereo headset was PC-compatible, either. It'll likely be that I just use in included headset in the short-term, while hoping that a proper cross-platform headset shows up by the holiday season.
The codec that the Xbox one uses is superior to that of the 360. So I'd assume any headset you hook up to a Xbox One will sound better than what's on the 360... My friend has the Polk headset, I'll check with him to see how it works on PC...
The downside is that I went ot Turtle Beach's site, and the only headset they have listed as One- and PC-compatible is the Titanfall version of the XO7 (I think it's the XO7), and people are saying that the audio on that headset's pretty inconsistent and poor, so throwing $150 at it doesn't interest me. Polk says that theirs work with the PC, but I don't trust it because they say iy's a single plug, so IDK how it'd handle the input and output when a PC handles them over separate connections. It didn't seem like Microsoft's stereo headset was PC-compatible, either. It'll likely be that I just use in included headset in the short-term, while hoping that a proper cross-platform headset shows up by the holiday season.

The Atlas headset is a XO4 with a pre mixed config for Titanfall to sound amazing on. The performance is as consistent as any XBO headset running with the chat adapter. That's the main problem, the adapter. They're pushing alot of controller updates to fix it, but as a serious gamer, I notice its fault frequently. It stops working sometimes, white noise, crackling. Alot of updates ae coming but my experience has been ok with it at best. I don't think Turtlebeachs fault is on he headset side though, its MS and the chat adapters problem.

The atlas comes with the wires to make it PC compatible, but not sire about running both at the same time (PC and XBO)
I see, it was that all the complaints I saw with the audio were on the Atlas, but not the XO4 or XO7 themselves. The Polk one apparently has a few issues itself, while I didn't bother reading about the Microsoft stereo one. I'm just going to stick with the included headset for now, then get a multi-device one for my PC when those start getting made.
I like the XO4's the sound is very good but I'm not a sound maniac so I don't even know what you guys mean with HD super clear whatever sound :-D. On the comfort part I find them a little heavy and I need to find the right position on my head so that I don't feel the middle bar pressing but no major complains. If you are into chatting a lot I would go with the 7 since those I think have the microphone that moves up when you want to put it out of the way. On the XO4 you can unscrew the microphone and put it on the table, meaning you'll lose it most of the time if you don't like to have it always in front of your mouth.

On the controller/adaptor side, I did experience 2-3 times when there's a sharp noise in the headphones and then the controller disconnects, the game pauses and asks you to reconnect the controller. My guess is this is the fix in the next update since is rumored the next update requires again a controller update. Is annoying since you need to remove the batteries and then turn on the controller to reconnect. Doesn't happen often but in multiplayer games is enough to get you annoyed.
Weird, but it doesn't matter anyway. I won't be getting any of the headset. A lack of PC support is a 100% deal-breaker for me. I NEED my headset to be PC-compatible, as I will want to use it to talk to my friend on Raidcall as well, when we want to just talk or play games on PC together. Plus, I like the ability to use my headset to play music from my PC while I'm playing on Halo 4. Of course, that will now end, since my X11s won't work without a $25-30 adapter I won't be buying. I'll just be using the included headset until a decent PC-compatible one launches. Like you, I'm not an expert on audio, nor am I too concerned about audio quality, but functionality is important to me.
Just remember, the included headset only works for in game chat, no in game audio. So no late night sessions while everyone is sleeping or ... well, nobody will be sleeping :wink:. Maybe now that they have the adaptor worked out Microsoft should reconsider and bundle in the Xbox one box the adaptor and a normal plug chat-only headset... not sure if it would be the same price though but it would make more sense...
So much false, haha. It's 4 AM, and I just finished playing Titanfall. I stopped using in-game audio MONTHS (if not more than a year) ago because my line from the TV to the headset was messed up. That's when I started plugging my headset into my PC for power. I never cared for in-game audio through the headset though, so no worries. I'll grab a decent PC-compatible headset near the end of the year, I figure.
So much false, haha. It's 4 AM, and I just finished playing Titanfall. I stopped using in-game audio MONTHS (if not more than a year) ago because my line from the TV to the headset was messed up. That's when I started plugging my headset into my PC for power. I never cared for in-game audio through the headset though, so no worries. I'll grab a decent PC-compatible headset near the end of the year, I figure.

