I only wanted two things from this Mango update.

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The 4 million + people who bought the iPhone 4S think flash is unimportant, not to mention the millions who have the previous iPhones and everyone with a windows 7 phone.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
The 4 million + people who bought the iPhone 4S think flash is unimportant, not to mention the millions who have the previous iPhones and everyone with a windows 7 phone.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express

They might be on to something. Mobile flash is unpredictable at best. I guess some might be putting their eggs in the html5 basket or other new web tech as well.
Flash is over rated. Eats up battery too. It was pretty slow on the Droid Incredible I used to have.

He once made a blackberry pie out Mangos. Chickens say "tastes like Mango" when they bite into apples, out of respect. He conquered an entire army of androids with a single Mango. He's the most interesting cell phone user alive. "I dont always use smartphones, but when I do, I use WP. Stay Metro my friends."
When I first got my droid i used to brag that my phone could play flash and the iPhone couldn't. The reality was my phone really couldn't play flash very well and most sites I went to didn't require it. Now that I'm on wp7 I don't miss flash at all.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
Those links are from from Feburary.... 2010.

If you still have high hopes for Flash on WP7 then I have some bad news...

It's also not a priority for Microsoft.

"(One thing that isn’t on the priority list: Adobe Flash. Windows Phone unit President Andy Lees told All Things D that Microsoft is “not allergic to Flash,” but it won’t be in the next couple of updates due to battery and other concerns.)"
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Here we go!

Blackberry's profile management is the best! With a customizable LED flashing whatever color for whatever event!

The majority part of the BB OS is cray though, sad to say but true. Not going back anytime soon.
I personally hate audio reminders of missed calls/messages. Often times I will "miss" a call or not read a message because I am busy at that moment and don't want to deal with my phone. So the constant going off until I pull it out and look at it is annoying to me.

As far as Flash, I had it on Android and the only thing that ever seemed to work smoothly/properly were ads. Anything I ever really wanted to use didn't work at all (Facebook games) or was choppy/jittery (many online videos). Very rarely was there something that I wanted to see AND worked properly.

One thing I miss is Internet Sharing and that is T-Mobile's fault for not including it, because Microsoft did build it in.

The only feature that isn't available that really baffles me and I really, really want is the ability to change the snooze interval of my alarms! I want 5 minutes, not 9.
Seriously? You signed up for the forums just to post THAT? We've known Flash wasn't coming since day one. Get over it. And I'm glad there's no repeating audio alert. The last thing I want is to be next to some selfish a-hole who leaves his phone beeping for several minutes so it can annoy everyone around it.

*beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep*


Yeah, I'd toss your phone in the garbage before I be your personal audio alert.

You said it. A constant audio alert like that would be annoying as ****.

The only thing that I was disappointed with about Mango was that it still only has one universal volume. If I have the ringer set all the way up for my alarm in the mornings, then go to listen to music later in the day and forget about the current setting, I'm gonna burst an eardrum.
It's also not a priority for Microsoft.

"(One thing that isn’t on the priority list: Adobe Flash. Windows Phone unit President Andy Lees told All Things D that Microsoft is “not allergic to Flash,” but it won’t be in the next couple of updates due to battery and other concerns.)"

Translation: They know flash sucks and won't release any versions of flash until it makes mobile web browsing BETTER. Microsoft also doesn't support flash on the tablet version of Windows 8.

Adobe is scrambling to bring flash to a new generation of gadgets and they're going to keep hitting road blocks until companies actually want to put flash on their devices instead of merely putting up with flash.
Translation: They know flash sucks and won't release any versions of flash until it makes mobile web browsing BETTER. Microsoft also doesn't support flash on the tablet version of Windows 8.

Adobe is scrambling to bring flash to a new generation of gadgets and they're going to keep hitting road blocks until companies actually want to put flash on their devices instead of merely putting up with flash.

Flash crashed constantly on my laptop anyway. I think Adobe should get a more robust software.
I don't use Facebook,twitter, etc.. I'm not 16 and don't have to keep up with what other adults are doing every second of their lives. That other stuff is simply superfluous aesthetics. I want function. Not more tiles that I don't use. I have an ipod and a camera, I bought a phone, not a music placer or camera. The phone part is like 3rd on the list of priorities for the developers.

Flash player is vital. It is required for so many things. Try a speed test on your phone, nearly all of the websites need flash. Try to stream a video. Flash again. Why am I paying for a data plan if I can't watch most videos? Nearly every site I visit is incomplete because there is always some flash that is needed. It is incorporated into so many various sites.

I agree with you. It seems like wp7 is a media player/social networking tool before it is a phone. You need to be very involved adding "flair" (tiles that flip, rearranging, pinning unpinning, matching colors, etc..). And meshed in with all those social, updating tiles, tools, pictures and web links, you got the phone dialer and contacts. I would like them to be separate from those things.
Translation: They know flash sucks and won't release any versions of flash until it makes mobile web browsing BETTER. Microsoft also doesn't support flash on the tablet version of Windows 8.

