Icon rebooting

I've had my Icon for a few days, and overnight it just turned off. Thankfully my biological clock work me up lol.

The only way I could get it turn back on was plugging it into a charger. I had it on a wireless charger overnight, so I figured I bumped it off in my sleep somehow and the battery died, but when it finally booted, the battery was at 85%. This all sort of scares me, if it happens again I'll swap it out, but I'm really hoping it was a fluke.
Just an update from me. It has not happened again so far. it was odd cause it happened right after i sent four pictures in a message. i dont know if that had anything to do with it or not
Mine rebooted a couple times in the first day or two when I got it (launch day). Since then I have noticed it has rebooted a couple more times all seemingly at random. I actually had it reboot this morning. It was just sitting on my desk next to me here at work. I didn't have anything running, it wasn't on a charger and wifi is turned off. Something caught my eye, looked over and the phone was rebooting.

While it hasn't been a huge issue it is a bit disappointing. Hopefully a firmware or software update will add a bit of extra stability.
Damn it. Mines just rebooted again driving home from work seems turning off WiFi didn't help. 20 days and counting before I can't exchange for a new one. Hoping foe an update soon.
Once in a while a poorly fitting case can cause havoc by pressing the buttons on your phone. There's been a couple of threads in the forum here where a bad case was causing problems If you have your phone in a case and are have a rebooting problem, remove the case and see if it still happens.
Once in a while a poorly fitting case can cause havoc by pressing the buttons on your phone. There's been a couple of threads in the forum here where a bad case was causing problems If you have your phone in a case and are have a rebooting problem, remove the case and see if it still happens.

I had the same thing happen but because I didn't have a case. The button was really easy to press without a case. Using a case eliminated the too sensitive button problem.
I just cave in and called Verizon. A new phone is being shipped to me as I type this. Ill come back to this post in a few days to let u know if it fix my reboot issue. I was going to wait it out but this very morning, the phone rebooted twice back to back while I was in bed reading WPC.
Wow thats really crazy. After that one time it has yet to do it again. for me still. Just recently bought an otterbox case for it to make sure my screen doesnt scratch and for the belt clip. Has anyone informed Microsoft tech support or Nokia tech to see if they have this as a known issue? I would like to know what theyre thoughts are on this. Ill probably send them a email about it today

Since the replacement phone I got on Friday, the number of reboot is o -zero-. I'm totally in love with my Icon. Not only the rebooting have stop but notice my WiFi is also alot more stable. No setting was change of any kind besides a new phone. I recommend those with reboot,WiFi issues to get a new a replacement phone asap.

Since the replacement phone I got on Friday, the number of reboot is o -zero-. I'm totally in love with my Icon. Not only the rebooting have stop but notice my WiFi is also alot more stable. No setting was change of any kind besides a new phone. I recommend those with reboot,WiFi issues to get a new a replacement phone asap.

This sounds a lot more like the phone I've had from the get go than what other people have been posting all along. Love it. Glad you're enjoying your Icon.
I'm on my second Icon - the first one would reboot at random, and I usually have WiFi turned on too. Thought my second Icon would have been better, but I just now noticed that it rebooted. I have to say though when it does reboot, it's fairly quick about it. But still, this shouldn't be happening.
I just activated my Icon on Saturday night. It has rebooted on me 2 or 3 times a day since then. I called up Verizon and they are sending a replacement. Should get it on Thursday. Hopefully the new one doesn't reboot itself! I can deal with it if I absolutely have to... I'm loving the Icon!

UPDATE: I've received my replacement and have used it for several days and there has been no sign of a reboot!
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Have had my phone since launch. Noticed it rebooting 3 times the other day. Twice while I was in the middle of something and once when it was in my pocket at work. Also, the wifi at my house NEVER works with my Icon (or works super slowly) yet I've had no problems on my 8X or 928.

Anything that I can do since I'm well out of range on the 14 day return policy?
As I understand it, this phone has a 12 month warranty for defects. What is all this talk about 14 days? Wouldn't that be the time allotted to make sure it's the phone you wish to keep, and not exchange it for another model? If the phone is considered defective due to random reboots, it should be replaced for up to 12 months. Am I wrong with this line of thinking? Otherwise, what good is the warranty? I've had some recent problems with mine rebooting out of the blue. Should it continue, I'll be contacting Verizon about my Icon warranty. I keep hoping there will be a fix released as there was with the 822 to correct the problem.
Update again

Last post since I got was on March 24th. Phone is still perfect. Not a single problem. Just wanted to let ppl know that its 120% fix. If yours is rebooting. Replace it now
Last night my Icon started to reboot itself every few minutes. It just sat there on the desk next to me turning itself off and tuning itself back on again. It's done it a couple of times this morning already. ......Just did it now. So....this is kind of unacceptable...lol. I've had the Icon since it's release on Feb. 20. I love it and have had no real complaints. I've noticed a couple of random reboots over the past month but that didn't alarm me but it's current behavior is over the top. Guess it's off to the Microsoft Store this morning unless I can find some useful information online between now and 10:00.
Last night my Icon started to reboot itself every few minutes. It just sat there on the desk next to me turning itself off and tuning itself back on again. It's done it a couple of times this morning already. ......Just did it now. So....this is kind of unacceptable...lol. I've had the Icon since it's release on Feb. 20. I love it and have had no real complaints. I've noticed a couple of random reboots over the past month but that didn't alarm me but it's current behavior is over the top. Guess it's off to the Microsoft Store this morning unless I can find some useful information online between now and 10:00.

How's the battery drainage going? Any noticeable decrease in battery life? Did you check your background tasks? Are there any that you have up there now that you didn't have before?

My Icon has only randomly rebooted twice. Both happened on the same day and were because I was in a location where a cell tower had recently gone down and the con was struggling to get a signal. Maybe consider that as an option for what's been happening to you - how's your reception?

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