I keep coming back to Windows Phone

I can say with 100% certainty, and I know I'm different than most people, that the app gap means nothing to me.
Banking. While my bank does have a WM app, if it didn't I've never had a time where I NEEDED to bank on my phone and couldn't wait to use my tablet or PC.
Wearable. Don't wear them. Don't need to track how many steps I take, etc. I walk a lot, am healthy, and that's good enough for me. I would rather wear a quality timepiece and have a collection of watches I use. I appreciate their craftsmanship over a fake watch.

Again, I can appreciate people who chose to use certain apps for whatever reason, but please don't say that the app gap will bother me some day, because it won't.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
But on the flip side please don't tell me there isn't an app problem. I understand your point, but you must see that you are in the minority. A platform can not and will not succeed without dev support. Windows Phone does not have it.
But on the flip side please don't tell me there isn't an app problem. I understand your point, but you must see that you are in the minority. A platform can not and will not succeed without dev support. Windows Phone does not have it.

Absolutely...this goes back way...I remember trying to convince people to get an Amiga because I felt it was superior. They would always say, "Is it IBM Compatible???" And I'd lose them trying to explain the Bridge Board, which was awesome at the time.

Plain and simple...if people don't develop for an OS, it is useless.
But on the flip side please don't tell me there isn't an app problem. I understand your point, but you must see that you are in the minority. A platform can not and will not succeed without dev support. Windows Phone does not have it.

I am absolutely in the minority, I admit that. I am not the type to get caught in the current hype and I use my phone as a tool to help get me through the day. For that I am satisfied. There is nothing I currently need that I am missing. When I had Android I would buy new apps, play around with changing things (customization) and then never use them again much. To me, to say its nice to have lots of apps (more than you need) just in case is akin to being a hoarder and ending up with a house that is a mess. Windows mobile lost the current smartphone war, no doubt about it, but I am not worse off using their platform. I also understand what MS is doing on the mobile front and think, over time, it will pay off.

Let me also say I am not the type person that wants Android or iPhone to fail. I think choice is good for consumers and drives innovation. Nothing stays stagnant for long and there can be a change of direction in this ecosystem, even if a niche. Success is not only measured by units or apps sold but also by how it helps people create, work, and enjoy life. Only time will tell if MS can bring something new to a stale market, but I'm here to go along for the ride.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I am absolutely in the minority, I admit that. I am not the type to get caught in the current hype and I use my phone as a tool to help get me through the day. For that I am satisfied. There is nothing I currently need that I am missing. When I had Android I would buy new apps, play around with changing things (customization) and then never use them again much. To me, to say its nice to have lots of apps (more than you need) just in case is akin to being a hoarder and ending up with a house that is a mess. Windows mobile lost the current smartphone war, no doubt about it, but I am not worse off using their platform. I also understand what MS is doing on the mobile front and think, over time, it will pay off.

Let me also say I am not the type person that wants Android or iPhone to fail. I think choice is good for consumers and drives innovation. Nothing stays stagnant for long and there can be a change of direction in this ecosystem, even if a niche. Success is not only measured by units or apps sold but also by how it helps people create, work, and enjoy life. Only time will tell if MS can bring something new to a stale market, but I'm here to go along for the ride.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Choice is very important. That's why I really wanted Win Phone to do well. Plus I really loved it. Consumers win with choice. Unfortunately I had no choice but to leave.
Choice is very important. That's why I really wanted Win Phone to do well. Plus I really loved it. Consumers win with choice. Unfortunately I had no choice but to leave.

The good thing is you also have the choice to come back when it turns around!

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

Ive been using android phones for a year now but I'm getting my 640 out as my daily driver again.I have a new laptop with win10 and want the whole win10 experience despite what happens in the future .
I am still with my L640, and it has been a trusty device for a couple of years now. I love the windows OS on it, the live tiles and uses, but I am wavering right now, and it feels sad, I want to stay but simple issues cropping up are just ruining it, things are just not running right and in particular the Skype and SMS integration that for me has been a massive failure, just far too many faults and glitches going on, it doesn’t save an SMS as a draft if you exit out before sending, not being able to add a new SMS number as a contact from a message, the worst recently is the fact it has integrated my sister and her husbands numbers under the one Skype name and a Skype message conversation with my sister part way through transferred to SMS on its own, but then was sending the SMS to my brother in law and not her, but to top that off the messages they received registered on his phone as the name I had him saved in my phone, fortunately it was just his nickname, but had I called him something off, well who knows, and that was it, that was the end of Skype/SMS integration for me.

The OS has really gone backwards as well, the predictive keyboard is really poor now to the point of ineffective, notifications on the lock screen not clearing unless you click on the notification to access it, going direct to the app and dealing that way still leaves the notification present. People hub having several contacts of the same person, sometimes linked with the likes of a number, or several different options of the same thing, one person was 8 links, 4 of which were the same and all in outlook contacts. I have some messaging apps that do not show the text in the notifications tray despite the settings having keep private turned off. The voicemail icon remaining for up to an hour after listening to messages, and a few other points, all to me quite basic.

Plus, although I have little use for it last week I had an email confirmation of a flight come through and my iPad picked it up and asked if I wanted it adding to my calendar, clicked yes and done, flight details, times, booking reference everything, that was impressive (yes I am easily pleased!!)

I love the maps and navigation, especially not needing connection, love the tiles, there is nothing better imo in terms of appearance and use, so I am clinging on by my fingertips, although right now I have opportunity to buy an almost new Huawei P9 for £200, a good price for a high end phone, and know I can’t get better on iOS for that price and so little other than a L950 on windows, but it is Windows phone I love.

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