Adobe is scrambling to bring flash to a new generation of gadgets and they're going to keep hitting road blocks until companies actually want to put flash on their devices instead of merely putting up with flash.

the actual translation is probably more like mobile IE doesn't support active-x and metro IE doesn't support plugins so they are back at the drawing board. I suppose there is a chance mobile devices might just end up with adobe edge which is being tested with windows phone soon
Blackberry's profile management is the best! With a customizable LED flashing whatever color for whatever event!

This x2. Having to pick up and turn on the phone to see if I have a message, simple as it is with the tiles, sucks. Great phone, love it, but there has got to be a way for me to look at the phone sitting on my desk when I come back from whatever and know if I need to pick it up.

Don't miss flash a bit. I had completely forgotten about not having it.
Translation: They know flash sucks and won't release any versions of flash until it makes mobile web browsing BETTER. Microsoft also doesn't support flash on the tablet version of Windows 8.

Adobe is scrambling to bring flash to a new generation of gadgets and they're going to keep hitting road blocks until companies actually want to put flash on their devices instead of merely putting up with flash.

I don't understand how flash could suck. I really don't care either way, but how could not having something that enhances web browsing be better than not having it at all?
I don't understand how flash could suck. I really don't care either way, but how could not having something that enhances web browsing be better than not having it at all?

Security flaws.
Drains battery fast.
Resource hog.
Increases time to load pages.
I agree with you. It seems like wp7 is a media player/social networking tool before it is a phone. You need to be very involved adding "flair" (tiles that flip, rearranging, pinning unpinning, matching colors, etc..). And meshed in with all those social, updating tiles, tools, pictures and web links, you got the phone dialer and contacts. I would like them to be separate from those things.

AGREED!!! It's too hard to get to the phone dialer!!! Need to "Home"->"Phone"->"Dial".

I just want something dedicated so that if I wanna call I just press once and get into the call screen.

Flash player is vital. It is required for so many things. Try a speed test on your phone, nearly all of the websites need flash. Try to stream a video. Flash again. Why am I paying for a data plan if I can't watch most videos? Nearly every site I visit is incomplete because there is always some flash that is needed. It is incorporated into so many various sites.

A lot of people get data plan not for video streaming, but for emails and webs and data.

Flash? It's getting ditched. Just look at what's going on with HTML5 and other awesome ****.
M$ should not waste time and resources on an abandoned technology.

Plus Flash puts severe burden on the processor and not energy efficient at all.
AGREED!!! It's too hard to get to the phone dialer!!! Need to "Home"->"Phone"->"Dial".

I just want something dedicated so that if I wanna call I just press once and get into the call screen.

A lot of people get data plan not for video streaming, but for emails and webs and data.

Flash? It's getting ditched. Just look at what's going on with HTML5 and other awesome ****.
M$ should not waste time and resources on an abandoned technology.

Plus Flash puts severe burden on the processor and not energy efficient at all.

On the first point its something that I have accepted is probably not going to change and its not that big of a deal for me I've gotten used to that quirk!

As far as flash I dont mis on my focus I dont care for i that much on my deslktop it seems to me that its mostly in the ads that clutter up the pages and slow down loading what UI really want to look at. here at WPC and other sites.
I don't use Facebook,twitter, etc.. I'm not 16 and don't have to keep up with what other adults are doing every second of their lives. That other stuff is simply superfluous aesthetics. I want function. Not more tiles that I don't use. I have an ipod and a camera, I bought a phone, not a music placer or camera. The phone part is like 3rd on the list of priorities for the developers.

Flash player is vital. It is required for so many things. Try a speed test on your phone, nearly all of the websites need flash. Try to stream a video. Flash again. Why am I paying for a data plan if I can't watch most videos? Nearly every site I visit is incomplete because there is always some flash that is needed. It is incorporated into so many various sites.

You're not understanding how valuable Twitter is in a professional capacity. I can have conversations with the best programming minds (Scott Gu, John Papa, etc) in the country over Twitter, watch their conversations with other developers, find out new, powerful software, get limited betas... there's so much valuable information on twitter, and you dismiss it as a Status Update for Teens.

You act as if you have some sort of adult need, then complain about measuring your phone speed and streaming video. Many video sites now have HTML5 compliant streams. If they don't, it needs to be requested. If you really needed Flash so badly, you should have bought a phone that had it.

Flash, as it exists today, is done. HTML5/JS/CSS is, for better or worse, going to be the future of web dev simply because of mobility.

That's the reality. You can complain all you like, but the featureset is basicallycomplete. The rest is personal preferences. If you want full functionality, get a cell card for your laptop.
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