I really miss Windows Phone, and it's quite literally driving me insane.

I agree, but maybe I am just bored with all of it, I have too many devices. Nothing can hold my attention for more than a month anymore... I need a flip phone.. and Smartphone AA.
-HTC 8X in March 2013. Dropped it and screen cracked. Bought a...

-Nokia Lumia 928 in September 2013. Hated it. What a disaster that phone was, embarrassingly buggy. Traded it in for a new one, which turned out to be better, and then dropped that one. Traded in for a...

-iPhone 4S. Loved it for two weeks, missed my 8X. Bought a...

-HTC 8X in December 2013. Fell in love all over again. Then the Icon came out, which I began itching for. I held off for a while but then...

-Nokia Lumia Icon in May 2014. Man, what a device. Loved this puppy. In February of 2015, I had to give my dog back to the breeder and I felt an emptiness. I no longer liked my phone for a variety of frustrating reasons, especially because Chase vanished from Windows Phone which really pissed me off. So...


maybe you can try not to drop your phones :cool:
I should probably start off by stating that I do have obsessive-compulsive tendencies in a lot of areas of my life, but nothing debilitating and I lead a perfectly normal life. One area that greatly impacts my daily well-being, however, is my obsession with any device (desktop, laptop, phone) feeling "right". As I grew older and began using smartphones more and more, I felt an unrelenting nagging about something feeling "off". My first solution to this problem was back in 2013 when I finally switched to an HTC 8X from an HTC Incredibe (I think that's what I was using, can't recall). Windows Phone 8 was the answer to all of my "technological mental ailments". It felt incredibly clean, minimal, sexy, and smooth. I loved every minute of it and was not bothered that much by the app gap. Below is a brief timeline of my phones over the last 3 years that outlines how I am never fully satisfied, I guess.

-HTC 8X in March 2013. Dropped it and screen cracked. Bought a...

-Nokia Lumia 928 in September 2013. Hated it. What a disaster that phone was, embarrassingly buggy. Traded it in for a new one, which turned out to be better, and then dropped that one. Traded in for a...

-iPhone 4S. Loved it for two weeks, missed my 8X. Bought a...

-HTC 8X in December 2013. Fell in love all over again. Then the Icon came out, which I began itching for. I held off for a while but then...

-Nokia Lumia Icon in May 2014. Man, what a device. Loved this puppy. In February of 2015, I had to give my dog back to the breeder and I felt an emptiness. I no longer liked my phone for a variety of frustrating reasons, especially because Chase vanished from Windows Phone which really pissed me off. So...

-iPhone 6 in February 2015. Waited for a jailbreak. Jailbroke it and boom, themed my life away.

We are now in the present day, and my feeling for wanting something fresh and new is tearing me apart like an addict. I got bored and frustrated with a jailbroken iPhone, so I upgraded to iOS 9.3 and I absolutely hate it. iOS is so incredibly ugly that I hate even using my phone anymore. I've never liked iOS. You know what I've always liked? Windows Phone. Never once have I felt bored from it, merely frustrated. But what I was bored by, I suppose, was the lack of apps (I know I know, we are all sick of this argument, but it's a real one). It's something I do not take for granted on my iPhone. I'm sure there are many other things about Windows Phone that I am forgetting really sucked (I'm sure if I picked up a Windows Phone I'd very quickly remember the things that are lacking), but a huge selling point in phones for me is how comfortable I feel using it. If I don't like the look of a device, it bothers me to no end. I'm extremely bored today because my fiance is working a 12 hour shift at the hospital, and it's raining outside. So I'm sitting here watching Arsenal while feeling like I need a serious dose of Windows Phone.

Does this sound insane? Yes, it does. But I miss my Windows Phone like no other and there's obviously some big issues with W10M that are preventing me from going to the store and buying a new device. And probably that I have a wedding to save for, but even so...you don't understand how hard it is to not go buy one. Every time I'm in the mall I go and play around with them just to get my fix, but it's never the answer.

This is not insane at all. There is something that Windows Phone has that just feels 'right' and you enjoy using it. I have no idea what it is but I feel at home with Windows Phone compared to iOS or Android. I don't care about the app gap and I know that Windows 10 Mobile isn't without issues but I wouldn't change it. When I went from Windows Phone to Android something felt like it was missing. I no longer enjoyed using the phone, it just felt like an accessory.

Now that I am back with Windows Phone everything is okay again. Sometimes it isn't about having the latest apps or the most popular features but about what just feels right for you. However, you may feel that Windows Phone is lacking (when I went back from Android I struggled a little bit but I got used to it) in apps, as everyone well knows, but Windows 10 Mobile is making small steps in the right direction in that respect with many apps now being universal ones.

So, inevitably, it's up to you. Do you follow everyone else and have a phone that is deemed popular or cool or do you go against the grain and just pick the phone that you want to use and are the most comfortable with and not the one you feel you have to use?

