I really miss Windows Phone, and it's quite literally driving me insane.

Right now though, if you want to change the storage location from internal to SD card, the Offline Maps setting in W10M takes a crap upon "finalizing" and never recovers. Can't add maps, can't delete maps, can't use offline maps.

Strange... that never happened with me. I have several maps stored on SD.
HI, I am glad to tell you that official windows 10 mobile update is nearly perfect. I have updated lumia 830 and It's just working absolutely fine with no lags or errors. The photos app was sometimes buggy(not opening) , but that too is solved. Try it and you will be amazed that how much improvements are there in windows 10 mobile as compared to windows 8.1 phone.
What a fun thread.

I switched to an iPhone 5s some months back, mainly to use RingPlus service (a Sprint MVNO). Had started on WP with the 520, then a 920 (dropped it), and then a 930. Great phones.

Since the whole family is on iPhone, I do like having iMessage and Facetime available. And Snapchat, though we haven't used that much lately. Nice to have Personal Capital, Capital One and other apps too (Clash Royale... addicting!!) I do waste more time on Facebook on the iOS app than I did on WP.

What do I miss about WP? Cortana. Swipe keyboard. Tiles. A BACK BUTTON! (I loved how I could ask Cortana to "play Taylor Swift" and she would fire up Groove and get the tunes going. (I know, Taylor Swift, guilty pleasure LOL))

I have the Cortana app on iPhone but it's kind of half-baked, which I expected.

I wonder what the best Sprint Windows Phone would be for me? I wonder if the 735 would be compatible on Sprint / RingPlus....

Fun discussion.... :excited:
I started in the world of smartphones with an iPhone 3Gs. Once the 3 year contract was up I decided to give the then newly released Nokia Lumia 800 with WP7 a try. I am heavy Windows user so it was an easy decision to move platforms. The phone was a carrier locked version as well which turned out to be a total mistake to do. Loved the 800 but in Canada the support for the Windows Phone platform was almost non-existent and updates to a long time to get released. Then Microsoft pretty much abandoned WP7 and the older Lumias by focusing on WP8 which the Lumia 800 would not support. So in a rage I ended my contract and moved to the Android OS to see what all the fuss was about. At first I liked the HTC One M8 I got but within less than a year I discovered I was getting bored with it.

I too missed Windows Phone.

By this time, a year ago, Windows Phone was not to be seen here in Canada. I decided to throw caution to the wind and purchased an unlocked Lumia 930. Best decision so far. Fantastic phone, build quality, and no reliance on Telco carrier to provide the updates. The only drawbacks to the 930 was lack of SDcard expansion and the LTE network band needed wasn't carried by my Telco. But then the 950XL was announced and I went onto the pre-order waiting list. Since getting the 950XL and being on the Insider Fast Ring I couldn't be happier. Large display, supported LTE band, expansion slot gives me what I need. Sure the 950XL's build quality could be better, it doesn't have Double-Tap-To-Wake, no USB Audio Class 2 support, and there's some WiFi (5GHz) connectivity issues.

I don't care about the so-called "app gap" in Windows Store. I've found all the apps I would normally use on the go and am not much of a mobile gamer either. I wish there were some apps available that I am familiar with on Android/iOS but I managed to find alternatives to get by.

But it's still Windows Phone and I love it!
What a fun thread.

I switched to an iPhone 5s some months back, mainly to use RingPlus service (a Sprint MVNO). Had started on WP with the 520, then a 920 (dropped it), and then a 930. Great phones.

Since the whole family is on iPhone, I do like having iMessage and Facetime available. And Snapchat, though we haven't used that much lately. Nice to have Personal Capital, Capital One and other apps too (Clash Royale... addicting!!) I do waste more time on Facebook on the iOS app than I did on WP.

