I keep coming back to Windows Phone

Re: I Keep coming back to WP

I never left Windows Phone, it left me. But I've come to terms with the loss after going through all 5 stages. denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. I will stand behind Satya with whatever happens next because he doesn't come across as unrealistic I'll always keep my 1520 close mainly because its so dang smooth. But there is no longer an urgency to buy another Windows Phone. And I am NOT a believer in this mystical Surface Phone and frankly I wish bloggers would stand down on those stories.
Now, what I want is an OS on Windows Phone that will allow devs to develop what they develop on Android based devices. Including, launchers, dialers, themes and the like. They already know how to build them. It is what they build. Let them build these for Windows Phone. If you don't want these kinds of options, don't download them. I would rather keep those apps through the store and not have them from unknown sources. That would invite too much mischief. Windows Mobile used to be this kind of flexible and I know that was a different time but it is where development is and I can't see that changing in the near term. But this platform needs to evolve. It should also allow users to choose between tiles and buttons but overall the OS MUST remain fluid, smooth and all about Microsoft.
i never left windows phone but I GREATLY MISS HERE MAPS, windows maps application doesn't work well, the compass is not accurate, you can't just get into drive mode without first putting a destination.
MS should have just carried apps that were on WP8.1 to W10P.
My Windows Phone history is Lumia 710 to Ativ S, to Lumia 830 to Lumia 930. I had the 930 on early builds of W10M but (looking back at my spreadsheet of phones) I got rid of it in Jul 15. I would like to have one as a second device but there needs to be some compelling hardware available in the UK, I did play with the 950 & XL but they were not for me. Maybe if the Alcatel is released over here I could be tempted. But really I can't see me returning until Microsoft reboot there mobile line up via the surface phone. And even then I will wait for an OEM version as MS will be charging a large amount for it. Luckily though Android has my mobile love so I can watch developments from the side until something happens.
i have 3 mobile phones: an iphone 6, a Lumia 950, a Galaxy S6

Yes, I agree all have pros and cons, but the cons on the Lumia is so big that even i like the interface of windows 10 mobile so much, the Lumia still be treated as second class citizen.

1st the iphone :
-Software: very stable, has enough feature, set it up once and it stays out of the way, very effective phone.
-Hardware : solid build, camera is good. The screen was once the market leader, but now feel nothing special when compare to 2k Amoled on the S6 and Lumia 950. All buttons are in the right place, required the right force to press. Fingerprint is easily fail if your finger is wet.
-Software + hardware: extremely well fine tune, nothing else on earth you can find a phone running so effectively, power management is extremely well, leave it for a day and maybe 5% battery loss.

2nd the Galaxy S6:
-Software: on 6.0 it's very stable, has more than enough feature, some is not necessary, sometimes it stands in the way of us.
-Hardware: equal or better build than the iphone, camera is good. The screen is perfect. All buttons are in the right place, required the right force to press. Better fingerprint than on the iphone
-Software + hardware: well fine tune compare to android standard, howerver it's an Android and all the bull**** of Android stay there. Phone is slow, laggy when some apps are installed in the background, the annoying "Draw over others app" keeps show up. Internal storage ate up by some unknown process, app cache easily reach 1GB after few weeks. power management is goods, a little worse than the iphone.

3rd the Lumia 950:
-Software: i dont know how to say, it's both stable and unstable, Whatsapp never crashes, but the first party apps like Onedrive can easily crash, how the **** is this? Microsoft own apps crashes. The App GAP is true, but it's not the worst, even worse is the stability of apps, the Android and IOS version, 1st party or 3rd party, almost always at the same times more stable and has more feature than the windows version. AND THE CAMERA ALWAYS TAKE 5S TO PROCESS THE PICTURES, **** YOU MICROSOFT
-Hardware : screen is near perfect, build is fine, but stupidity thick. I prefer the plastic grip, but the design is unacceptable.
-Software + hardware: very very uneffective tuned, leave it overnight and easily gone 15% battery. This phone has the bigger battery among the 3, and it is the first phone to die for battery, it has more RAM than the iphone, and app crashes more often then the iphone

Conclusion : **** YOU MICROSOFT, *******
I am a long time WP user, have used many lumias.
But due to 'app gap' and some other issues, i changed ships.
As of now, i have an Iphone 6 from work, a One plus 3 as personal daily driver AND a 640 XL which i use occasionally when i get all nostalgic about WP :grin:

To tell you guys the truth
# Iphone is good when it comes to stability, apps, restoring from backups etc - but i always feel it is an overpriced phone with less user controls. It feels like a toy :P
# One plus 3- very good camera, real fast charging but what puts me off is occasional heating up issues, battery drains real fast, hangs/freezes and occasional unexplained reboots. Is short, i cannot count on this device. Battery may drain unexpectedly, etc..
# Lumia 640XL - love the UI, the plastic feel :P ( i hate metallic feel of the phones), very good camera, OS fluidity.. Occasional lags, app crashes are common but not show stoppers. I feel its real value for money **If you don't have issues with App gap**

To Sum up, i love WP, have always loved it. BUT MS screwed it up :(
App gap can get frustrating sometimes.
I am not a big fan of apps. I mostly use twitter, mails, whatsapp, maps etc. All these seem to work well. BUT some apps like uber, banking apps ( Indian banks) and MS office seems to suck real bad !!!

** If MS "could" close the app gap for critical apps, spend some bucks on marketing, i believe WP can bring IOS and Android to their knees**

Is it just me or you folks too get the same feeling or dumping IOS/android and moving back to "home" ;)
What do you guys think? Please share views and opinions..
I am a long time WP user, have used many lumias.
But due to 'app gap' and some other issues, i changed ships.
As of now, i have an Iphone 6 from work, a One plus 3 as personal daily driver AND a 640 XL which i use occasionally when i get all nostalgic about WP :grin:

To tell you guys the truth
# Iphone is good when it comes to stability, apps, restoring from backups etc - but i always feel it is an overpriced phone with less user controls. It feels like a toy :P
# One plus 3- very good camera, real fast charging but what puts me off is occasional heating up issues, battery drains real fast, hangs/freezes and occasional unexplained reboots. Is short, i cannot count on this device. Battery may drain unexpectedly, etc..
# Lumia 640XL - love the UI, the plastic feel :P ( i hate metallic feel of the phones), very good camera, OS fluidity.. Occasional lags, app crashes are common but not show stoppers. I feel its real value for money **If you don't have issues with App gap**

To Sum up, i love WP, have always loved it. BUT MS screwed it up :(
App gap can get frustrating sometimes.
I am not a big fan of apps. I mostly use twitter, mails, whatsapp, maps etc. All these seem to work well. BUT some apps like uber, banking apps ( Indian banks) and MS office seems to suck real bad !!!

** If MS "could" close the app gap for critical apps, spend some bucks on marketing, i believe WP can bring IOS and Android to their knees**

Is it just me or you folks too get the same feeling or dumping IOS/android and moving back to "home" ;)
What do you guys think? Please share views and opinions..
If and when at any point wm mobile can compete neck and beck with either android or iOS in all categories not just a couple then I and millions may consider. I left 2 years ago and as for wm10 apps have not only left but lost support. Not what I'm looking for. So when the time come that wm10 can equally compete or beat iOS or androids then sure I'll fire up my 1520 and check it out but not until then and consumers are leaving wm10 way more than returning.
I love windows phone. Better than android and iPhone in my opinion. Sometimes it feels like google is paying some developers for dropping their support on their apps for this platform. One case is of IMDb. They won't create and won't let anyone create their app. A developer asked to create a free app for indb for free. But IMDb refused for no reason and without providing any reason. So it is not just Microsoft's poor marketing to blame.

I owned 520 from 2014 and bought 640xl in November, 2016. No regrets. I have also used Android and iPhone but i don't like those platform. IPhone is basically hey-look-I-have-an-iPhone and nothing more than that. Android is good only in terms of the apps, nothing else. I am not exaggerating or biased but I really believe the W10 phone is the best platform. The interface is beautiful and, people might not agree, but more customizable than Android and iOS. Android's UI gives me headache.
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I especially miss the WP interface. I moved to Apple because Microsoft didn't support my Lumia 1020 under Windows 10 mobile. I didn't go to Android because I work with Android and far too many hangs etc. I'd move back to Microsoft if they have a really good device (better than anything out there) at an iPhone price.
I would definitely considering returning to Windows Mobile, as I would in fact still be using my Lumia 950 as my daily driver had it not started suffering battery issues; even after replacing the battery. As I could not rely on it for work, I purchased an Unlocked Android phone(Nextbit Robin: has the exact same specs as the Lumia 950, + Fingerprint reader) for $150 and intend to wait and see how the Windows Mobile landscape looks moving into end of 2017/2018.

