I went ahead and installed Windows 10 on my HTC One M8 - Any questions?

I had a similar issue updating from .107 to .420 (had to uninstall Preview and re-install to get .420) but .494 installed automatically for me about 2 weeks ago. FYI, I read the update notes and didn't really see anything important/new except it was supposed to fix the auto-backup issue however, my phone still doesn't auto-backup correctly so I do a manual backup daily.
Whoa, I've got an HTC M8 with Android. Do you mean you can install Windows 10 on it? That'd be sweet. Too bad it seems there's some problems.
This forum string is for upgrading from W8.1 to W10. I'm not sure it would even work for Android to W10. Also, if you have Android, I'd stay with it as Windows is great because it works well with all your other Windows devices but lots of Apps/companies don't offer their App products for Windows just Android/IOS. Those of us that wanted W10 are just doing this Preview because we had W8.1 but Windows won't support the W10 upgrade with our HTC phones so we were left in the dust with many Apps/companies dropping service to W8.1.
There were two versions of the M8 sold, one with android, one with windows. You can't switch between them on the same device, but you can upgrade the one you bought.

This forum is for the windows version, and most of the conversations of late are about the latest versions of W10. There is a separate forum for the android version, with topics about getting the latest version of android on it.
Quite honestly, this latest build is doing really well on my HTC. Battery life seems much better than before. I'd double check to see if any of your e-mail accounts is having trouble syncing.
Quite honestly, this latest build is doing really well on my HTC. Battery life seems much better than before. I'd double check to see if any of your e-mail accounts is having trouble syncing.
Me too - are you on Redstone too? Battery life isn't perfect, but is absolutely serviceable for the first time since switching to 10. My only complaint is app stability, but that could be the apps, not the build.
I'm on build .494 (you said .464?) and battery life is much better. Check your settings/Battery Saver/Battery use to see what is using up all your resources. If it is Backup Assistant Plus, that software does not work correctly and you'll have to do a factory reset (see above string). If you can't find the battery drain, just backup your phone then do a factory reset to clean up everything and DO NOT install BAP when it starts up. Actually, a factory reset should be done after every "major" update like for W8.1 to W10 or even after a minor update if you are having issues. Your backup saves everything fine so you just have to go through all the crap of opening all your Apps and allowing permissions for them to run (takes about 1 hr. after all Apps have been updated).
I'm on build .494 (you said .464?) and battery life is much better. Check your settings/Battery Saver/Battery use to see what is using up all your resources. If it is Backup Assistant Plus, that software does not work correctly and you'll have to do a factory reset (see above string). If you can't find the battery drain, just backup your phone then do a factory reset to clean up everything and DO NOT install BAP when it starts up. Actually, a factory reset should be done after every "major" update like for W8.1 to W10 or even after a minor update if you are having issues. Your backup saves everything fine so you just have to go through all the crap of opening all your Apps and allowing permissions for them to run (takes about 1 hr. after all Apps have been updated).

That's so true. I think I turned off a majority of nonvital background tasks to increase my battery life as well. Cortana tends to be a big user of power especially if you have a tile on your start screen
yes it's 494 mistyped :smile: but i didn't have any problem on build 456, after update to 494 my battery starts drain much quicker than usual
Same thing just happened. I've been running build .420 for about a month. I am on the slow ring, but my understanding was updates rolled out roughly each month, so I wondered why the update gizmo didn't show me anything. So, I went to Windows Insider, told it I wanted to bow out, hit the button. But before it could finish processing that, I hit the back arrow and it told me the production pre-release was ready. Build .494. Not sure why this has persisted. Anyone else with an M8 (or without, for that matter) have this issue?
P.S. I am installing .494 now...

Maybe it's just because I'm Dave, or because I have an HTC One M8W. I went into Windows Insider again, and told it I wanted to back out of the program, and then hit continue. Then, I see an update that says the production threshold version is ready, and I need to go to system/updates to find it. Anyhow, I had to opt back into the program. It seems I went further than previous times. Would me selecting "notify to schedule restart" have anything to do with this?
I have checked a few times this evening, and never got any indications that an update was available. Anyhow, it looks like I need to wait a little bit for the system to catch up, as the update isn't showing up...yet.
[edit] still running .494 Got the insider program to give me the "your phone is ready to get updates from the following ring: Production Production Threshold Please go to settings...blah blah blah. Update isn't showing up yet.
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So my backup assistant plus has been draining my battery like crazy. I'm running build .494 and I was wondering if I reset my phone under settings>system>about, does that do a factory reset to wp8.1 or will it know to stay on win10?

I might be mistaken but in another forum, it was mentioned that Microsoft had removed access to getting any insider builds for the HTC one m8 for windows so I'm a bit concerned about that.

Your phone just resets and stays with w10. Remember, DON'T set up Back Up Assistant when you start back up. It doesn't work with w10.

Not sure how you got build .494 if your not getting insider builds, unless you are just starting with .494? I'm on .494 and have received all new builds up to now as they are released just fine with my HTC one m8. I watch the Windows webpage to make sure I'm on the latest build; it lists new builds when they come out and what they have fixed in the build.
Well I've been running the insider builds for a while. My phone is on release preview. I accidentally must've activated Backup Assistant recently or something because that's when I started noticing my phone heating up and draining battery like crazy.

Also, in another forum, it was said that Microsoft removed access to new insider builds for the HTC one m8. So if you revert your HTC back to 8.1, there is no way for you to get win10 or something like that. So basically, if your HTC one m8 is on 8.1, you're stuck there but if you're on win10, you're also stuck on .494 or something. I might be wrong. I just wish this phone had continued support.
Is there any way to force our phones to get latest build or just we stuck on 494 forever ??
at least i wish we could get anniversary update to, before dropping from project
Well, what do you know!? My phone has .545 installed. Maybe it happened overnight. Well, that is fantastic!

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