Welcome to Windows Phone :cool:
I know exactly the feeling. I'm on Android (Cyanogen to be exact) with a OnePlus One and it's so buggy. Some apps just plain don't work (Though it's nice to have the Microsoft features that the OnePlus One has) . I actually had a Lumia 950 XL for a while but had to return it as it was so buggy on release and I couldn't justify the $1000 price tag (in Canada, not a single carrier offers subsidies on Windows Phones). I've nearly considered getting the screen replaced on my old Lumia 920 and using whatever Windows 10 mobile preview I can get on it. If the app gap wasn't there, I'd splurge on the Windows phone today, especially since I've heard many of the initial bugs are gone. It's extremely frustrating to follow the battle of Windows Phone and hear Microsoft not putting much faith into it anymore. I think if we only had the apps, it would be a lot easier to sell both to consumers and carriers
Ooh man! Finally a thread on wc, that is not depressing! More like Notting Hill than Cramer vs Cramer! Thank you Marconis4. You gave me the looong needed fix of reading something nice and positive on this site!!!!
That practically saved my day☺ I know that might sound insane😉
Yes I too love the platform. I really hope they squash the bugs with w10m. I'm still using wp8 (not 8.1)and love the simplicity. Even would have bought a cheap wp7 if it would still support Skype. Apps are secondary to me except for the major ones. The only platform that comes close in polish and smoothness is ios.
I started with Sprint HTC Arrive
Moved to VZW 928, loved that phone, no major problems that caused me headaches. Better than the Arrive.
Edged plan up to the Icon and love it, running the final W10M for Icon through Preview and absolutely love it.
I have no issues at all with it. None.

Finally paid it off on the edge plan from VZW
I am waiting for the next phone, Rumored Surface Phone.
Regardless I will most likely be leaving VZW when that happens
Maybe sooner. Take my Icon to ATT possibly. Or maybe switch to the 950, not sure yet.

I bought 2 Android burners (Galaxy Core Prime and a Motorola) recently for dirt cheap, not activated
Just wanted something to play with and see what I was missing.
But using them is like going back to the stone age.
I will never own an Android or iPhone (Mother in law owns one and it sucks in comparison) as a primary device, unless Windows Phones are no longer produced.
That would be a very sad day indeed.

Anyone who has ever said that the apps are more polished on these devices is sadly mistaken.
Maybe a few are, but over all, they are not that much better and some are even worse.

Granted, not all apps on the Windows Phone are great, but many are.

In general, I am a Windows Phone guy for life.
there is just no comparison when it comes to look and feel of the OS in general.
I replaced my Galaxy Note 4 with a Lumia 950XL and I am never going back.

Whatever bugs I experience with my 950XL were nothing in comparison to the bugs in Android. It was so frustrating. After a while, the lock screen wasn't working, many of the widgets stopped working, and it got super slow and laggy. In comparison, the WP 10 start screen is ALWAYS super smooth. I never experience lag. The occasional app crash is more than worth it. I can't snap chat with my daughters, but I just don't care. I can get my work done. Period. That's all I care about. For me the 950XL is my perfect phone. I haven't felt that itch to get a new phone, and I'm beginning to wonder when I will again. (The new HP Win 10 phone does look super hot... hmmm)
I didn't realize how much time I wasted on my phone doing useless crap until I couldn't use Snapchat and have to use inadequate versions of Facebook and Instragram.
Dude...your wasting time, energy and effort over tools.....focus on 'doing' rather than the 'tools for doing'.
You can download offline maps in W10 also.... Just sayin'

Right now though, if you want to change the storage location from internal to SD card, the Offline Maps setting in W10M takes a crap upon "finalizing" and never recovers. Can't add maps, can't delete maps, can't use offline maps.
Samsung ruins the Android Experience with their crappy Touchwiz UI. There is a huge difference between the two. Hence why I would never waste any money on Samsung products. Buy a Nexus, Enough said. Your judgement is based on a forked version of Android. Don't get me wrong I have a Lumia 950 for my job I like it. Unfortunately It's not nearly as good as Android Media Consumption wise. Now if I need to edit some docs? Hells ya! Lumia! I'm saying this with ALL the flaws the UI has on the Lumia. Lockscreen? Crash, Camera? Crash, Rotate phone? App Crash. That is Windows 10 not, A forked version. Straight up Microsoft development. So, Missing your Lumia because of the crashes on a Samsung phone? I don't see a difference between both failures.
I'd recommend picking up a Lumia 640. It's cheap ($30-40), runs great, has solid battery life and you can run Windows 10 Mobile if you're inclined to upgrade.
I just picked up a Lumia 735 (I'm a Verizon guy) for $100 to supplement my iPhone. I've never been an app hound, but I do like the online banking apps on iOS. I'll miss those, and Starbucks. But WP's in-vehicle bluetooth integration is quite simply the best of anybody. I'll jump back and forth between the iPhone and the Lumia.
I just picked up a Lumia 735 (I'm a Verizon guy) for $100 to supplement my iPhone. I've never been an app hound, but I do like the online banking apps on iOS. I'll miss those, and Starbucks. But WP's in-vehicle bluetooth integration is quite simply the best of anybody. I'll jump back and forth between the iPhone and the Lumia.

I miss Chase very, very badly. But I agree...when I used Cortana on uConnect in my Jeep yesterday, I couldn't help but grin at her brilliance.
TLDR; Spent almost 2 years on Android using their most powerful devices and I was never happy. Couldn't be happier back on WM10.

I can really relate to this story. I was a huge Windows Phone lover from WP7 to 8.1 but eventually they fell behind and lost their focus. The "app gap" really pushed me towards Android, so I finally made the jump. I spent a year and half in the eco system and was never satisfied. I would change my launcher and fully customize it every 3-4 days. It was a sickness almost. I was never satisfied with how it looked or how it was formatted. It was so boring, something about Windows Mobile design speaks to me.

Anyway, about 2 weeks ago I traded in my Nexus 6P for a 950XL and I've never been happier with my device. I realized while on Android the app gap isn't that important. All the apps I thought I was missing out on, I realized I didn't care about. I don't use Snapchat and that seems to be the big one everyone cares about. I actually have more apps installed on my Windows phone than I did on my Android.

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