I went ahead and installed Windows 10 on my HTC One M8 - Any questions?

I still don't understand why Microsoft has dropped windows 10 support for this great smartphone...
But... 545 is much better than W8.1. Also, we should still receive future updates to this Version 1511 just as we got updated from .494 to .545. We'll just never get to go to the Windows 10 Version 1607 or future "versions".
However, being a business owner myself, I would think if Microsoft isn't going to support W8.1 product updates (they should as it's only one jump from W8.1 to W10), they should offer at least a nominal phone upgrade amount, say $300, to get consumer to stay with supported Windows Phones. Otherwise we'll all eventually just go back to an Android or IOS phone simply because of the bad customer service we have received from Microsoft for this phone situation. If they don't offer us something, obviously they don't want our business which means to me that they really aren't interested in the Cell Phone business and are only nominally playing with it to try and show an attempt... lame as it obviously is. I was so happy when I originally found out I could get a Windows Phone and I luv my HTC One M(8); what a let down now.
But... 545 is much better than W8.1. Also, we should still receive future updates to this Version 1511 just as we got updated from .494 to .545. We'll just never get to go to the Windows 10 Version 1607 or future "versions".
However, being a business owner myself, I would think if Microsoft isn't going to support W8.1 product updates (they should as it's only one jump from W8.1 to W10), they should offer at least a nominal phone upgrade amount, say $300, to get consumer to stay with supported Windows Phones. Otherwise we'll all eventually just go back to an Android or IOS phone simply because of the bad customer service we have received from Microsoft for this phone situation. If they don't offer us something, obviously they don't want our business which means to me that they really aren't interested in the Cell Phone business and are only nominally playing with it to try and show an attempt... lame as it obviously is. I was so happy when I originally found out I could get a Windows Phone and I luv my HTC One M(8); what a let down now.
I totally agree. Microsoft are shooting them selfs in the foot
Has anyone gotten the Sept 13th .589 update yet? Looks like it fixes some issues (one good for me; Bluetooth blocking network access after disconnecting causing a need to reboot). I'm still on .545 but have tried to update to .589 daily without any luck. As I have done before but I'm chicken now... has anyone tried uninstalling Insider Build then reinstall to get the update? I've read they won't let us re-install if we uninstall it now? However, last time I did the uninstall/reinstall, I didn't get all the way uninstalled before it gave me the current update back then so I'm thinking about trying it.
.545 on this phone is a painful experience connectity-wise. I am constantly having to reboot in order to connect to the next data stream. Is anyone else having t his issue on the M8-one?
I have the exact same problem. Release .494 was way better as I had very little issues with that release. I wish I could go back to .494; can anyone tell me how to do it. The newest release, Sept 13th .589, looks like it is supposed to fix the "reboot to connect to data" issue but so far I have not been able to get that release to download.
It looks like the M8 is not going to be upgraded any longer and that is a sin as this was a flagship phone just a couple of years ago. MS isn't attracting many new customers and they are abandoning the customers they have, not a formula that says we are in this to stay so next phone will be android or OS.

It is just to crippling to be in the MS world and not have access to all the apps so many companies offer and the situation is getting worse. Example, got a new Tom Tom with traffic that requires a blue tooth connection through an app but they don't and won't, make a Windows phone app. Now they are leaving me with a crippled version of their OS even though I have a phone very capable of running the .589 version.
It looks like the M8 is not going to be upgraded any longer and that is a sin as this was a flagship phone just a couple of years ago. MS isn't attracting many new customers and they are abandoning the customers they have, not a formula that says we are in this to stay so next phone will be android or OS.

It is just to crippling to be in the MS world and not have access to all the apps so many companies offer and the situation is getting worse. Example, got a new Tom Tom with traffic that requires a blue tooth connection through an app but they don't and won't, make a Windows phone app. Now they are leaving me with a crippled version of their OS even though I have a phone very capable of running the .589 version.

Are you sure? I though I read somewhere that Microsoft and HTC decided to upgrade it to Windows 10 after all...if they didn't those are very sad news since this is still a great smartphone.
How did your Redstone install go; are you happy with it? I'm on .545 and the rebooting multiple times daily to reconnect to the network (looks like Cortona and Bluetooth are the problems) is driving me crazy and looks like we aren't going to get .589 since it was released 9/13 and I've tried everything but still can't get it:

Update: I installed Redstone using the directions earlier in this post. It's a bit tough to get Interop installed to allow registry editing but keep at it. Once installed Redstone installs easy. So far so good.
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(Apologies in advance for duplicate post, just want to ping as many thread subscribers as I can.)

So I just upgraded my dad's m8 One on Verizon to the latest Redstone RS1 .321 build. Unfortunately, stupid me did a hard reset despite reading I wasn't supposed to, and I lost the Data and MMS connection. I was successfully able to add back the Verizon APN settings so data is now working, however I'm unable to get the MMS info to work. I was able to unhide the setting via the RegEdit I found on these boards here:


However all the settings I've seen on the internet still aren't working for send or receive of MMS. I tried using these here:


The question is, are there Verizon MMS APN settings that have worked for anyone else adding them after the fact in Windows 10, or am I going to have to go all the way back to 8.1 and back to 10 again to get this one feature working on Verizon again?

Any and all info is truly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!
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Can you please tell me how you installed windows 10? I used the upgrade advisor and it tells me that my phone is able to be updated to windows 10?


Can you help me install windows 10 on my new HTC One M8? I am also having a problem sending a text picture, Sim settings for Con. Cell.



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