I can't believe how hard it is for some people in this thread to see the potential here
I don't believe I've heard anyone say they didn't see potential. I see the POTENTIAL. As you like to quote definitions, here's the definition of potential (from dictionary.com; definitions related to grammar and electricity removed):
possible, as opposed to actual:
the potential uses of nuclear energy.
capable of being or becoming:
a potential danger to safety.
Grammar. expressing possibility:
the potential subjunctive in Latin; the potential use of can in I can go.
Archaic. potent1 .
possibility; potentiality:
an investment that has little growth potential.
a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be developed.
So you see, @spaulagain, potential merely means POSSIBILITY not a REALITY.
It doesn't matter how loud you shout, universal apps are may make development on Windows more attractive, but there is no certainty about it. You hate us expressing our concerns about universal apps, and will come out with your usual "So what you're saying is Microsoft should just give up" line as it's a logical next step. Total bullsh!t. And total sophistry on your part.
Great, you love universal apps. So develop some for us instead of just stabbing away at the keyboard attempting to belittle anyone who dares to have an opinion different from your own.