What do I miss about WP? Cortana. Swipe keyboard. Tiles. A BACK BUTTON! (I loved how I could ask Cortana to "play Taylor Swift" and she would fire up Groove and get the tunes going. (I know, Taylor Swift, guilty pleasure LOL))

I have the Cortana app on iPhone but it's kind of half-baked, which I expected.

I wonder what the best Sprint Windows Phone would be for me? I wonder if the 735 would be compatible on Sprint / RingPlus....

Fun discussion.... :excited:

Install the Swiftkey keyboard to get a Swipe keyboard back.
I didn't realize how much time I wasted on my phone doing useless crap until I couldn't use Snapchat and have to use inadequate versions of Facebook and Instragram.

Dude, now that I have the iPhone SE, I realized that I don't need these social apps, especially Snapchat. I can live without it. Snapchat appeals to one's insecurity or fear of missing out.. Do we really need to tell everyone what we're doing? I can go on an endless rant but I'll stop. To each their own. :)
I don't mean any harm in my response, as you actually offer very sound advice. I am lucky enough that my fiance and I both have great jobs and I do not take that for granted. I was just attempting to make my post slightly on the humorous side and to emphasize my love for WP. After all, while tools, phones are incredibly important tools in our lives and ones that we should have ultimate comfort and joy in using. While some people like to buy fancy cars and go out every night, I like to buy aquariums and phones.

I have this image of your mobile phones floating around in your aquarium as your two hobbies combine........
Dude, now that I have the iPhone SE, I realized that I don't need these social apps, especially Snapchat. I can live without it. Snapchat appeals to one's insecurity or fear of missing out. Do we really need to tell everyone what we're doing? I can go on an endless rant but I'll stop. To each their own. :)
Arguably many, perhaps most people don't really need a smartphone. Or VR Headsets. A lot of this is about new ways of entertaining ourselves and reaching out. Generalizing that Snapchat appeals to one's insecurity or fear of missing out assumes an ability to determine the motivations of all the users.

As it relates to platform, at least on Android or iOS, you can try Snapchat-if you don't like it, uninstall it. Currently with Windows, you can't even try it.
That's not true. There are some Snapchat apps, but you must be prepared to lose your account :p
TLDR; Spent almost 2 years on Android using their most powerful devices and I was never happy. Couldn't be happier back on WM10.

I can really relate to this story. I was a huge Windows Phone lover from WP7 to 8.1 but eventually they fell behind and lost their focus. The "app gap" really pushed me towards Android, so I finally made the jump. I spent a year and half in the eco system and was never satisfied. I would change my launcher and fully customize it every 3-4 days. It was a sickness almost. I was never satisfied with how it looked or how it was formatted. It was so boring, something about Windows Mobile design speaks to me.

Anyway, about 2 weeks ago I traded in my Nexus 6P for a 950XL and I've never been happier with my device. I realized while on Android the app gap isn't that important. All the apps I thought I was missing out on, I realized I didn't care about. I don't use Snapchat and that seems to be the big one everyone cares about. I actually have more apps installed on my Windows phone than I did on my Android.

I was the same way with my jailbroken iPhone 6. I would spend hours theming, post my setup on Reddit and just sit back and smile with how proud I was of it. Guess what...three to five days later, I was sick of it and changed it to something else. Again, spending hours tweaking it -- and this went on from May 2015 til January 2016. It was horrible. I slowly realized that it was because everything about iOS was so boring and ugly.
I miss the voice packs from HERE Drive+ for turn by turn. That British bird really knew how to give the directions. In Win10 maps Cortana almost yells at you when you miss a turn.
Technology comes and goes very fast, I would focus more on treating your OCD . There is no perfect phone, just chose one you like, that seems to outweigh the others, and keep it for at least a year. Here is an Idea...narrow it down Windows/Android/IOS... then choose a style you like build, color and specs and the easiest to use for you... then just be happy with it. Personally i think Windows would be great if the App gap was fixed, its my choice... I hate Iphone and all those apps smothering the screen, speaking of OCD that would be a nightmare no?. If you want clean crisp then windows/ android is the go...the thing is now you can get most Microsoft Apps on Android.
I loved my HTC 8X and Lumia Icon, and I had my eye on a 950 XL last year. But due to cellular coverage issues, my wife and I decided not to leave Verizon (I feel trapped!). So in order to get a phone with a larger display, I went with the LG V10. This phone is fine- does everything I need it to do. But I miss the fluidity and charm of W10.
I will be interested in learning what would happen if I put a Verizon SIM into an HP Elite X3......
That's not true. There are some Snapchat apps, but you must be prepared to lose your account :p
Which Snapchat apps you referring to? Do these apps allow you to interact with actual Snapchat users in the same way as the official app?
Arguably many, perhaps most people don't really need a smartphone. Or VR Headsets. A lot of this is about new ways of entertaining ourselves and reaching out. Generalizing that Snapchat appeals to one's insecurity or fear of missing out assumes an ability to determine the motivations of all the users.