I still use my Lumia 950 occasionally, keeping it updated and use Continuum to play Minecraft with my son. :-D I am thinking I will probably start trying insider builds again on it as well. Continuum is also something I find fascinating, and think it could really be useful in the future.

As for Android, it's been nice experiencing no shortage in apps, but I am using a lot of Microsoft services still. I also use the MS Arrow Launcher, which I love, and it can show the most used apps, which are almost all on Windows Mobile in some form, so the app gap was never really that big of an issue for me.

Trying to stay hopeful and patient as we wait for any word from Redmond.
The Microsoft support for Android is in many ways better than for Windows Mobile. I think the OneDrive app is slicker on Android, and although the Office apps are about a push between the platforms. I'm still bouncing around between just sticking with Android or giving my x3 a legit chance. It's a great piece of hardware but I usually hang on to devices for a year or so and I'm not sure what support will be like over that time frame.
I recently (as of 1 month) traded in my Lumia 950 for a Galaxy S7 Edge... It was sad, but glorious! The new screen! The apps! What have I been missing?! But when all is said and done, I still gaze out onto the horizon and give a sigh... Sometimes I'll need to do something on my new Edge and I'll attempt to use the Cortana app, but she's not the same. (queue the slow sad music in the bg) I still have an old Lumia 1520 to play around with, but I'm content with my Edge. For now, I'll keep using my Edge and play around with the 1520 hoping for the day that WP redeems itself.
On WP since 7 and the bugs and apps finally get to me. Like every long term WP user I use very few apps and Amazon/ebay/paypal all disco. Other apps I wish I have are bank, parking, action cam app that work and myvolt(I planning to get one and that's the point I leave), I gave up hopes they're coming. And the bugs, especially camera and SD card related are killing me(950/xl). Not to mention continuum is a disappointment to me, you know if I have access to a monitor/kb/ms they always attached to a PC. I might as well just use the PC. Not to mention no new phones coming with good camera and camera button.
I am a long time WP user, have used many lumias.
But due to 'app gap' and some other issues, i changed ships.
As of now, i have an Iphone 6 from work, a One plus 3 as personal daily driver AND a 640 XL which i use occasionally when i get all nostalgic about WP :grin:

To tell you guys the truth
# Iphone is good when it comes to stability, apps, restoring from backups etc - but i always feel it is an overpriced phone with less user controls. It feels like a toy :P
# One plus 3- very good camera, real fast charging but what puts me off is occasional heating up issues, battery drains real fast, hangs/freezes and occasional unexplained reboots. Is short, i cannot count on this device. Battery may drain unexpectedly, etc..
# Lumia 640XL - love the UI, the plastic feel :P ( i hate metallic feel of the phones), very good camera, OS fluidity.. Occasional lags, app crashes are common but not show stoppers. I feel its real value for money **If you don't have issues with App gap**

To Sum up, i love WP, have always loved it. BUT MS screwed it up :(
App gap can get frustrating sometimes.
I am not a big fan of apps. I mostly use twitter, mails, whatsapp, maps etc. All these seem to work well. BUT some apps like uber, banking apps ( Indian banks) and MS office seems to suck real bad !!!

** If MS "could" close the app gap for critical apps, spend some bucks on marketing, i believe WP can bring IOS and Android to their knees**

Is it just me or you folks too get the same feeling or dumping IOS/android and moving back to "home" ;)
What do you guys think? Please share views and opinions..
Offtopic. I have some problems whit camera flash and photos lumia 640 lte, windows 10. 14393.953 How to reset camera and photos app to default. Thanks, and sorry for jump for another theme.
I started out on Android back when it was first introduced. I switched to WP7 the day it was released. I prefer Windows ecosystem to both Apple and Google. There are many personal reasons, but one of the most important reasons is because of the man behind MS, Bill Gates. He has done, and continues doing, great things for this world, including his wife. The UI in W10M is far superior to anything Android and Apple has. I like how busy it can look or how simple and plain you can make it. The App gap can be frustrating for the one or two apps that I would like to use, aka SnapChat... But someday that should change. For now, I bought a $20 Android phone to use snapchat.

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