So, you're saying that you think Titanfall is pretty fun then huh ;)
Here is what I'm telling my friends. Wait.

I got one as a bday gift from the SO. I really wasn't ready for it as I have a pile of 360 games that need to be played. This system is just not ready, and I feel like it is one big beta test. HOW in the world could you launch a system like this with just 13 games? And why aren't developers falling over themselves to bring out games? It has been 6 months and less than 20 games?

It WILL get better, but for now all the early adopters are just beta testers. And the sad thing is, 6 months in shouldn't be called early adoption.
You do realize that no system releases with a ton of games. I remember when the Nintendo 64 came out. it had 2 games. TWO - Pilotwings 64 and Super Mario 64. That was it for quite awhile.

The Super Nintendo released with just 5 games.

I think developers aren't falling over themselves quite yet to release games because 1) its expensive. really expensive to develop games now. 2) even with the combined success of the XBOX One and PS4 sales - its still only 10 million users world wide - compared to the almost 130 million+ of combined users for the XBOX 360 and PS3.

Personally - I've been incredibly happy with the XBOX One since I got it in November. I think its awesome.

Here is what I'm telling my friends. Wait.

I got one as a bday gift from the SO. I really wasn't ready for it as I have a pile of 360 games that need to be played. This system is just not ready, and I feel like it is one big beta test. HOW in the world could you launch a system like this with just 13 games? And why aren't developers falling over themselves to bring out games? It has been 6 months and less than 20 games?

It WILL get better, but for now all the early adopters are just beta testers. And the sad thing is, 6 months in shouldn't be called early adoption.
ncxcstud largely said what I feel. The "games at launch" is best it has ever been for just about any console. Sure, that doesn't change that it's still not that much games. But you really do have to remember how HUGE last gen was. Like ncxcstud mentioned that the install base of 360 and PS3 is so big that it's more profitable focusing on that for now, not to mention how game industry is having hard time making profit as it is. I recall Square Enix saying when Tomb Raider finally sold 6 million combined on all platforms that at least they didn't lose money on it. Now to sell 6 million on either PS4 or Xbox One alone would be impossible cos neither has sold 6 million and the combined isn't likely even at 10 mil yet, so you probably catch the reasoning.

Buying almost anything at launch these days means you are going to be a beta tester (except Titanfall :P). I don't think it's any newfound lazyness of developers, it's just that every device and software just does so much more than they did in the past and especially games take more money and more time to develop too. Sure, my GameCube didn't make me feel like a beta tester, but with the few games it came out with + the fact that outside gaming it only had a calendar that showed date, there's not much that could've been not-ready at launch :P

I've had my One since January 2014 and I've been really happy with it too. If I had a timemachine, I'd just go back in time and buy it earlier than January lol :P
So, you're saying that you think Titanfall is pretty fun then huh ;)

IDK, there are good things and bad things. My biggest complaint is the art style, because on those big, destroyed maps, people REALLY blend in. It's hard to see folks from a distance, and as someone who played Black Ops II with a SCAR-H from a distance, it's frustrating.

However, I love the feel of the Titans. You don't feel like a cumbersome monster at all. The only thing that's a bit annoying there is I've been told someone was on me several times, only to hop out and have no one there. Then that electric smoke, it's garbage. I tried to hop on a few Titans, only to have the electric smoke get me. That's likely a go-to perk for people, if it's 100% effective at stopping a rodeo.
Yeah, I was concerned about not having games, but I realized it was really silly in the end. I never play more than maybe 2 games at a time. I'll have Titanfall for the FPS days, then I have Forza as an alternative. I'm supposed to get Kinect Sports Rivals tomorrow as well (gotta clean and re-arrange my room to use the Kinect...), then I'll get Watch Dogs in 7 weeks or so. Who actually wants to go throw $60 apiece at about 10 games at launch, when by the time you get to playing the last 5 of them, they'll be on-sale for half that or less?