As it relates to platform, at least on Android or iOS, you can try Snapchat-if you don't like it, uninstall it. Currently with Windows, you can't even try it.

Tried it and I don't like it. I still have it on my SE though, and would open it once in awhile to see what my friends are up to, but that's about it.

Update: I'm back to 950 XL after having some calling issues with the SE. The mic is not as good as the XL.

EDIT: Look for Spectre at the store. ;)
Reading your WP journey really makes me appreciate mine. From late 2012 to mid to late 2014 I was absolutely in love with my cyan Lumia 920.

I babied the hell out of the device and it aged fairly well. When the Lumia 520 was dirt cheap I bought it and that's when the honeymoon phase with the 920 started to spiral downward.

It was around Fall 2014 when I started using a hand me down iPhone 5 and felt it had the perfect size of the 520 with the high resolution of the 920. That and all the apps I could download. It was also at this point that WP8 app support started crumbling.

By summer 2015 I had kept switching between the iPhone and 920 because of the same dilemma you're talking about--I missed the UI of WP8 but the iPhone still has all the banking and video streaming apps.

I finally gave in and got a 6S, though begrudgingly, as I hate the design and the OS bores me. But W10M doesn't seem anywhere near as smooth as WP8 was so now it just feels like a waiting game.
I'm in a similar boat right now.

I got a 521 back in 2013, when my Galaxy Note died. Was it a huge difference? Sure was. I went from a gigantic screen to a 4 inch one. It took some getting used to, but turns out? I really loved that phone. (Hell I still have it and play with it from time to time.)

Then I upgraded to a 635, because I saw it for dirt cheap. Why not right?

Turns out I liked the 521 better. But I digress.

Upgraded to a 1020. Oh MAN. What a beast of a phone. I miss it still. Unfortunately, though, it met its end with some concrete.

I have a 640 that I still tinker with. Right now, I have a galaxy note 4 as my daily driver. Great phone. But there's something so appealing about the windows phone OS. The simplicity I think? I'm not 100% sure, but once Windows 10 is a bit more polished...I think I'll jump back. I can't spend the money on a 950 and not like it. That and my wife would KILL me if I bought another phone...All those phones I mentioned except the 1020 I still have >> And more....
Currently using the 6Plus.....but just not the same.

Here are the things that I miss about my old Windows Phones (burned through 3 of them....HTC Surround, Nokia 900 and 928)

#1 Dark Theme (god please Apple....give me that)
#2 Camera with Advanced controls built right in (Apples is too dumb....and 3rd parties just cant get a logical interface that's comfortable)
#3 skipping around that easy as hell interface brought me joy
#4 Back buttons !!
#5 Back Arrows !!!!! (really Apple.....you give me a 3point font to get back to my mailbox??....&@$^#$)
#6 Tough as nails phone.....(once dropped my 928 off the roof on to my back patio.....no broken screen, snapped it back into place after the corner popped out....ready to roll !)
#7 Gorgeous AMOLED Screens (on my Lumias)

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