I used to love WP, especially 8.1. W10M never really worked for me so I left. As others have already stated, I'm not glued to a brand until I die. If it works for me, I use it, if it become a pain in the neck (to remain polite) I ditch it. I still have my 930 to test new updates but I have to say that I almost completely lost interest in W10M. I still have my 930 because no one wanted to buy it even at a very cheap price. And as I accidentally broke the screen in the meantime, it is clearly impossible to get rid of it unless I give it for free. I might as well keep it for now.
I moved to Android because my work actually paid me a Galaxy S6. After installing a 3rd party launcher and made the phone look the way I want, it's actually a great OS, despite my previous gripe with Android earliest versions. It works fine and allows me to do everything I need to : from taking great pictures, to work, to entertainment, everything is there. I haven't seen any reboot, crash, instability whatsoever. So, unless Android starts to act up, I'm not coming back the W10M train anytime soon.
For people who complains about Android's instability or slowdowns, just be careful what you install and you should be fine, exactly like on Windows desktop in fact... if you can do it on a device like your computer (and actually defend it), you should be able to apply the same rule to your phone quite easily...
In the meantime, I have not received updates for W10M in months, even if I'm on the Insider preview program (it fails all the time). My email account settings are always out of date, while it works perfectly on all my other devices... FOR ME (and it's just my own experience, your mileage will definitely vary) it's not a good/mature enough OS yet to win me back.
As I said, I loved W8.1 for a reason : slick, fast, reliable, user-friendly, great hardware, great promises. I may come back one day, but for now I'm happy and satisfied with what I have.
BTW, I used the Windows 8 theme on Android and it's utter ****. All the windows phone theme or launchers are simply terrible compared to the actual WP experience you can get on a Lumia