Does anyone here actually engage in playing 5+ games at the same time? I personally have only played Halo 4 over the past month or so on my 360, then a few chunks of time on PC were spent on various games, just to try them out after purchase. I'll probably still be interested in my current trio of games when Watch Dogs comes out, but my dad was set on buying me games, since I couldn't get that Titanfall controller.
IDK, there are good things and bad things. My biggest complaint is the art style, because on those big, destroyed maps, people REALLY blend in. It's hard to see folks from a distance, and as someone who played Black Ops II with a SCAR-H from a distance, it's frustrating.

However, I love the feel of the Titans. You don't feel like a cumbersome monster at all. The only thing that's a bit annoying there is I've been told someone was on me several times, only to hop out and have no one there. Then that electric smoke, it's garbage. I tried to hop on a few Titans, only to have the electric smoke get me. That's likely a go-to perk for people, if it's 100% effective at stopping a rodeo.

I have to agree about the art style. Every time someone rodeos me and I hop off to shoot them, I probably shoot the first magazine and miss 90% shots cos I cant see them on the damn titan. Same largely goes for the maps in general, but that's more dependant on the factions and map and location in said map.

Electric Smoke is great, but it's only really great for stopping that rodeo. You arn't gonna win a duel against another Titan if they are equipped with Vortex Shield and you with Electric Smoke. I think the balance there is actually pretty great/smart. For me, the single most dangerous thing in the game for me is to disembark to remove the rodeo-dude myself, I probably get killed in the process 8 times out of 10. But at the same time, I'm personally pretty strong in my Stryder (be it against titans or infantry) and the Stryder is really hard to manage without Vortex Shield cos it has so low shields/armor.

It really depends on the lobby though. I keep a titan loadout that is same as my "go to loadout" but with Electric Smoke instead of Vortex Shield. Typically I don't get rodeod all that much to justify using electric smoke but in this one lobby the other day I was getting rodeod constantly and I kept losing my life and my titan more to that than anything else. So for that I switched into the smoke loadout. But typically for me I just keep Vortex Shield cos it just is really really important for durability as a titan, especially as a Stryder.

As for the amount of games, I have trouble even playing 2 at the moment. I really love Thief and want to play it more... but Titanfall! Especially when I often have a Big Bang Theory-DVD in the drive and I have TF as digital, so when I'm like "Maybe I'll play like 20 mins", I've noticed it's clearly much likelier for me to just play TF than open the drawer with disc cases, take DVD out, insert it to its case, take Thief disc from it's case, insert it in, get back to the couch.. As opposed to "Xbox, go to Titanfall" :P
1) its expensive. really expensive to develop games now. .

no it is not. It is expensive to make "triple A" titles that are usually more hyped up with expensive advertising and marketing than actually being good.

There are tons, and I mean TONS of indie developers that make good games that aren't expensive. The 360 has plenty of proof of that.
I do all my media consumption on my PC (plugged into my TV), so I don't have to worry about that. However, I just hit level 10 when I got up this morning and played a round or two, so I haven't actually made a custom Titan loadout yet. I'll have to see what is worth changing from the default Atlas loadout (I tried Ogre for a little and hated the launcher, yet to try the Stryder). I'm kind of just leveling guns/completing weapon challenges right now, so I haven't bothered with playing with loadouts too much just yet.
If you see a titan drop rush over to them - get inside their force field and drop your smoke. Destroys them, and usually kills the pilot trying to get there too.

I only use smoke now. One to at least get people off me. As soon as you hear them climbing on you,lay it down. Sound is so important for that.

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